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Everything posted by snubber

  1. Some juices do tend to have a bit of an after taste. Mostly the tobacco ones. I think once you start making your own you'll be able to get rid of most of that. Just don't over do it with the flavor or you'll end up with more of the same. Good luck and happy vaping.
  2. Have to agree.. Ego/Tornado is the way to go.
  3. Let us know how you like the flavors. Another place you might like to try is DIY Flavorshack. I just got a few flavors from them and they are really nice. And they always seem to throw in a few freebies. Not bad.
  4. Guess there wasn't to much magic huh? Thanks for letting us know. As always Brian...you are the God of Posters.
  5. Well here is another letter of praise for DIY Flavorshack. I've read from a lot of you how great they are over there and I am now one of those people too. I just got my order today and yes it came with a little hand written note thanking me for my order. But like so many others I also got a few "little extras" in my package. One was a 10ml bottle of their Banana poundcake e-juice. If you like banana this is something you should try. Also there was a 3.7ml bottle of cherry mixing flavor and another 3ml bottle of French Vanilla along with a sample of the blue foam. These little touches really make you want to stay with a company. I didn't order that much but she made me feel like I was very important to her business. Needless to say, this will not be my last order from them. While I have your attention I might as well give a little review of the flavors I got. Black Cherry mixing flavor....just what I was looking for. It's got a strong deep cherry flavor and the aroma is just great. Tobacco mixing flavor....not quite sure about this one yet since I haven't tried it alone yet. I'll have to get back on this one. Hickory mixing flavor....now this was exactly what I hoped it would be. A very strong woodsie type of flavor. The aroma is strong as well. It's like you're standing right next to a hickory BBQ pit. I've mixed a small batch with the tobacco flavor and it really is pungent. When I get the mixture just right this will be one of my all time favorites. It's kinda like vaping a rack of good ribs. Wonderful taste. Well that's about it for now...just wanted to put in my 2cents for the great people over at DIY. This is some great stuff!!!
  6. Thanks nana...and thanks nana now I have something else to try out. I started out with a crappy mall unit and then switched to the 901. Was really amazed at the difference at the time. Now you go an throw another wrench in the works. But seriously...thanks for the tip. Love ya!
  7. If it came DOA you may be able to get in touch with the vendor and get a replacement. Just a thought and couldn't hurt to try.
  8. Please don't go with a knock-off. It may only cost you more in the long run. There are plenty of vendors that carry the real Ego/Tornado and the shipping wont cost you as much. As far as those cravings go....after smoking for 40+ years I can tell you that I still get them almost every day. When I do I just hit the pv a little more and it finally goes away. But I do vape all the time every day. You may want to up your nic level which should help and when it gets really tough come to us. Every one here is ready to help. Good luck and happy vaping.
  9. Glad to hear all went well. Gotta love those warranties. Makes the price worth wile. Good luck and happy vaping.
  10. This is just a short plug for the service at Hhaler. I placed an order the other night for some cartos and some of the new twisted drip tips. While I was out yesterday I get a call from them to tell me that one of the designs I ordered was out of stock and would I mind if the substituted another color and design? I thought this was really thoughtful and very respectful to give me a heads up instead of just sending me a note with my order that it was back ordered or that they couldn't fulfill my order. It's the little things like this that make you want to keep ordering from such a supplier. Not many companies take that kind of interest in their customers anymore. (except for Chris, who bends over backwards for his people) Just wanted to pass on this little bit of praise.
  11. Because you all keep raving over her juices I just ordered her Black Cherry, Hickory, and tobacco flavor mixing flavors. They should get here tomorrow. Can't wait to try them. If it's all everyone's been saying it should be really great. And probably just the beginning of many more to come. If you all have any more suggestions please send them this way.
  12. I've been charging one in the fast usb charger and the other on the reg 510 charger with the adapter. Since I don't keep track which one I put where they are always switched around. So far I haven't noticed any problems.
  13. Well you already got the answer to your question so all I can add is to maybe look into the new usb Ego battery if you're going to use it at a desk. Looks like a neat idea. Good luck and happy vaping.
  14. In the beginning we all go through the uncertain times of low batts, or bad attys. It's like "nana" always says....backups backups backups. After a while it just becomes second nature. But at least you didn't go buy a pack of cigs. So keep up the good work, it gets easier. Good luck and happy vaping. p.s. you might want to check into an Ego/Tornado. The battery life is soooo much better.
  15. Thanks Hodge..really needed a good laugh. I wonder if I can try a few of those on the wife? I let you know how it went after I heal....lol
  16. Trust me when I say it's worth the wait.
  17. I've heard so many good reports about Diyflavor shack and Dawn. I have a wish list started over there, guess I'll have to push that send to cart button. She has a new flavor called "hickory" sounds very interesting.
  18. When the good Senator finally leaves office it wouldn't surprise me to see him working for the big Pharma or tobacco companies. What a load of horse hockey!
  19. Welcome and congrats on your choice to get the Ego. I believe you'll find it to be a great device. Next thing to try is the low res attys with it. You'll be greatly surprised how much vapor and flavor you get from them. Glad you could join us and keep us informed. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask, someone will always be ready to help.....it's what we do. Good luck and happy vaping.
  20. Low res do tend to get a little hotter than regular attys.
  21. Have to go with the LR atty's. A lot more vapor but they do tend to go bad a little quicker than the regular attys. And you might also look into some blank cartos for filling on those times when you can't be dripping. (like driving and such) But the 6mo warranty is something to consider when ordering a regular atty. Check the forum for a good supplier. Good luck and happy vaping.
  22. Sorry but I have to agree with both of them. If you're getting a mega kit just to have more batteries (because the 510 batteries don't last long) then just buy two kits from Chris get the free juice and you're all set. But if it's battery life you're after then go with either an Ego or Tornado (same unit different name). The Ego will last you between 6 to 8 hours of medium vaping before you need to charge. And with a low res atty and drip tip you have one sweet setup to last you all day. Good luck and happy vaping.
  23. Thanks..after reading the mosh pit I needed a good laugh.
  24. Well I'm not really a doctor but you may want to check on whats in your carts as far as ingredients. Also some people have a reaction to PG. and you may be one of them. I would say try and stay off the safe cig for a day and see if it still happens and if it does then it's probably not the e-cig. Also, not real sure just how safe the "safe cig" is but I'm sure someone here can help you more. Good luck and happy vaping.
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