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Everything posted by snubber

  1. Always start my days with VT Exotic Tobacco and VT Mentha.
  2. If they're standard resistance they should be ok with the higher voltage.(except maybe 7v). Keep us informed of the results.
  3. The service is amazing isn't it? You've just officially become another "fanboy" of Vapor Talk
  4. Never said it was BAD....just more of a spin-off....lol
  5. Ok...so is this the new spokesperson for dietsmokes????
  6. The writing classes paid off...classic stuff there, I feel your pain. I think we all have been in that situation at least once. Hop it arrives soon,,,would hate to have to hear about it on the news.
  7. My suggestion...dump the carts and either direct drip or get some cartomizers. A lot better and flavor and a lot less trouble. Just use the tips as a mouthpiece on the carto's. Good luck and happy vaping.
  8. He makes some good points. The government already has enough of our rights in their hands...they don't need my balls too. And Nox...turn about is fair play...so ya wanna play????
  9. I think we need to talk Chris into having a section just for recipes that are pinned so we can refer back to them when we want to try something new. Then every one who mixes something can add it on for the rest of us to try. Whatcha think???
  10. Welcome back..... I like the firing range idea....I say NUKE EM. Make them suffer the way they've made you suffer. Rip them to shreds with heavy gunfire. Or set them ablaze with some WP. Good luck and get back to vaping.
  11. Now everyone can see why I've been calling you the "Queen" of mixing. Our resident "mixologist". This is great information Kitsune a really great post. Anyone who is interested in mixing will do wonders if they just pay attention. I for one am grateful to you for your help and information. A big +1 Keep up the good work.
  12. Man...it sucks to be you right now. Hey just joking...I'm sure it will be there tomorrow. If not check to see if it's at your local P.O. and go and pick it up.
  13. Could be anything. Try looking on the site where you got it and maybe it will say. It's probably a Marlb. type of tobacco flavor generally around 18 mg. Also might look on the wrapper of the cart. Sometimes they have it on them.
  14. There is a juice calculator floating around on the forum somewhere..http://www.todmuller.com/ejuice/ejuice.php This seems to work pretty good. Still need to tweak it a little and the amounts are approx. (at least for me) but it's a good starting point. But at least you got in touch with the right person (Kitsune) if any one can help you she can....our mixologist. Good luck on the mixing..it can be a lot of fun. Good luck and happy vaping.
  15. Great review Joe.... (now I feel like I've been kicked off the short bus..) Keep up the good work "O" I'm sure we all want to try some of your juices.
  16. Hey "MOM" (do you mind me calling you mom?) That's some great news. Way to go!!! If we could all just get one or two smokers to listen and try these we'd have a lot more non-smokers and a much healthier place. See...and you thought all your days sucked lately. You just keep on plugging away at them and they'll tell 2 friends and they'll tell 2 friends etc. Keep up the good word. that deserves a +1
  17. Dayvape is the one that got me hooked on carto's again. All his cartos this and cartos that...lol . Well he was right!!! I think we have all tried all those "mods" for carts...tea bags...fluval....blue foam...etc etc. and although they seem to semi work better you really wont know how much they lack until you try these cartomizers. The old cartos were not much to speak of, but these new ones coming out are fantastic. The 2.0's work great on the Ego and the standard ones are fantastic on 5v. If just for the ease of not having to mess with refilling the filler....not to mention how much more liquid you can get in them. No more cutting and rolling , no more having to rejuice every 6 toots. Before you spend any more time and money on teabags or carts..do yourself a favor and get at least one pack of the 2.0 LR cartos from VaporKings. I'm not saying not to DD with atty's anymore...I still do when I'm just sitting around and want to change up flavors once in a while. But I think you'll be very pleased with the new cartos. Well I'm starting to sound like Dayvape so that's it for now. Good luck and happy vaping.
  18. Welcome to Vapor Talk. All great advice and I have to agree with them. The small analog type e-cig just doesn't have what it takes. But it has gotten a lot of us started in the right direction. Check into the Ego/Tornado or just a regular 510 kit as your next choice. You will notice a difference and bump up your nic level which will help also. Good luck and happy vaping.
  19. My first suggestion would be to try just mixing some simple flavors first and see how you like them. Then if you want to go on (and I know you do) get in touch (PM) our resident mixologist Kitsune. She probably can tell you anything you need to know to make just about anything you want to make. She's got a lot of recipes so I'm sure she probably already has them written down and ready to go. Good luck and happy mixing !!!!
  20. I'm with Mark (that's hard to say). Why waste perfectly good booze on an atty when hot water will do the same thing. My suggestion...put the atty's in very hot water...drink the everclear....sit back and say "the hell with the atty's let's just get drunk".
  21. I would also suggest that the next time you order you get yourself some 2.0 LR cartomizers. They hold plenty of juice...work great...inexpensive....and you don't have to fill them as often.
  22. Sounds like your wife has been talking to mine....lol
  23. Well....He's been known to like his beer, and he hoards all the 24mg Grape Soda from Vapor Talk....lol
  24. Great pics Brian...thanks for sharing. Hope tomorrow is better for you.
  25. That's good news. Glad you're off the analogs. And now the fun begins. Too bad the FDA can't get their head out of their butts and see just how well these work for people compared to the crap they have approved. Keep up the good work. Good luck and happy vaping.
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