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Everything posted by snubber

  1. Think you're really gonna love the Ego. And good choices on the juices. All good flavors. Keep us informed. Good luck and happy vaping. p.s. If you ever want to try the Grape in 24mg.....you'll have to get in good with Mark....lol
  2. I'm not positive about it, but if that's all that's in it ti might work. Just make sure there is no sugar or oils in it. Where did you try to find the Loranns?.Also...before you go over the deep end check out some of the vendors that specialize in DIY supplies. Diy Flavorshack is a good one. Also Perfumers Apprentice and Freedom Smokes USA. I would also suggest that you talk to our resident mixologist (aka Kitsune) and she can help you out a lot more. Good choice on the device I'm sure you're really gonna like it. Good luck and happy vaping.
  3. Great review BD. I think you nailed it, especially the Midnight. It's my favorite of the VT juices(I think??). I too give a big Thanks to Chris and the staff.
  4. Just curious...I've worked down that way (Jenkinsville...VC Sommers nuke plant).
  5. As long as you don't go over 5v they should work great. I use them on my 5v vp/pt and they really kick out the vapors. Good luck and happy vaping.
  6. Several places have them, but I got mine at Vaporkings.com Use the code VKBC for 10% off. They also have the Ego mega carttos on sale....they hold a lot of juice.
  7. I have to agree with them. Get a couple of drip tips and some cartos. It's a much better and easier way to go than having to fill carts every 20mins or less. Try the 2.0 LR cartos they really work nice on the Ego.
  8. It does sound kind of confusing at first, but it will all become second nature after a while. And there is a kind of learning curve to all this. Most places have pre-filled carts in their kits and you pretty much get what they think you want. But some vendors offer different flavors with their kits or even blanks that you can fill yourself. Shop around and see what you can find. I think PureSmoker.com is having a sale on their Ego kits right now You might want to check. And I think Chris gives a free bottle of juice with his kits so don't pass up the VT store. What ever you decide on don't forget to get extra carts, or cartomizers, and a couple atty's. Not good to run out especially when just starting out. As far as menthol...I'm hooked on the VaporTalk Mentha. Really good strong menthol flavor(to me anyway) . You will find menthols at almost every vendor and you just need to try several till you find the one that's right for you in strength and mg's. But flavor is different for everybody so just because someone says this is great or this is bad...you really have to judge for yourself. Well good choice in both units and forums. If you have more questions we are all here to help. Good luck and happy vaping. p.s. where in S.C. are you?
  9. Good choice on the Ego. You can't go wrong with that. If you really don't want to mess with filling all day long then by all means get some cartomizers. I've started using them again (had some bad luck with the first batch) and they really do last a long time. Also the lower resistance ones are really great on the Ego. But they will need filling if you vape a lot in one day. Just top them off after say 3-4 hours with about 6-8 drops and you're good for another long time. Also the regular cartos work good too, just not as much vapor or TH as the low ones. And yes get more juice. Never a good thing to run out. They also make a Ego mega carto that is working pretty good for me right now. Look at some videos to see what you think of them and how to fill them. As "nana" always says on here back-ups back-ups back-ups. If you have the cash for extras get them. Saves on the tension of waiting when you run out of something. If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask. We're all here to help. Good luck and happy vaping. p.s. when you're ready to get into mixing your own juice..(.Kitsune is our resident mixing Queen)...ask her about it.
  10. Glad it's working great for you. I looked on their site but didn't see any thing about a 6v mod. Where am I missing it? Never mind...I found it..DOH!
  11. You must have one hell of a big bed to be able to sleep with two big dogs and your hubby. Tell the truth....which one snores the most?
  12. You just keep yapping away! That's what this forum is all about. Everyone helping each other with what's new or different. Granted, flavors are subjective and every one's is different, but unless someone like you "yaps" about it others may not know it's out there. It's great to get others opinions about units and juices and I'm so glad you're enjoying the ride. You just keep going and help the rest of us stay informed. Good luck and happy(yapping) vaping!!
  13. Depending on the reviews, this will probably be my next device. I've been holding off because most units are the same with tiny screwdrivers and having to guess what voltage you're at unless you hook it up to a meter. If this works the way it says it will then this guy has just upped the standard for all vari-volt mods. It will also cut down on sales of LR atty's and carto's since you wont need them with this unit. I'm really looking forward to this. Keep us informed Chris. You DA MAN!
  14. I need more vapors....please Chris....send me a sample of your Kosher e-liquid.
  15. That is so true. I grew up in the 50's and 60's and it wasn't anything like today. Parents took responsibility for their child's actions and kids were just kids. Maybe we didn't all turn out great, but we weren't nearly as screwed up at the kids today. (well maybe, just in a different way). It's really sad where we've let this country turn into.
  16. That's it...it's all over. Nothing left to do but write the note put the barrel in your mouth pull the trigger......I'm j/jk But really, some days just seem like that. It will get better. Like that saying says...."some days you're the windshield...some days you're the but" Good luck and happy vaping.
  17. Just too fricken funny, Oh NO...I think I'm getting the vapors. Please send me free stuff. After all, You have nothing better to do!
  18. Both my parents smoked, as did my grandparents. Aunts, Uncles, Cousins. They tell me I even had an old Aunt that used snuff and chewed and smoked a corncob pipe..lol.
  19. So tomorrow is Veterans Day. A day to remember our military personnel both past and present who have fallen in service for our country. But don't let it stop there. If you're out and about tomorrow and happen so see someone in uniform, why not walk up to them, shake their hand and thank them for their service. I do it all the time and they really do appreciate it. They need to know they are not just doing this for nothing. Go ahead...make their day!
  20. I don't know if anyone else has tried this yet, I just gave it a try today to see if it would fit. The Ego mega cartomizers, the 2.5ml ones with the skirt, will work on the VT/PT. I have one of those brass colored adapters on my pt so I can use 510's and while I was using one of the Boge carto's I got to wondering if the mega's would work. Sure enough, it fit right down over the adapter and connected just fine to the contact. So I was vaping with my VT/PT using a mega carto filled with VT Exotic. Not a bad way to go. It is a little stronger throat hit of course and a much warmer vapor, but if you find a juice you really like you can give this a try. Tell me what you think of it. TKS.
  21. I can't really comment on the mega atty's since I've never tried one. But I have just started using the mega carto's and I personally think they're pretty damn good. Especially when you're out and about. Filling them is kind of a pain at first, but once you've got it filled it will last a good long time before you need to top off again. I've also been using the 2.0 LR carto's by Boge and I have to tell you that they are fantastic. Great vapor, good flavor and they too last quite some time before top-off. Not as long as the mega's of course but still very long compared to regular carts. I highly recommend them. Also the regular carto's by Boge are great on a 5v unit. Again, tons of vapor and great throat hit. So that's my $.02 worth. Hope you find something you like. Good luck and happy vaping.
  22. Sounds very nice....two flavors I happen to like very much. Tks for the info!
  23. Sounds like you're getting the hang of it. I usually take an old cart..pull out the filler...and use it for a tip in my carto's. You may need to cut off just a little of the end of the cart because it goes down into the carto a little too much and makes it almost impossible to draw, But it works really well when it's modified. As far as the battery goes you can get one at a lot of vendors. I use to get my 510's from Rocky Mountain Vapors. Mainly because they were a little less and they ship almost as fast as priority for less. Good luck and happy vaping
  24. Don't give up on the juices you were so-so about. You may find out later that as your taste buds start to change you start liking these flavors more. It was that way for me and a few flavors I wasn't too crazy about at first, but in time they turned out to be quite good. Glad you're liking the vaping life. Good luck and happy vaping.
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