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Everything posted by snubber

  1. Sounds tasty...my only thought is, is the flavor really strong or is it like most of JC's juices and kinda weak?
  2. Or you could just stretch the spring out a little like I did. It helps, just don't over do it.
  3. Hey...sounds like you're really on your way with this vaping stuff. It does get addictive doesn't it? I didn't know there was a company right down where I was working? If I had I would have really been happy. Hope to be down that way again soon for work. Maybe we can meet locally for coffee and chat? Well keep up the good work...I know you're gonna love it. And try those cartos..I really think you'll like them. Good luck and happy vaping.
  4. The worst part about all that is that it's so true of so many of our reps. Very funny....and yet so sad. tks Chris
  5. So many flavors...so little time. You have to decide if you want fruit, beverage, or some kind of tobacco flavor first, then go from there. Flavor is different for everyone and what one person loves another will say it tastes like crap. So it's your taste buds that will make the choice. You can't go wrong with the VT store juices. They are all really great tasting and you may find just what you're looking for there. But there are a crap load of vendors out there, and most of them carry the same flavors, just some are a little better than others. I don't envy you starting out your quest for the perfect juice. I myself am still looking, although I have found many I like. And I'm sure in time you will have your favorites too. Good luck and happy vaping and welcome to the forum.
  6. Nice looking unit. Not too sure about the action tho. And just how much is this going for???
  7. All good suggestions, but I have to agree with Chris. If your feeling some side effects from vaping you should probably cut back a little and see how it goes. I vape a hell of a lot more than I ever did smoking, even when I was up to 4 packs a day and those first few days were a real killer. Headaches, dizziness, was just a nic buzz but my body finally got use to it and you will find your spot too in time. Good luck and happy vaping.
  8. It is some nasty tasting crap isn't it? It will go away but until it does ewwww. Maybe you should try some 510 empty cartos and fill them with whatever you like.
  9. I got a couple of brass ones from Super-T at first. They look nice till they start to tarnish a little but they clean right up. They're a little heavy tho. Also have a couple of the black plastic ones. They work well and are a great little idea, I too would say it's a well added addition to anyones vaping supplies.
  10. Very interesting article, curious to see if any of those members from congress give it the thumbs up.
  11. So all you folks that just had to have that Joker when it first came out....are you feeling a little soreness around the area where the preparation H should go??? Sounds like a gotcha to me.....sorry
  12. I think once you get the hang of dripping you'll stay with it except for times like driving or when it's to much trouble. Also, try some cartos' you may find you really like the ease of use. They hold a lot of juice and really hold up well.
  13. Sounds promising...hope they don't try to sway the results in any way. Like Actor said..good units may make all the difference in a good report or a bad ending. But at least it's a start in the right direction.
  14. Ok..so we have all grown up eating crap from places like McD's and Wendys'. Is it good for us? not really, but then again they didn't come out on the street and hold a gun to my head to come in and eat. I'm sure all those so called well doers' that want to take them to court ate just as much at these places as we did but this is just another way to get their pitiful little group noticed. Give us a break and shut the Hell Up
  15. Well, people wanted "change" and now they're getting it. And so are the rest of us !!!!
  16. Short and sweet and to the point...good job. But I thought sweet-caroline was you favorite?
  17. I have one of those ultrasonic cleaners and have tried all sorts of liquid in it to try and clean some attys. Mouthwash, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, coffee pot cleaner, and so far nothing has done a great job. Got some of it out but nothing to write home about. Saw something about some cleaner that they use to clean pop-corn kettles with, thinking about giving it a try.
  18. Mixing can be a lot of fun. I haven't tried any strange concoctions yet, keep it simple, but I can regulate how strong the flavor is by doing it myself on stuff like coffee and chocolate. In the long run it's also very cost effective, give it a try. Good luck and happy vaping.
  19. Congrats on day 3 !!! Keep up the good work, Good luck and happy vaping.
  20. Well that sux....just when I go to look it's gone....WTF???
  21. That's it...you've found the trick to more vapor enjoyment.
  22. It should be ok...just don't try it with a 5v unit or POP goes the atty.
  23. Lily...for starters you could just go to wal-mart and get a small craft organizer box with different segments. The plastic ones that you can adjust the size of the compartments will work for now to hold your carts and extra batteries. But I'm sure that down the road you'll be looking into larger units to store all your pv's juices and extras. Take a look in the gallery at some of the ways others have worked out this problem. Good luck and happy vaping.
  24. Can't really add anything that hasn't already been said. But my first unit had a cut-off of about 6 sec. and it use to drive me crazy. I don't think you have anything to worry about. If it keeps up and your unit doesn't work right then it's time to find something new. Good luck and happy vaping.
  25. Hi Shel...You really can't go wrong with the Ego/Tornado. Like Chris and Brian said it's the next best step into the world of vaping. I think you'll love it as much as the rest of us do. Good luck and happy vaping.
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