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Everything posted by snubber

  1. I can understand your concern about the cost of vaping to that of smoking. I was smoking analogs for over 40 yrs, at times over 3pks a day and that's when cigs were cheap. Even before I quit I was still spending between $8-$12 a day for analogs, and although the start up cost of vaping seems expensive it's nothing to the amount of money I've spent over the years on analogs. Plus I am not feeling the pain or discomforts I was having with regular cigs. No more coughing fits, no more chest pains, my breathing has improved, my taste is coming back, and a few other extras as well. You may not notice at first that you're saving by using an e-cig, but besides money you're also saving your health. And that's worth a lot more than the cost of e-liquid. You will notice that a lot of us have a banner at the bottom of our posts. It calculates how much we've saved on analogs and how many we have not smoked. If you're curious how much you're saving I'd suggest you download it on your personal page and watch just how fast the numbers climb. At any rate, it will come out to be a better alternative in the long run so keep on vaping and you'll find your sweet-spot in time. Good luck and happy vaping.
  2. Checked with Puresmoker and they are genuine eGo's. Now my suggestion for you would be to go over to VaporKings and get yourself a pk of the 2.0 LR empty cartomizers and maybe a pk of the regular cartomizers also. You will have to fill them every 3-4 hours depending on how much you vape, but it's better than the little cartos that need refilling every 15mins. They also have the ego mega catros. If you want to give them a try. They hold almost 2mls of juice but they are a little harder to fill. (need a needle and syringe) But your choice of an ego is a great choice. I think you will really like the difference between the two units. Almost everyone on the forum suggests it as a first or second pv. Good luck and happy vaping.
  3. That's really amazing. Kid's got some talent and a very creative mind.. good video.
  4. Glad you gave them a try. I think once you give them a little time you will find they really work great. Sometimes they need a little break-in before they really start to work right. I was a LR atty guy for a long time until I tried these 2.0's and now I seldom use an atty unless I just want to try some different flavors. Mostly I fill 2 or 3 cartos and go with it. It's all trial and error with e-cigs and accessories and juices until you find what's right for YOU. Good luck and happy vaping.
  5. Well tomorrow is the big feast day. Many of us will be busy both tonight and tomorrow. It gets very hectic at this time. So I wanted to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving in case we don't get to meet tonight or tomorrow. I've made lots of new friends on this forum and in chat and I would like to thank you all individually but that would take me the rest of the month or more. All of you have been a great help and I know I would never have given up the analogs if not for this forum and all it's great members and staff. So to every one I know and those of you who I will meet I want send you my deepest heartfelt HAPPY THANKSGIVING !!!! And thanks for giving so much.
  6. I don't currently have one, but I've seen others and they work great. With the end cap on they look just like a standard ego battery, but with the added versatility of a pass-through. Can't beat it. on my wish list...hehe
  7. These are some really nice looking units. I just may have to try my hand with one of these Tks Jeff.
  8. This guy does some really good videos. This would be a great addition for the noobie site. If they can't figure it out from this they don't need to be using an ego.
  9. Who the hell is doing the research at this place? Not only do they have their facts wrong, but they don't even know how the thing really works. I know I'm just ranting to people that already know all this, but it just peeves me when these "so called" authorities can't even get their facts straight. And I think the worst part is they don't seem to want to as long as it pushes their agenda.
  10. Couldn't agree with you more!!! So far VT liquid beats the others "hands down" for flavor and consistency. When I try something from another place I'm never sure what it's going to be like,even for flavors I've tried at other sites. But with VT I know exactly what treat I'm in for. Vapor Talk liquids...Theeyyy'rrreee GGGRREEAATTT!!! And any one that doesn't like it..."I pitty the fool" been watching way to much tv lately....lol
  11. Brian and nana are both right...they are a mass product and being an electrical part are subject to inconsistencies. I've had LR atty's last for almost a month and a couple that only lasted 10 mins. There's just no way of knowing. And although regular atty's are "OK" they just don't deliver the same punch. I would also suggest to you, since you have an Ego, to look into the LR cartomizers. The 2.0 ones I'm using now are great. Good vapor and throat hit, plus the added bonus of not having to drip all day or while I'm driving. They take a little getting use to, but once you do it really works nice. But like the atty's there's no telling just how long they will last. But I've got one now that is on it's second week and still kicking strong. So look around and do some research and ask more questions....that's what this forum is all about. Good luck and happy vaping.
  12. That's just priceless. I had a hard time reading it between laughing so hard and wiping the tears out of my eyes. Thanks for making my day...... Sorry to hear Martha wont be joining you......but I wouldn't want that ***** at my house either. Have a great Thanksgiving. p.s. I'm going to copy this and take it with me on thursday.
  13. Good news "MOM". Can't help but think you helped her to make the switch. I'm sure she's seen you vaping and just had to check it out.
  14. Glad to hear your Ego finally arrived. I think you're really gonna love it once you get the hang of all the different atty's, carts, and carto's. You will find a big difference between the regular and low res atty's and carto's. And Kit is absolutely right about taste. It's different for everyone and when your taste buds start coming back you'll notice that juices you didn't like at first are really quite good. It's all about the time....hope you're feeling better and enjoy the vape. If you have questions don't hesitate to ask...we're all here for ya. Good luck and happy vaping.
  15. Tks Kit... ( in my best Vinney Barbarino accent....I'm sooo confused)
  16. That's a very nice story. Now let me talk to him because he's going to make it tough on the rest of us if OUR wives read this.
  17. I've tried to clean a couple and believe me it just isn't worth it. Take it from an old cheapskate there are just some things that you can't skimp on, And they were meant to be disposable any way so at the cost they really aren't that expensive to begin with. So, when they start to go bad just chalk it up to they had a good life and toss them.
  18. Another great review "O" Glad to see Skruff join in this time....and the kitty. Keep us informed as always...tks.
  19. I think you'll find that most of us vape a lot more than we ever smoked. I believe that it's partly because we can without the trouble of going outside or finding a place to smoke. Also because it's just plain enjoyable compared to what smoking was....a habit. I think some of the sore throat may be from the PG/VG in the mix. They tend to dry out your throat some and you really need to keep drinking something while you vape. And like you said, some may be from allergies. So keep mindful of the situation and if it persists you may want to see a doctor and have it checked. Either way....enjoy! Good luck and happy vaping.
  20. Thanks Kit... it's still a little fuzzy but get the idea. I'm just still a little lost on how you figure what to mix with what? Like why capp and expresso in apple pie? It's not so much about how much....I always boost my flavors to at least 30%. It's the combos that get me. All trial and error I guess.....just hope not too many errors!
  21. I know this is an older post, and I don't know how I missed it the first time. But great job QT. Brings up a lot of questions about the success of our FDA and what they consider safe for us to use. Also, if there was any question as to which side the FDA was on this should solve that. The money for research is obviously coming from the big Pharma and cigarette companies which just help to feed the problems of the e-cig being looked into as a serious alternative to smoking. I can't and wont say they are 100% safe but when you consider the factors of products like Chantix and all it's side effects I'd rather take my chances with an e-cig. At least I know my skin wont fall off or I wont kill myself.
  22. About the only premixed flavors that I've found that has a good strong taste is the Mentha and Exotic tobacco from VT. The other juices from Vapor Talk are very good but are a little more subtle. Other than a menthol or a cinn flavor you'll probably find to be a little light on that "Wham" that you're looking for. The only suggestion I have is to either get some extra flavorings and boost them yourself or have someone else hand mix them for you.
  23. Well for years we did the old spend a few hours at my parents house then a few at her's. Well since they are no longer with us we have been doing the turkey-day thing. This year our daughter has decided to have it at her new place. In-laws are coming in from the Azors (sp) and the MIL is doing some of the cooking which will be interesting because she's from Portug. So like most families everyone is bringing something. My contribution is pumpkin pie (YES). So like most I will eat too much and then sit around like a lump playing with the grandkids. Hope everyone has a wonderful day and looking forward to hearing about your day the next time we get together. Happy Thanksgiving.
  24. Ok..so you all have really peaked my interest into mixing more. I've mostly just mixed single flavors like coffee, cherry, peach, hickory, etc just the basic stuff. I've had pretty good luck but nothing really special like what you all have been coming up with. Guess I'm just not that creative. I've gotten some Lorann's and Diyflavorshack and Perfumers apprentice flavors and they are pretty good, just haven't gone wild with them. So here's a question for you. How do you come up with how much of each to put into your mix? I use the Todd Muller calculator for the basics but how do you decide how much of the other flavors to add? Just when I thought I was getting a handle on the basics you all go and throw a wrench into my works....all very confusing. Ok Kitsune....HELP!!!!!
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