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Everything posted by snubber

  1. Imagine seeing that while you're vaping away on RY666? Holy He really would loose it.
  2. They may be a P O S, but you gotta give them credit for their marketing If it makes more people want to try e-cigs maybe it will help the fight.
  3. Interesting idea if it works. Wondering how big it is and it will do with the Ego.
  4. In my younger days we'd just take some "ludes" and sit back and veg. (never really cared for them much). Don't worry we're all here to keep you somewhat amused. Maybe later we can all have ice cream and champagne?
  5. I'll try to make this short. Walking through the mall today with my big blue Ego and as I started to pass the "white cloud" kiosk the guy working there said" what's that? So of course I stopped and showed him. We struck up a conversation about the differences between his units and the Ego. At first he tried to give me the sales talk about how his lasted a long time and all (you know the pitch). So we're talking and vaping and the Ego is just blowing his little device away. He's new to vaping so he's really uninformed except what he's learned for work. Ok...so he's liking the Ego and I put on my 2.0 LR carto filled with Midnight. He has those little condom covers for people to try his stuff with so I let him try my Midnight. He's floored! Then I give him another Ego, this one has Mentha...now he's staggering. One more try with Exotic Tobacco...he's down for the count. Well to wrap this up...after some more talking I've given him back one of his cards with Vaportalk.com written on it. He's going to check us out. Wants to see about the Ego and he's working again Fri. and I should stop bye again for more info. I think I'll take him some sample bottles of Vt juices, that should clinch it. End of story. p.s. sometimes this is just so much fun. (like shooting fish in a barrel)
  6. Hey...don't feel bad. I've been vaping for about 9months now and I still haven't found that one single flavor that I want to vape all day. I have several that I switch back and forth from all day long. Midnight...SweetDawn...Exotic Tobacco....coffee...Mentha. As you can see, I just can't make up my mind.(what's left of it....I said it first Jeff) I may never find that one single flavor that I want to vape on the whole day through. I have several carto's filled with different juices(see above) and I just keep switching back and forth. I keep 3 Ego batteries with me all day with a different flavor on each one. And when I want a change from those I have a couple of others and a few LR attys with drip tips and a couple small bottles of juice that I drip with in between. So many flavors...so little time in the day to vape them.
  7. This is my favorite of all the VaporTalk juices. You couldn't have called it much better. Glad you like it, it will grow on you. Good review!
  8. Good job. You just have to love america's outlook. Buy from China to send back to China. WTF
  9. Never heard of this before. Can't see why I would mix a flavor and then wait for a week to try it out. (NAAAH) I'm with the "Queen" on this one. I want it now!!!! Good luck on the mixing. Good luck and happy vaping.
  10. Awesome...I want one of those. That's what you and Jeff need when you jump.
  11. Very insightful and interesting. Have to get my wife the "bible thumper" to watch this and see what she has to say. Ought to be goood.
  12. Well give some idea of what you have and what you're doing and maybe we all can help out.
  13. Welcome to VT. You'll soon find out that there are a lot of people ready, willing, and able to help you out. It really is a great place to learn and hang out, Hope it goes well for you and your new e-cig. I would suggest you upgrade to the Ego/Tornado as soon as you can. You'll notice a big difference. Good luck and happy vaping.
  14. Now that is funny. I especially like the fact that he didn't try to be so perfect at the review. Just an average guy giving his own style and outlook. I could watch more reviews from this guy.
  15. Sounds about right on both counts. But once the first order or two are out of the way you will start to figure out what's needed to maintain your stock and it may(just may) level out to a monthly or even bi-monthly expense. That is unless you start like so many others and have to have all the new and latest do-dads and pv's. That's when this becomes and obsession instead of a replacement for analogs. Good luck and happy vaping.
  16. You just can't dispute a "GOD". Brian had given you pretty much all the answers.(as usual) Diy does make it cheaper in the long run, but just like getting started in vaping the first setups will be more than you'd expect.(still cheaper than cigarettes) Drip tips are nice but not a real necessity. Just make sure as "Nana" says...backups backups backups. You really do need more than 1 of everything you get. The kit should have two complete units so you'll have an extra battery charging while you vape one. But even if the kit you get comes with atty's you should order a few more. They are hit or miss and one may last a month or more and another may only last a day or two. So you don't want to get caught without one. Also, I would like to suggest you trying some cartomizers. I prefer the 2.0 lower res type but the standard ones will work till you're ready to experiment more. Well that's my piece. If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask. Good luck and happy vaping. p.s. don't forget to try a few different juices.
  17. Okay..so,can't start a comment without thanking DV for getting hooked on carto's. I've been using 24mg liquid in my 2.0 carto's and they work great. Haven't had any real harsh taste and of course the vapor is massive!!! I have also used the regular carto's on my passthrough at 5v and they are amazing also. Great flavor and monster vapor. I wouldn't give up on carto's just yet...you will find your best juice for them and be in "Vaping Valhalla".
  18. Another great review O... I like your "Andy Capp" hat...and you're always so "cute" when you do your reviews. Keep up the good work.
  19. Well congrats on the 90 days!! Hope you have many more.
  20. Some every beautiful pieces. Now if we can just get Chris to proof read his typo's....lol
  21. I'm adding my vote for the Ego also. Don't think you can go wrong with it.
  22. Like they didn't have enough trouble already??? Don't expect to see them around too much longer.
  23. I think you're gonna like the Midnight..(my VT fav..or is it SweetDawn)? Anyway..do try the Dawn when Chris gets it back in stock. To me it tastes just like a pear "jelly belly". Really nice flavor. Enjoy! Good luck and happy vaping.
  24. Well I'll add my 2cents worth. Since I started with these new 2.0 carto's I've been happy as hell with their performance. Like I said in the other post, I tried the older style(brass ends) and didn't see the big hype about them. But this new batch is just fantastic!! I'm getting great flavor and tons of vapor. And I'm not as patient as you and can wait 30mins to start vaping them. I also got a pack of standard ones that I tried first on my Ego and didn't see any big deal in. Then I put it on my 5v pt and again...DAMN!!! It was made these carto's. Giant plumes of vapor..good TH.. and good flavor. I can see me becoming a "fanboy" of these things too. I also go a couple of the Ego mega carto's at the same time. They work really great too. They hold lots of juice and I like how they feel in your mouth. The only draw back to them compared to the 2.0's is that they are a little bit more of a pain to fill(needle and all that). The soft tops are better in that respect. But I've only used one LR atty since I've gotten the carto's and it's only because I wanted to see how they would work and be able to try different juices. So..that's my opinion(more than 2cents..sorry) for what it's worth, but I'm with Dayvape..everyone should try these at least once to see what they're missing. (Again..tks DV)
  25. Unfortunately flooding is one of those things that happens to us all at some time. It is a pain and although in the whole scheme of things it seems like you're wasting a lot of juice you probably aren't loosing as much as you're using. So hang in there and try some of the suggestions on this post and maybe it will help cut down on some of your problem. Good luck and happy vaping.
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