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Everything posted by snubber

  1. Well first off let me say that if you're serious about quitting the analogs then you need to get the "has to look and feel like a real cig" out the window. Many of us wanted that when we started(myself included) and we quickly found out how much that doesn't matter. In fact most of the really good mods for vaping look nothing like an analog. There are lots of different things to think about when you get an e-cig. Battery life is usually the biggest, then comes size of the device. You will get a lot of us telling you to go with the Ego/Tornado type of unit. No..it doesn't look anything like an analog, but the battery life and performance is what really counts. There's also the choice of auto or manual. Most but not all go for the manual type of button. That's because they are sealed batteries and you don't have to worry about juice getting down in them and killing the battery. Also most auto's have a cut-off built in them that shuts off the draw after a few seconds. Usually around 10sec or so. This makes vaping tough sometimes. Plus a lot of vapers like to direct drip for better vapor production and flavor. Like I said there are many things to consider when buying an e-cig besides just looks. Also, those whimpy little carts that come with the smaller units wont hold much liquid and you will either be buying lots or replacements or will start refilling them yourself to save some money. Trust me...they don't last as long as a pack of regular analogs...ask anyone who has tried them. My suggestion would be to do some more searching on the forum. Really ask yourself if you want to quit or just want to enjoy vaping between analogs. The VaporTalk store has some great products plus if you are really stuck on that analog look Chris is running a clearance sale on one that fits into the analog look a like category for half price. Not a bad place to start until you see what vaping is really all about. I'm sorry this is sooo long, but I could go on more. So good luck in your search and try to get that look-a-like notion out and think more about what works best. Good luck and happy vaping. p.s. there will be others along to help you further.
  2. What a great description! I think you hit it right on the head.
  3. Just tried some of this last night and it is deffinitly a must try. It has a hint of cinnamon or clove with a slight whiskey back hit. Not sure what he's mixed together for this but it's a real nice treat.
  4. nice job...looks kinda large tho.
  5. Now if we could just get those doctors and a whole bunch more to send that message to the FDA and the others. That would be a WIN!!!
  6. I'm pretty sure Chris has hooked you up...but just in case he hasn't, I still have your address and can send you what's left in the bottle I have if you don't mind 24mg.
  7. That thing is sooo kewl. Would love to have something like it.
  8. That was my first case I used when I was using the 510's. It will hold 2 very nicely. Then I went with a small compact camera case. I could hold extra batteries and some small bottles of juice, a few extra atty's and some carts. It worked better but I kept adding more and more until it just got out of control. Hope you can keep yours under wraps better than I could.
  9. If she's a public health official we are in big trouble! She looked and sounded like a soccer mom who doesn't have a clue as to what she's talking about. And unfortunately these are the kind of people that have the control over this.
  10. That was soooo eewwwwww!!!!! I can't believe I sat through that. You need to sleep a little more!
  11. Since I'm still fighting the craving for analogs even after 8 months....I'd go for the e-liquid. It's getting better everyday. And I think I have some new converts at work!!!!
  12. DAMN!!! Finally someone who isn't on the side of big CIG or pharma giving a truly positive side to vaping. Wish more would do this and take it to the government. Thanks for sharing.
  13. Way to go buddy Now try the DIYflavorshack and get some fancy flavors..I think you'll like them.
  14. Think about this....if a cold makes it taste like an analog...what does that say for an analog??? Pretty nasty huh???
  15. Yea...we're pretty quick around here. Someone is always on and ready to answer.
  16. Hope you get the Ego. You'll love it. Where in S.C are you? heading down there tomorrow.
  17. I just wrote out a long lengthy e-mail to one of my representatives here in Maryland, Senator Barbara Mikulski. It was probably too long and winded but it was a start. And wouldn't you know it? As soon as I had finished and hit the send button up pops a page that the website is having trouble and my whole e-mail disappears and I'm directed to another page with nothing about sending e-mails to reps. This whole thing has me in such a fit that I'd like to get a hold of those a-holes at the FDA and well I won't say it. Drug delivery device...unsafe ingredients...unknown long term health risks. Just a lot of crap for the FDA to use to get their way and cash in on the money. They are not a federal agency, and shouldn't be allowed to regulate a pack of gum much less something they have know idea what they are talking about. What there job should be is to test and evaluate and then contact those involved as to their findings. Then work with said companies to make the products safe. They should not be given the powers of omnipotence to choose who shall live and who shall die. And by forcing us to go back to analogs that's exactly what they are doing. We all have our own stories about e-cigs and our thoughts about how they haven't killed or injured any body that we know of. No one has burned down their house or killed their family from falling asleep with one. No one has committed suicide from vaping. You never hear of someone taking a 2000lb auto and running down a person or killing someone. Yet every day in the news you hear about such things being done by people using "approved" drugs and alcohol. I'm not for the FDA regulating my life and the government is already doing more than enough to me with their laws. I read a quote somewhere that said "The government that governs least, governs best" It's about time ours started listening. DAmn I'm pissed....sorry
  18. WOW Maryann....will you marry me? I think that is just great of you. I on the other hand have been nagged, scolded, etc. etc. when I was smoking. It just made me want to smoke more.(and I did) I'm still getting a little of that, just not as much since I'm not stinking up the place with analogs. I can understand it a little since she has asthma(sp) and some of the flavors are a little strong smelling. Scents are just one of the many things she's allergic to so that doesn't help either. I think you are doing a great job at trying to help him get over his analog habit. Keep up the good work.
  19. Maybe it's because I smoked for so long or maybe I'm just getting more use to it but I really don't notice a big TH any more. Unless I vape some really high nic it just kinda doesn't seem like much.
  20. That's the one I was talking about....tks Jolly for getting it to her.
  21. Sounds like anything they put their hands on will be a drug to them. They really piss me off!!!!!
  22. Hello....I've been mixing a little on my own and find that Diyflavor shack has some great flavor concentrates. There is also Perfumers apprentice and freedomsmoke usa that has flavors and pg or vg nic. You can either get higher nic juice and cut it with your vg or get the nic at the level you want already and just add flavor. I think Brian has the link for the mixing calculator that is very easy to use and give a pretty good mix ratios. If you'll pm him I'm sure he can find it for you. And yes the vg you have will work as long as it is USP. Keep looking around the forum and you'll find lots of info on mixing. Also if you get in touch with Kitsune she can help you a lot. She's really into mixing and has lots of great mixtures. Good luck and happy mixing.
  23. Welcome to the forum. You've gotten great advice. I have to agree that if you can return your BLU, by all means do it. I haven't heard one person that has started with one that has had any success with one. They look nice but are very cheaply made and costly to maintain. Like everyone has said go for either a 510 or the very popular ego/tornado. Much better units and will help you kick your cravings. Good luck and happy vaping.
  24. Now that's what I like to hear. Some one with a set of**** that isn't afraid to let the world and big companies know that they are making a difference in their life. I've always wondered why people want to hide it and act like they're doing something wrong? Keep it up Dayvape...nice to know there are others out there who aren't afraid.
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