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Everything posted by snubber

  1. I don't think she'll notice the juice too much, but if the Miller Lites start to slow down...she'll notice!!!
  2. Sounds interesting. But I think I'd rather try it the other way...lol
  3. Hey be thankful you could get that. A lot of places are going dry because of this FDA crap.
  4. Looks pretty good. My only suggestion would be to drop the 1ml vials. They're really for perfume and I don't think they'll work to good for diy.
  5. Does this kinda remind you of any one we know???? (MARK)...j/jk
  6. I had to give you a +1 also. That's a great idea. I know business cards aren't cheap, but the whole idea is to get as many out there as they can right? So why shouldn't we help them?
  7. So either way we loose. This just keeps getting worse and worse. I knew SE was crap but now we can see a bigger picture coming into view.
  8. Sorry about the pain...have it too, know how it is. I'm not saying it's not true, but it seems to me that alot of todays ailments that they can't put a finger on they lump in with smoking. Yes it's bad for us that's why we try to quit. And many of us that have smoked for sooo many years have things wrong that are linked to our bad judgement. I'm just wondering how many things that give this same answer to just because they're not sure. After all if they really knew what they were doing they wouldn't call it "practicing"
  9. I'm another one who has his e-cig in his hand or pocket all day. I know I vape more than I smoked and I was a 2+ pack a day smoker. Now I have my ego with me all the time. Working in nuke plants they have designated smoking areas now and I was one of the constant fixtures in them. Rain or shine whenever we had some time off between jumps I was out there. Now I just sit back in the office or breakroom and vape away. Most of my supv. have asked me what I'm doing and after a little explaining they're ok with it. I've even had some of them come up to me and ask me to show it to some of the higher ups. Guess I'm kind of a freak show to them, but who cares as long as it's ok with them. I think part of the fact that we all vape more is the novelty of it. The fact that we're not tied down to when or where we can smoke anymore. Like many have said it's just damn fun. I haven't started trying to cut back on my nic level yet, maybe later on. For right now I'm just going to enjoy. And so should you!
  10. Yea I think the guy I talked to said they were paying around $5-7,00.00 a month for the space. You have to sell a lot of crappy e-cigs to keep that going.
  11. Sounds like you got your monies worth out of it for $15.00 And cr2...good review..hope you enjoy.
  12. Me again. Also forgot to mention the kr808d1 units. We all point out the greatness of the 510 for newbies because of the great vapor and all but the 808d1's are not bad little units either. They have that look and feel of the 510 in both auto and manual batteries. Lots of colors to choose from and they use cartomizers that are atty and cart combined and they can be refilled also. You can get one with its own little recharge case for travel (like the pcc for the 510). It's just another option to look into. You can find them at many vendors and I know Vapor4Life carries them. Just thought I'd add one more choice (headache) for you to consider. Happy hunting.
  13. So true, but who can turn down a big plate of BISCUITS AND GRAVY and a glass of sweet tea?
  14. Welcome to the forum. You've found a great place and as you can see lots of helpful people. I have to agree with everyone that the Ego/Tornado is your best choice if you don't have to have that cigarette look and feel. But if you really want to start out with a smaller unit why not try one of the less expensive disposable 510 units. They cost around $10.00 and will give you some idea of what vaping is all about and what changing and charging batteries is like. I would also suggest that if the smaller unit is what you like then go with a 510 with a manual (push-button) battery. Those little carts on the smaller e-cigs don't last very long and you will have to either change them out or refill them constantly. The manual batteries are sealed and liquid wont get down into your battery and mess them up. My biggest suggestion is do a little more research both here on the forum and on other sites like Youtube and get some info before you jump in with both feet. I didn't when I started and paid heavy for it. There's just so much more to learn about this vaping life than just buying a unit and puffing away. But when you get the hang of it it's one great way to kick the cigarette habit and a lot of fun doing it. Keep asking questions and everyone here will be more than willing to help you out. Hope to hear how it went with you, keep us informed . Bottom line...get the pink Ego!! Also like kitsune said..if you're home at the computer a lot look int a good passthrough. Good luck and happy vaping.
  15. I have dreams like that sometimes to only it's usually Jeffb in a thong with his Joker. Hmmmm
  16. I actually started vaping Dec.2008 but wasn't off analogs until I started with this site. Tks everybody for the help. And congrats to all who have made the switch.
  17. Hey..that's what we're here for isn't it? Also..the one's at Cignot..you can mix and match the colors..so you could get one in black and one in say blue or white or stainless. And they are the mega 900mah ones. Good luck and tell your buddy to stop in and let us know.
  18. Glad to hear you like the Ego. Most every body that has one does. You'll find lots of fun "toys" to go with it as you go along. It really is a completely different kind of vaping than the "510" style of unit. So good to hear that all the info paid off for you...now enjoy! Good luck and happy vaping.
  19. Glad to hear you're enjoying the Ego. Don't worry you'll get the hang of filling before too long. (It's another one of those learning things) Haven't had too much trouble no matter how you set it. I put mine on end all the time. The cone will help keep the juice from making too much of a mess. Just remember to wipe it out once in a while. Here are a couple of ideas for taking your Ego with you. 1. You could buy a regular Ego carry case. They are nice but a little costly right off. 2. Use an old hard shell eyeglass case. The kind with the spring top. 3. You can get a small case from some vendors that will just hold the Ego. They look just like the ones at the store that have the cheapo reading glasses in them. 4. Go to your local video game store (ie. gamestop) and you can sometimes find a used carry case for the ps3. I got one for $2.00 and it's almost exactly like the ego case. You can hold lots of small bottles of juice and all your Ego carts, batts,drip tips etc. Good luck and happy vaping.
  20. If you asked my wife she'd say "Mathew,Mark,Luke and John etc. etc. But me I like POE...nevermore!
  21. I've haven't tried them either but it would seem to me the cloudiness shouldn't be an issue as long as it mixes well. Good luck and let us know what you find out.
  22. When I was still using cart mostly I was refilling them with the fluval and never had a bit of trouble out of it. No burnt taste or leaking problem. But since I drip or use cartos now I have a box full of fluval If you would like to try a sample of it send me a pm with your address and I'll send you some to try out.
  23. Welcome to the forum. We're here to help. As they say "the only stupid question is the one not asked" Good luck and happy vaping.
  24. Good reading...thanks for the link. Will have to print this one out for later use.
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