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Everything posted by snubber

  1. Just another case of some would-be big shot, doesn't really want to find out the truth and put his butt on the line, falling for the crap from the FDA. Basically what they are saying is..you can put your life on the line for us but we wont let you enjoy the freedoms that you're serving and fighting for. And all these people out here that don't want to be seen vaping? What's up with that? Why be afraid of doing something that's neither illegal or immoral. If you're afraid of being seen vaping you might just as well go back to smoking analogs that are also legal but that no one will get one you about. At least they know that it's harmful but they don't care as long as you do it where they say you should. C'mon people...stand up and make statement for vaping, don't hide in the corner like you're doing something wrong.
  2. Well not trying to start an argument here so don't take this the wrong way, but when I was in school the teachers had a private lounge and back then smoking was allowed and when they would open the doors the smoke would come billowing out into the halls. Now since they put a stop to smoking in public buildings that wont happen anymore, but we're talking about 7th graders which makes them around 12 or 13. So I wouldn't be surprised if some of them aren't smoking themselves. Plus a lot of their parents are probably smokers also so it's not like she would be doing something that the kids haven't seen or know about. I mean it's not like she's tokin a doobie or something.
  3. Interesting...wasn't the wife upset that you didn't just fix the egg instead?
  4. Hey...don't be afraid to vape anywhere you want. It's not illegal yet and the more people find out about it and feel more relaxed with it the better for us. I can't think of any place yet that I wouldn't vape. I whip it out in stores, restaurants, libraries, hospitals, post office, gov't buildings. You see the trend here...there isn't any place that I haven't at least tried to vape in. I've only had one person ask me not to vape in their place, they were nice about it and so I quit until I left and haven't been back since. The way I look at it is to create as much attention to vaping as possible so you can inform more people of it's benefits over analogs. I've even had a Fire Marshall from a Va. county ask me what I was doing in the mall and I showed him and he just kept on doing what he was doing. If I were you I'd be vaping in the teacher's lounge at breaks and lunch in hopes that the smokers would be interested in finding out more about it. Maybe you'll make them jealous enough to want to get one themselves so they can vape at lunch too. But every one is different and you have to do what feels right for you. These are just my feeling about the matter.
  5. Welcome to VT. I'm sure some one will come along to help you soon Good luck and happy vaping.
  6. A good video for noobs. Just a little to talkie. And he could have used a better unit.
  7. This is a good post. I've seen this brought up before and I agree. It is a good one to keep on hand. Too bad the FDA doesn't read these articles, but I guess it's tough when you're counting tobacco money.
  8. I agree with you Burn. When I look back at just a few months ago when the Jantyv3 was the new "big" idea for mods. This is a fast pace ever changing hobby. Wonder when it will settle to a more level market?
  9. Don't see a need for me to go to ECF. I find all the info and friends I need right here on VaporTalk. More like home to me.
  10. Well on the night of the "harvest moon" I like to get naked, paint my body and dance around....ooops not that kinda ritual huh? Sorry
  11. You are talking about the stuff that you see in the old movies right? Doesn't it make you sneeze? a lot?? I've never tried it or chew too much for that matter. But I'm sure that if there's a health risk to it you'll hear about it soon enough. Amazing how stuff that has been around for years is just recently being shown as a health risk. But don't buy e-cigs...they're bad for you!
  12. Hmmm...could just be your mouth enjoying the tasty flavor you put in it. Short of just plain drooling that sounds like a good combo of flavors. But like Dave said..for some of us we dry out more than we drool. So if that's how it's working on you GREAT!!!!
  13. I don't think I would recommend it. Not too sure how it will hold up when heated. If you need to refill your carts try fluval or blue foam from Petsmart.
  14. If nothing else the media should look at the FDA's track record for "approved" drugs already. More than one lawsuit is out there for drugs that the FDA has given their seal of approval on. Not the mention the side effect of most of them are worse than the cause they are suppose to fix. Friking Dumb Asses!
  15. Listen to the "god" Hold on to the few you have left until you know you can beat it, Some people can put them down and never look back. Some of us, like myself, take a bit longer. It's not a forceful thing here. You have to be ok with quiting. So pull those couple back out just in case and vape hard when it gets hard. Good luck and happy vaping.
  16. The poly from wal-mart isn't really the kind to use for carts. What most people who still refill carts uses is either "fluval" or the "blue foam". Both are an aquarium fill for tank filters. You can find them at your local PetSmart in the fish section. I use to use the fluval until I started direct dripping most of the time. It works well and is very much like the original filler in the carts. Hope this helps?
  17. Not sure? Was this a review for Flue cured for Bobas bounty? But all in all a good review.
  18. NO!!! Don't even try it!!!! We set a piece of "scotch bright" on fire at work one day and it kinda melted and gave off a really bad smell. I believe that it would be toxic for you if the atty heats it up. The fluval and blue foam are safe for living things. The scratchy pads have a bonding agent that just isn't good to vape. Besides, I don't believe it's all that easy to refill a carto? Regular carts yes but not sure about cartomizers.
  19. First off welcome. You've already gotten great advice and how do you argue with a "God". But seriously they have given you great advice. The only thing I can add is you might want to add a pack of cartos to your list for the times you just cant drip or refill the carts. You'll get the hang of all this in time. Like we all say, there is a learning stage to all this vaping stuff. Any of the vendors you have chosen are a good bet. So let us know what you come up with. Good luck and happy vaping.
  20. It's hard to put down at first I know. And until you find out where your limits are with nic you may get a little wooosey. Just back off a little ( or try to) and you'll get the hang of it soon enough. As a wise man always said (Red Green...lol) "I'm pulling for ya..we're all in this together" Good luck and happy vaping.
  21. See...we all told you you'd love the Ego. And the pink is so "girly". We do get it right sometimes, but all of us that have an Ego/Tornado knew it was the best choice. I'm really glad to hear that you're enjoying it so much. If you do (I don't know why you would except for bedtime) put it down, just do like Uma said and loosen the atty a little. Next on your "to do" list is check into getting a couple of back up attys and juice and maybe cartos or lo-res attys. You'll be amazed at the vapor and hit you get from a LR. Again..glad it's working for you. Keep us all informed. Good luck and happy vaping.
  22. If this is your first day with the atty you may also be getting some of the after taste of the primer(nasty). Like every one has already told you flavors are different for everyone. When I first started out I couldn't tell one flavor from another except for the menthol ones. It takes time so don't worry it will get better. Also, if you find a flavor that is kinda to your liking and it just doesn't have enough flavor for you you could always try adding a little more flavor from one of the DIY shops. I did it with peach till I got it where I wanted it. Now I make several of my own juices so I can get the flavor as strong as I like. But first and formost...get some more attys or cartos. You really can't do very well with only one atty. And if it goes out you're stuck. So as "nana" says get back-ups!!!! Good luck and happy vaping.
  23. I remember that video. That was GrimmGreen. If you look him up on youtube you may find it. But I don't think that company sells them that way anymore. Believe it was vapor4life but not positive. Also try GrimmGreen.com he has his own site with his vids on it.
  24. Don't know how to put this to you...but this thread was started back in April. I'm sure they have already had to get new everything buy now.
  25. snubber


    I've tried a couple of 808d's and they are ok...not great but good. You've gotten a lot of good info but I haven't noticed (maybe I missed it) any one mentioning to check the base of the cart where the threads are to see if the wrapper is covering any of the air flow vents. I had that problem with a couple of mine and after I cut the paper back a little it worked like a charm. It may just be air flow problem. But you still need to take slower smoother puffs, unlike you do with an analog. Hope this works, would hate for you to give up just because of a bad unit or carto. Keep us informed. Good luck and happy vaping.
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