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Everything posted by snubber

  1. Congrats on your purchase of the Ego. I and many others think you'll be happy with your choice. It really is a good and reliable device. I started out with one of the mall "SE" type e-cig. Cool for starting but not a really good unit. Moved on to the usual..801..901..510. All good for what you get. Got a lot of harassment about the vp/pt until I finally had to get one. It's great at 5v plugged into the wall. Also have a kr808 passthru that I keep in the car for trips. Also "had" a cheap 510pt that lasted about 2 weeks. But my ego/tornado has become my everyday pv of choice. Love the battery life and size for taking along every where. My "Mark mod" is my stay at home and enjoy the finer things in life pv. It's a piece of artwork from a good friend. I guess my next unit will have to be a variable unit just not sure which one yet. But this thread has given me lots to look into. Enjoy your Ego and let us know what you think. As always.. Good luck and happy vaping.
  2. So is there any improvement to this design or just a new twist on and old one? Guess we'll all just have to wait and see what others have found out when they try them.
  3. I don't think you said anything wrong. Just misinformed. Most vendors have a warning for their lo-res products stating that they are not recommended for anything under 450mah. So although it worked for you it was just not the best for the smaller battery. Also.. I too think it's not the way of the forum to just send newbies off to another site to get an answer that they asked here. If we all did that there would be no reason for us to have a forum. We could all just head over to Youtube and merrily search around until we found the answer we need. One of the best parts about VaporTalk is it's helping family. When we get to the point where we no longer help each other out as best as WE can first, before sending people other places, that's when I no longer will be on the forum. It's the people here who helped me to get to the point I'm at now and I thank each and everyone of them.
  4. Another one huh? Didn't think you'd turn on me too.
  5. I was looking on their site the other night and noticed that they sell that Triacetin by itself. You could give it a try with DIY. What have you got to loose?
  6. Seems to me it's up to you which way you want to go. Buying a new pv is a lot like buying liquid. Everyone's taste is different and every one will give you what they think is best. If you're just looking for better battery life at 3.7v in a compact unit you can't go wrong with the Ego/Tornado and some LoRes attys. If you're looking for something new a sleek look into something like the Omega or maybe the tekk. If it's variable voltage you're after then you have the Silver Bullet, Buzz, Joker and the list goes on. You need to sit down and decided what set up you want and how much you're willing to pay. I don't envy you, it's a tough choice. I've been kinda going through the same thing. So keep looking and I'm sure you'll make a wise choice. Good luck and happy vaping.
  7. Cute story...been there!! yea getting old does suck, but try to hold out long enough to be a burden on your kids...just to get even..lol
  8. Yea Mike...you can still come to the chat. Even if your dog does sing better than you.....lol Seriously..stop in sometime.
  9. Every little boy knows that only girls have cooties...lol Haven't heard that term in a long time. No nothing really different except juice flavors. It's just like it was when I was smoking analogs. Wake up and start coughing and hacking for about 10 mins or so and then it finally goes away. A little gunk in my throat and nose and after sounding like I'm gonna die for about 10 mins it all clears up. Didn't know if anyone else went through this or not. Must be old age like Jeff said. You know how us old farts are.
  10. Welcome Stacy to VaporTalk. If you are on one of those plans where they automatically send you carts get off of it now!!!!. You shouldn't be paying that much just for supplies. Like others have mentioned I'd check into getting an Ego/Tornado. They work great and the battery life is great.If you look around in the suppliers section I'm sure you'll find someone that will have just what you need. If you're getting liquid in your mouth it's probably because you have too much juice in your cart or atty. Don't overfill. Look at some of the videos and you'll get the hang of it. There is a learning process to this and it takes time but you'll get the hang of it.So keep us informed. Good luck and happy vaping.
  11. Thanks Jeff....BITE ME!!!!! I knew I could count on you to have just the right answer.
  12. If they work good, don't leak and aren't hard to fill then I got to try them.
  13. I was wondering if anyone else was going through this too? When I was smoking I would wake up in the morning and cough and hack till it seemed I was bringing up a lung. Then I started vaping and it slowly started to stop. Well it's been 7 months and I'm starting to hack again in the morning. I can't figure out if it's sinus, changing weather or what. I was just curious if anyone else was having any reaction like this?
  14. Brian..why aren't you mixing her her own flavors? You have the technology.
  15. snubber


    Another piece of art from Mark. Hey Mark has NEW wood!!
  16. If you're into cases and alike this really looks nice. Just not sure how practicle it is since an ego battery last so long you really don't need to charge it on the go. But it might come in handy when you travel. Depending how much it is.
  17. Sounds pretty good. Saw this combo at another site and was curious about it..tks for the heads-up.
  18. I hate bands..especially those marching ones at the football games. And those ones that play at weddings with their ugly tuxedos. And...oh wait you said BANS...that different...never mind!
  19. Thanks for the post. Some good info to pass on to some of the people we run into wondering what it's all about.
  20. Doesn't look like there's much more I can add except welcome to the forum. You're gonna love it. Good luck and happy vaping.
  21. Sounds like they sent you a mega battery instead of a regular one because the ego and tornado are exactly the same thing. Totally Wicked just has them branded for them special. Good news huh?
  22. One of my first tries at quiting I was wearing the patch and still chain smoking. I would get some wicked headaches and a big buzz. So after I figured out what was causing them I would go outside, take off the patch, smoke my analogs, and then go back inside and put on a patch. That's was one of my first attempts to stop. It didn't work so I gave up the patch. (what a joke)I also tried the gum, candy, etc. Then when I got my first e-gig I was using it and still smoking at least as much as ever. I never had any trouble with it and I don't believe you will either. It's just a matter of using your smarts. If you start to feel bad back off. (I'd say on the analogs)You really wont get enough nic vaping and smoking to do you much harm. Unless you're vaping 50mg liquid. So don't give up. You will find vaping is a much better choice and a whole hell of a lot more fun. Good luck and happy vaping.
  23. Good link...thanks for sharing.
  24. Great choice. You're gonna love it just like the rest of us do. Get a few LoRes atty's to try and some good juice (vt store) and you'll think you're in heaven.
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