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Everything posted by snubber

  1. You're not crazy...I've had that also with the same batch of atty's. They are mass produced so sometimes things happen. I would say that if you're having trouble with only a few of them that you set those aside and get in touch with TW and tell them what's going on. They might exchange them for you. Just a shot but couldn't hurt. Good luck and happy vaping.
  2. Don't feel bad...we all had a learning time. My first e-cig I didn't know that it came with an empty cart on it and I sucked on that thing for 5mins before I pulled it off and then felt like an ***. So keep learning and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. There is always some one ready to help around here. (great people). Good luck and happy vaping.
  3. I must bow to the mixing Queen and of course agree. I started trying to mix because of some of her posts about DIY and her mixes. It's really quite fun and you can boost up flavors that just don't cut it. I've tried Freedom Smoke USA, Diy flavorshack, and both are great. I've also tried some flavors from Perfumers Apprentice with pretty good success. Also make sure you check out the video from Totally Wicked on their mixing kit. There is a juice calculator on this site that is very simple to use and really works good if you're not going to get too fancy. I think it's by Todd Mueller or something like that? Well anyway, good luck on your search, hope you can get into DIY it really is fun and also save you some money in the long run. Good luck and happy vaping.
  4. So this is more for Dayvape than anyone. I just got my order of 2.0 carto's from VaporKings and DAMN!!!! These are fantastic. Also got a couple of ego mega carto's and they're good too!! I had tried some of the older ones with the brass ends and they just didn't cut it. They either didn't vape well, had a hard draw, or didn't work at all. So after reading so much hype lately about carto's I figured I'd give them a try again. I'm sure glad I did. They really perform great. I can see me using these more often, especially when I'm on the road instead of my LR atty's. So all your touting of them have paid off and you may have converted me over to using more carto's. So keep it up...sometimes it pays off. Tks.
  5. That's incredible!! Bet that really screwed up his paint job.
  6. My all time favorite commercial mix is Midnight from VT, second is SweetDawn. Haven't tried any lemon or lime flavors. As far as tobacco goes, again VT has the traditional that is really good. Actually, you can't really go wrong with any of the VT juices. They're all very good. If you want some one to mix you up a special batch you could try TastyVapor. They have a section where you can tell them what to add together for you. I've also heard that Gourmet Vapor is good at mixing special blends. Hope this helps some. Good luck and happy vaping.
  7. I think the needle idea sounds like the best bet. And I agree about keeping the bottles. Great for DIY.
  8. Congrats to you both. I am a 40+yrs ex-smoker. I'm just wondering why you are looking into the 520's. Seems to me that after using the Ego it's kind of a step backwards. Don't get me wrong, the 510 and 520's are good units, but it's sort of like buying a pinto after already having a caddy. Have you looked into some of the other mods out there? Like the Joker or Vyper? There must be hundreds of choices. Just asking not condemning. Good luck and happy vaping.
  9. Chris you have some strange people in your neck of the woods.
  10. Hate to add another thorn...but I believe Good Prophets has them on sale for around $33.00. Been looking into them lately myself with winter coming on.
  11. Finally some positive feedback on this subject. We need more articles like this.
  12. First off let me say welcome to the forum. I must have missed your intro. You've made a great choice with the ego and you're gonna love it. Like "MOM" said don't worry about slipping up. I don't know how long or how much you smoked but there is some getting use to vaping. Some people took to it right from day 1. some of us it took a lot longer. The real test is keeping to it and getting off the analogs. So good luck and enjoy. Good luck and happy vaping.
  13. Congrats on your choice. We all know you're going to love it as much as the rest of us do. Good luck and happy vaping.
  14. Has any one else ever noticed a loss of flavor in their juice? Does liquid loose their flavor over time? I usually fire up my Ego's in the morning with a cup of coffee out on the deck but this morning every flavor I've tried has had zero flavor. Lots of vapor like usual, but no taste at all. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this in there juices or am I just getting a cold or something and have lost my taste buds for the time being. I have 3 or 4 regular flavors(mostly coffee or capp type) that I use daily and I can usually really get some strong flavor out of them. But today...nothing. I mixed these flavors myself and I made them extra strong but I've had them about a month or so and am wondering if maybe the flavor is starting to loose it's punch? Maybe it's time to make a new batch? What's your thoughts? Tks
  15. Congrats!!! What a great prize. I'm so jealous.
  16. Hello...My name is Snubber..and I too am a vapoholic...and I blame it all on you guys.. And I thank you soo much for it. It's a pleasurable addiction although sometimes expensive. But what the hell..I could be spending it on fast women and cheap booze( or is that the other way around?). So go ahead..Buy Buy. Like that old saying..LIVE FAST LOVE HARD BUY LOTS OF PV'S. Something like that?
  17. Sounds like they're starting to cave under the pressure. And why can't you say no second hand "smoke" and no tobacco if there isn't any???
  18. Good second choice. Hang in there it gets better. Good luck and happy vaping.
  19. Just want to welcome you to VT. Good luck and happy vaping.
  20. Congrats!!! That's why he's the "Godfather" of Vaping here at VT.
  21. Hmmm...me like pudding!!!! But seriously, everyone has those days once in a while....and if you're married maybe a little too often. But hang in there.
  22. Looks like a great idea. SuperT turns out some great stuff. Just wish they weren't so pricey with everything. Let us know what you think of it Brian.
  23. You know it's not the size but the performance that counts....lol
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