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Everything posted by snubber

  1. Well they wanted change and now it's on it's way. The trouble is that when it finally hits he will probably be out of office and they will blame all of it on some other poor smuck. Thanks for the warning.
  2. Those are some great looking pieces of work. Way out of my price range. And Dave....excellent work, really beautiful.
  3. Very creative idea! Way to go Kitsune.
  4. I agree Brian. It's getting to the point where it's just too much trouble to try and go through all the different listings to find out who has what and from which company. Marketing gimmicks are ok to a point. They tend to get your attention, but after you have us looking give us the straight answer. Is it Joye, Janty, SLB, Baw, what? Just some honest answers is all we really need and keep the misrepresentation to your selves.
  5. another great review. Would love to give it a try...just not in chatroulette...lol
  6. I love it! And where are you finding all the cool emos?
  7. Hello again Lori...I know that Totally Wicked out of FLA. carries the LoRes attys, I've gotten a couple of them from there and so far they have been working great now for about 2months. But I'm not sure if they carry vg liquid. I know that Tasty Vapor carries both pg.vg or mix so maybe you could look into them. They have a lot of flavors and also custom mix if you want.Also Vaporgalaxy and I believe Clouds of Vapor have lo res. Just a couple of ideas. Good luck and happy vaping.
  8. Welcome...sounds like you've already gotten great answers to your questions so all I can do is put in my 2cents worth for the Ego/Tornado. I have one and it's a great unit. Battery life is great and I'm a heavy vaper. I started out with a mall e-cig and moved up to the 801 and a 901. Both were good units for their size but didn't last long enough. Was constantly changing batteries. So I moved up to the Tornado/Ego and haven't been sorry. I think you'll like this device both for size and dependability. And like "nana" always says "backups backups backups". Both batteries, attys, carts, and juice. You might also look into direct dripping. It does make a lot of difference in the experience. So happy hunting, there a a ton of vendors out there with all kinds of parts and juice to choose from. I'm sure you will find something you like. Good luck and happy vaping.
  9. ME TOO!!!! What we don't need is more bad press. It just gives ammunition to the FDA and alike. We need to get those kind of vendors out of the business.
  10. Can't wait to see you put it up on the forum. I know you'll enjoy your experiance. And as always, don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have. As you can see there is always someone willing to lend a hand.
  11. Good review Brian...you don't suck at it and should do more. The Omega sounds like a great unit and something to definitely look into. Who knows, maybe soon they'll offer it in BLACK.
  12. The Ego/tornado is a great choice. You wont go wrong with it. And with a low resistance atty it really is a great unit. Good battery life, nice size for outside travel, a really all around good device. As far a charging, I leave mine on charge all night and haven't had any problems at all. I believe that once it reaches it full charge it shuts itself down and wont take any more charge. Good luck and happy vaping.
  13. The only way I could hack a computer is if I use an ax!
  14. I've used a fiber called "fluval" that I got from PetSmart in the aquarium section. It's pretty close to the fiber in a regular cart and holds up well. Plus you get a crap ton of it in a box. But I'm sure as you get along you will give up the carts altogether for either direct dripping or go with cartomizers. Both are a big improvement over the standard carts. Good luck and happy vaping.
  15. Just looked at his web site and it looks an awfully lot like a vendor page and not a review site. It looks to me like he's using the review angle to get customers.
  16. Yea...Brian is something...that's why he's the "GOD" of posting. But seriously....I've heard some really great things about Dawn at DIY...I think you'll find they have something you'll like.
  17. Sounds great. Johnsons' Creek had a hickory flavor out when I first started vaping and I loved it. But of course not many of us did so they dropped it. I'm glad to know that someone else is giving it a turn. Will have to try it soon. tks. Good luck with the mixing and happy vaping.
  18. David..if I may ask...just how long have you been reviewing e-cigs?
  19. A tankini sounds like what you have a little girl wear to the beach....her tank-top T-shirt and her swim suit bottoms. How cute
  20. If the article and the video didn't help then maybe some testimonies from some of us that smoked for 20 30 or 40+ years might help. After smoking over 2pks a day for more than 40 years and can finally say that I fell better than I have in a long long time. I don't hack up my lungs every morning, my breathing is better, my taste buds are coming back, and both me and my surroundings smell a hell of a lot better than we have for many years. Now I'm not saying that vaping is completely safe. Anytime you inhale something into your lungs it can be harmful (even the air we breath is unhealthy) but compared to all the tar and other crap that I've put into my lungs over the years I'm feeling a lot safer with vaping. You also have to take into consideration that the FDA is partially driven by the big tobacco companies that don't want e-cigs cutting into their money. If you look at the percentage of people who have stopped using analogs by using e-cigs compared to the success rate of those "approved" methods you can see why those companies are wanting FDA involvement. And the wonder drug Chantrix has been linked to several deaths. So before you jump on the FDA bandwagon please do some more research and give the e-cig some looking into. You might find out your boyfriend is really on the right track to a better healthier life. I'm sure there are others here that can tell you similar stories about their lives as well. So good luck.
  21. These are one of the people that have a stand at the mall. I've managed to turn at least 3 of their potential customers away from their crap. $250.00 and I thought SE was bad.
  22. The Ego/Tornado is a great unit. I've tried a few vendors and they all seem to be pretty much alike. VaporTalk store carries top quality products, Chris doesn't carry "junk" so check them out. I think you'll find they have pretty much every thing you're looking for at this time. Good luck and happy vaping.
  23. Yes..the battery has to be in for the unit to work. It completes the circuit. The battery is just so you can vape it without being plugged into the puter or adapter. My next suggestion to you is to either get the straight passthrough without the battery, which is a much better unit, or get yourself a VP/PT from Vaprlife. The latter is a little pricey but it is a true 5v unit that can be plugged into the wall or your car adapter. They really are very nice. Just ask around and see what kind of response you get. Good luck and happy vaping. p.s. I see you're really getting into this vaping thing...lol
  24. Cute...too bad we don't live by those freedoms as much anymore. Seems like our government is becoming just what we fought about in the first place.
  25. Went to the beach today with my little grandsons. The sun, the surf, the skimpy swimsuits......the wife Saw a lot of people with to much body for their suits, with more tattoos than teeth. Big ugly people...and the guys looked even worse!
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