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Everything posted by snubber

  1. Great picture thanks for sharing. Love it.
  2. These are all great ideas. I think you would be happy if you upgraded to a better device like the ego/tornado but if it's cost reasons then I'd say just try upping your nic level to say 16 or 18 first and see how it goes. Since you weren't a real heavy smoker any way this might be all you need to do. Keep us informed. Good luck and happy vaping.
  3. This has happened to several of my liquids, Not to worry it's just the temp and light acting on it. As you have already found out. But wanted you to know you're not the only one. Also I had some clear nic liquid that I left out and it started to change to a slightly amber color also. Still works ok just a color reaction. Good luck and happy vaping.
  4. This guy really pisses me off! In the first place he's a mathematician not a medical professional. Second he doesn't have his facts straight. And he also doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. It's people like this with degrees that think they know it all and the people that believe them that really make it hard for others to get their truths out. When I read stuff like this it really burns me up and I get this bad urge to...well it's not legal so forget it. How do you stop ignorance like this from poisoning people?
  5. I haven't tried it but I've heard that "sweet caroline" e-juice has a slightly sweet taste to it. Maybe some one could clarify this?
  6. Right now just regular tobacco. Can't think of anything else it might go good with.
  7. I can't say I've tried Bacon juice, And this juice doesn't taste like bacon either, but if you like the taste of hickory smoked ribs or that taste you get in your mouth when you stand close to a hickory smoke BBQ pit, then you might want to try the hickory from DIYflavorshack. I'm trying the mixing juice and it is really very good. (like I said, if you like that kinda flavor) I'm pretty sure that if you ask Dawn she will make you up some kind of premix that you could try. Just a thought.
  8. I love the Midnight...let me know something.
  9. I think the idea is solid but I don't believe the powers that are behind all the misinformation will be likely to go to a YouTube site. But maybe if it was put together in such a way that it could be shown at a political level it might just have some chance. Good idea...let's all keep working on this.
  10. I think that maybe the new member that puts Chris in the doorway should get a free bottle of juice. And maybe some other freebies. What do you all think?
  11. I agree with the article completely!! He makes sense of the situation. Good post
  12. Great accomplishment! Keep up the good work. Good luck and happy vaping.
  13. Air quality BAD!!! VAPING....GOOOOOD!!!!!
  14. I know how it is. You wait till you get close to running out of something then it's hit the stores. Load up again and then when you look at the bill you go Holy S..t! did I spend that much. In truth we are probably spending a lot less than we did when we were smoking, but since we did it daily and not all at once we just never noticed it as much. Plus vaping is a lot more fun!
  15. Mine were ready in no time. Just about 1/2 hr and they were good to go. Just do what ever it takes to get going.
  16. I'm with Mcquinn.. I use a flat tip on my cartos alot. Helps keep the heat off and makes it easy to reload. Have also used the drip tips on them, works good too.
  17. I couldn't have said it any better. Great on Jeffb....
  18. I'm surprised you haven't tried a case or two yet....lol.
  19. I'm not a big techno guy. Something either works or it doesn't for me. But I have noticed that the high-drains seem to keep a steady output compared to my regular 14500's. I've only used them in my Mark's mod, it really doesn't make any more vapor but it doesn't drop off like the others. There really isn't any warning when they're going to end. One min. they're working and the next they're not. But they do last a good long time between charges.
  20. It is kinda funny. When I first really got into vaping I had 3 or 4 batteries always ready or on the charger. Since I vape so much I was changing out batteries every hour or less sometimes. After going with the Ego/Tornado I don't think I've used my regular 510's more than a dozen times. And then only when my tornado batteries were charging. And now with the addition of my Mark Mod they don't see action at all. But at least they make ok back-ups. So get yourself an Ego or Tornado and you'll be very happy you did. Good luck and happy vaping.
  21. I started out like a lot of people with one of those "SE" mall units. It was ok...kinda fun but not really killing the habit(helping but not killing). I started looking around and found a guy selling a 901. Met him on my way out of town for work and felt like this just might work. Then came my 801 and between the two of them it started to really take hold. But I guess my real help came when I found this forum and all the helpful people here. My first interaction was in the chat room with people like Ofortuna, Mark, and a few other regulars that really gave me the encouragement to really try and make this work. So many of the ones that were there for me in the beginning have come and gone, but there are still those that without their help I don't believe I would have really given this vaping thing an honest chance. Well I'm over 200 days now without an analog and it's really been a battle of nerves. But it just keeps getting better and more fun. Thanks to all my friends.
  22. I think the tangerine is just thinner than the vg so it rises to the top. Not to worry, I've made some that do that also. I just shake it a little each time before I use it.
  23. I had 2 LR attys from TW last me almost 3 months before they died. I just ordered some LR cartos from Nhaler and 2 are already gone. They lasted 2 days. So I guess it's hit or miss. But I have some regular attys that I've had since FEB, so go figure.
  24. Brian...haven't tried the tobacco by itself yet. Plan to mix some straight today and will get back to you. As for the hickory...it's very concentrate..I added a little too much on my first batch and it was really potent. My next try will be a little less and hopefully wont be so overpowering. But it is a great flavor and doesn't seem to linger in the atty too much. If you like the flavor of hickory ( that BBQ kinda taste and smell ) then I would say give it a try. I think once I get it right it will be fantastic. Just trial and error right now.
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