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Everything posted by snubber

  1. I have to agree. The eGo is an excellent choice. It has great battery life. And all the attys and cartomizers you use with the regular 510 work on the eGo. It's a little bit bigger than the standard 510 but will last a lot longer between charges. Check out the videos on it and then look into getting one. You wont be disappointed. Good luck and happy vaping.
  2. I've watched this video several times and it makes me laugh every time. But I also cringe because I know I was one of those at first and I'm sure I asked a lot of the same dumb questions. besides...I like the vapors.
  3. From what I've read and learned the amount of nic in a draw off an e-cig is minimal and mostly absorbed quickly so what you're seeing is the pg or vg vapor and not the nicotine. I don't believe you'll be doing anyone harm with the vapor. It really depends on the temp and humidity in the area as to how long the vapor will linger. I wouldn't worry about it too much.
  4. Lesson learned....we have all done it at least once or twice. That's where the drip tips come in handy. If you are going to drip alot I'd check them out and pick up a couple. Really helps and it's easy to do. Glad you're still liking the vaping. Any questions don't hesitate to ask us. We're all here to help. Good luck and happy vaping.
  5. Welcome to Vapor Talk. Good to have you with us. Don't know about the flavored e-liquids. Since they will be under the tobacco ruling I don't see how they can say anything since they have flavored cigars, and snuff out there. But I'm sure they're gonna try something. That's where the Diy will come in handy. Good luck and happy vaping.
  6. Good morning. And just think, most of those you wouldn't have enjoyed just smoked because of the habit. At least every time I vape I enjoy the flavor I'm vaping not just going through the motion. The money savings is a little bit off because at first you spend quite a bit to get started, but in the long run the savings win out. Both money and health wise. Good luck and happy vaping.
  7. If you get extra 510 atty's and some cartomizers, they will work on the eGo when you get around to ordering one. But until then you will still want to have some back-ups for your 510. There's nothing wrong with the 510 or the 520 other than the fact that the battery life is short and you have to keep recharging so often. They are a fine little device and will serve well until you're ready to move on to bigger and better things. And then they will be great little back-ups also. If your kit comes with 2 complete units then that should hold you for now as far as batteries go until you see how it is working out for you. Then later if you decide to keep using it I would suggest getting a few extra batteries. Good luck and happy vaping.
  8. I've gone through 6mls of Diy Double Chocolate today waiting for my VT order to come in. If it's not here tomorrow..the USPS and I are going to have a little talk.
  9. May I jump in on this? I mostly use the "Todd" juice calculator, and it works quite well for most of what I'm doing. But I would like to point out that not all drops are created equal. I believe it says that 20 drops = 1ml. But that really depends on the size and type of dropper you are using. I have some standard size droppers that I mostly use, but the droppers that you can get with the Lorann's flavors is a lot smaller. And I've even noticed that the pipettes are different sizes. So what may be 20 drops for one size may take 30 or more for the others. If at all possible, it's best to use a needle and syringe. Just my thoughts.
  10. This is great !!!! It's about time we had some good news for our side. Thanks to the judges that didn't side with the FDA and big business.
  11. Welcome to Vapor Talk. Sounds like the center post isn't making contact. I'd get in touch with the vendor and get it taken care of.
  12. Congrats on making through to this point. Many people have started vaping and never picked up another cigarette since day one. As for me, it's been a battle. I started two years ago at Christmas time and fought with it for over a year. In fact I went back to smoking after only a few months with my first PV. It was one of those mall kiosk types and really didn't work well at giving me what I needed. Then this past January I started again in earnest and haven't had a real analog in 325 days. That's not to say that I haven't had serious cravings, I have, and still do from time to time. But now I just tell myself that I've gone this long without one, and I start vaping a little harder, and the craving goes away and I'm just left enjoying the vape. The biggest thing for you is to not force yourself. If you need to have an analog that's fine. It's not going to make things any worse and in time you'll find that you'd rather be vaping than smoking. And maybe for you those cravings will just go away like they have for so many others. Smoking is a hard habit to stop. I know! After 40+ years for me to go this long without a cigarette is a real miracle. And will happen for you too. Just don't beat yourself up over it. Let you and your body work this out and it WILL happen. Good luck and happy vaping.
  13. Although I still like my nic, I have found that I'm not as big on tobacco flavor as before. Now that I can have other flavors like coffee and raspberry etc it's kinda nice not to be stuck with the same old analog taste. But I must confess that I do like VT Exotic the best of any tobacco flavors I've tried. Tell your husband to think outside the box a little and try some of the flavors he would never have thought of trying when he was smoking. And I also say never toss out a flavor right away. What might taste like crap now may be something he'll like after his taste buds start to come back. Good luck and happy vaping.
  14. Carto's are a great choice, especially for driving or when you can't drip. But the LR carto's aren't recommended for the smaller mah batteries like the standard 510. They really are meant for the higher 450 and above range. They will kill your battery quicker if used on the standard 510. That's why a lot of us suggest going with the eGo. Longer battery life and high Mah rating. But the 510 is a great starter kit. You wont go wrong with it. You really can't "drip" with a carto because of the filler material, but after some use you will need to top it off with some more liquid. Hope this helps a little. Any more questions don't hesitate to ask. Good luck and happy vaping.
  15. Very nice "O". Another good review. Like your HO HO Hat.
  16. To me it kinda tastes like a strawberry champagne. Not real sweet but smooth and very flavorful.
  17. Well my favorite VT juices are Midnight, Exotic and Mentha. But the ChocoJava is a good coffee flavor. More coffee than choc to me but a really good blend for the morning. The capp is pretty good and the Machiotto(sp) is a nice one too. Mark really likes the Grape so if you can find it better get it while you can...lol. Actually all the VT flavors I've tried are great. The Sweet Dawn reminds me of a pear jellybelly. Really great taste. Don't guess that was much help, but give them a try. I'm pretty sure you wont be disappointed. Good luck and happy vaping.
  18. Brian...I may have lead you wrong. The tangerine is an "oil" didn't notice it when I bought it. And yes after a week now it has separated some, but I shook it up and I'll see how long before it does it again. I just know that it tastes great and smells even better. Sorry
  19. Just looked into it.....not as easy as the "Todd Mueller" one but not too bad. Will try this one out sometime. Like the fact that you can save your mixes and calculations for ni
  20. Glad you're enjoying the vaping. Now don't forget to try a few of the other flavors that VT has......if you like menthol try the Mentha, great cool hit. But my favorites are Midnight and Exotic tobacco. Good luck and happy vaping.
  21. Brian...what kind of tangerine flavoring were you using? I just made some with Lorann's and it's hasn't separated yet. But it does taste pretty good.
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