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Everything posted by snubber

  1. Thanks for the breakdown Chris. All I ever could figure out was that if the nic was too high I got a headache and too low and I vaped like crazy and still didn't get enough. Now I know. tks p.s. she probably is a QT
  2. 15seconds? Man that would knock my socks off. I'd be on the floor after just two draws...lol But the 306 and cartos does sound interesting.
  3. Happy day! Glad to hear it. Isn't Kitsune just the greatest?
  4. Congrats...keep up the good work. Enjoy!
  5. Sounds like fun. Thanks for the post, my grandsons are gonna love it.
  6. Story is...if it sounds like crap...it probably is! Thanks for the heads up.
  7. However you work it out I'd just like to say I think it's great that you're trying to help your parents. You'll probably extend their life and that's wonderful. Keep up the good work. Good luck and happy vaping.
  8. Personally I like the guy. Is he opinionated? Hell yes! But most of the time he's right(I think). And he made the same point that we all have been saying about FDA, big tobacco and big pharma companies and e-cigs. So maybe he can press the issue a little.
  9. It seems to me that right now is not a good time to place big orders for individuals with the customs taking everything they can from China. Why not start smaller with US suppliers and see how it goes?
  10. Don't you just love the stupid statements from some of these so called professional people? They'd rather us smoke analogs that they know causes cancer and other health problems than let something new reach into their pockets.
  11. Don't you just love the stupid statements from some of these so called professional people? They'd rather us smoke analogs that they know causes cancer and other health problems than let something new reach into their pockets.
  12. Well if you ask some of the people on here they will tell you that you can never have too much liquid...lol But it really depends on how much you're using in a week and how much you want to spend at one time. Like "nana" always says "back-ups back-ups back-ups". And that goes for e-liquid also. Just try and figure how much you're using and then add a couple of extra bottles to that in case you run into a tough time or start using a little more than normal. Always have more than you think you need. As far as VT liquid, I can't think of one flavor that wouldn't be a good choice. I love your selection so far and the SweetDawn is also a great flavor if you like pear.But really except for the new ones that we haven't tried yet there isn't a single one that doesn't deserve at least a try. So as the budget(or wife) allows, give them all a try. I don't think you'll be disappointed. Good luck and happy vaping.
  13. The LoRes attys have a lower ohm resistance and burn hotter. The biggest problem with them is they tend to burn out faster and you have to make sure you always keep them wet. But on an Ego or Tornado the really work wonders. Makes it resemble a 5v unit.
  14. Have to agree with that one. If you can get one carto to last say a month you're way ahead of the game. And at the price that some vendors are selling them you really aren't loosing money. Remember that they were made to be disposable. I've had some last a few weeks and some only a couple of hits. They really are touchy. But good luck on your quest. Good luck and happy vaping.
  15. So true. I've tried lots of things from vinegar, mouthwash, alcohol, sonic cleaner, and None of them have really been great. They help some if you get it soon enough like Mcquinn said. But honestly if you let them drain at night and keep them from sitting for too long that's about the best you can do.
  16. Unless someone tells you NO...the places are endless. Good luck and happy vaping.
  17. Yea know the feeling. Down to basics when not working and then reload when I'm back to work. Don't really like running close to empty but sometimes it's what you have to do. But getting ready to head back to work so here we go again. I think this time I'll worry more about parts than juice, but who knows. There's just so many flavors and so little time (and cash). If I ever really get into some big money..WATCH OUT!!!!
  18. Now if they'll just make one for people full of crap none of us would ever have to buy batteries again.
  19. Have to go along on this one. If these standards were used in schools this country would finally be headed back on the right track. +1 to ya.
  20. Not familiar with that model, but it's probably a 510 knockoff. You really don't smoke them like you did an analog. You have to take slower,longer puffs instead of the short quick ones you did with a regular cigarette. It's a good idea to take the atty and cart off when you're going to leave it for a while. That's a good time to recharge. As far as length of use for the carts. Don't expect to get a long time out of the short carts that come with the unit. If you vape at a steady pace you will have to refill the cart several times a day. An unless you don't vape much you will have to change out the batteries about every 1 to 2 hrs. Get yourself some back-ups. Batteries,attys,etc. If you really want to enjoy vaping I'd suggest you look into getting an Ego or Tornado kit. Much better units and the battery life is fantastic. And you might also want to look into getting several bottles of e-liquid to refill with. I'm sure there will be others coming in to tell you more but for now that's the best I can help. Keep us informed. Good luck and happy vaping.
  21. Never thought about it. Nhaler does say you can put theirs in the dishwasher.
  22. The problem I have with the wife is that she can't really understand how I'm saving any money if I spend say 60 or 100 dollars at a clip on supplies. She doesn't realize that that is good for about a month or two and that I spent about $50.00 a week for my analogs. All she sees is the big cost all at once. And really compared to some people that's nothing for an order. I'm sure when I get back to work my ordering will get bigger and a little more frequent but still nothing to some. I'm not one that has to have every new device that comes along or try every juice flavor on the market. So am I saving money? I think so but to be honest with you...not sure yet.
  23. I've been looking into the Joker, thinking of getting a portable 5/6v mod. There's just so many new ones out there that it's hard to decide which one to go with.
  24. Another good one. Keep it up buddy.
  25. We had two "SE" stands at our mall. Now we have a White Cloud stand instead. I don't usually make a seen but I will stand off to the side and vape on my Tornado or a regular 510 while the guy gives his pitch. I'll catch someones eye and just shake my head NO and then start to walk away. Usually the people will catch up with me an ask me what I have or a question and then I send them to VaporTalk and a few other vendors that I have cards for. One time a young lady was working the stand and while she was giving the "lasts as long as a pack of cigarettes" speech I walked up with my ego and while letting out a big cloud of vapor ask her how much her units cost. She said "$120.00" and I gave a chuckle in front of them all and said Way too much. Then as I was turning to walk away one of them asked if she carried the same thing I was using. They caught up with me later in the mall and another one saved from over priced junk.
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