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Everything posted by snubber

  1. But Uma.. all those pretty lights and that sleek design...WOW!!! And it hits like a 6v? MORE WOW!!! sometimes I'm sooo bad...hehe
  2. Good work for your first. Dulcis is a great vape anytime anywhere. tks.
  3. Well what do you know? Some one who actually knows what the hell their talking about instead of following the big Cig/Pharma crap. It's about time that some truth came out about e-cigs. Thanks for the post.
  4. To quote a very respected member on here (nana) BACK-UPS BACK-UPS BACK-UPS!!!!! Never know when something is going to poop out or just start acting strange. And try some cartomizers...they work great when you can't direct drip. Good luck and happy vaping.
  5. I've found that too much VG in my juices gums up a carto really bad. I think a mix of 70/30 works pretty good.
  6. Good review. I think you got the VT flavors right to the point. Keep up the good work!
  7. I'm not sure but I think they are SLB atty's. And I agree with jeffb. Sticking with U.S. vendors is probably a better idea. The shipping charge is really high from China and takes a long time. Also, if you get one DOA will take even longer to replace. Just my opinion.
  8. So "BIG BROTHER" is watching us all the time huh? Glad you know what the hell you''re doing because I don't have a clue. For me...if it doesn't run right....it's broke!!!
  9. What a bunch of crap. This so-called logic is so far out in left field that its ridiculous. These "authorities" really just have no common sense at all.
  10. I've tried both and can't see any real advantage to it. They do seen to leak a little more without it, but could just be me. I think it's really your choice.
  11. That's pretty neat. It would be good to have around if the power goes out during a storm or something. You may be sitting in the dark but at least your pv's could be charged for vaping while you wait for the lights to come back on.
  12. Tried to turn mine..killed it....don't try it.
  13. Hello. I agree that the drip tips are not really necessary, they are just easier for dripping than taking off the mouthpiece every time. As for your eGo kit...yes it is dripping ready with an atty. Just remove the filler from one of the carts and add 2 to 3 drops right in the atty and you're ready to go. Enjoy! Good luck and happy vaping.
  14. That thing is just awesome. Any idea how much one of those things costs???? Can't be cheap.!!!
  15. I really like the idea of the LED's. Reminds me of my vp/pt. I don't think any vendors are selling them yet....that site is wholesale isn't it. Hope to hear more about it soon.
  16. I'm sure you can do it. It took me a long time to finally quit the analogs and strictly vape so I know how it is. Just hang in there....hope you're feeling better soon.
  17. Those are some big a** dogs. Just how tall do danes get? Knew a guy who had one that stood about 6' on its hind legs.
  18. Have to agree with the eGo and car adapter. But like they said, it's not mouth hanging friendly. Kinda heavy for that. But it is the better choice. And also have him get some cartomizers he can fill with whatever juice he likes and wont have to keep filling it every 15 mins.
  19. I tried the patch the gum the mints..welbutron...they all suck. This vaping is the first thing that's kept me from smoking.
  20. This is funny...because I thought I was the only one who has had a close call like this. Once while standing in the restroom at the mall I put my eGo in my mouth and I have a bad habit of leaning into the wall with my head to kinda brace myself. My device came off the mouthpiece and fell hitting MY unit in mid shake where it flew up and I was able to catch it with my other hand. Both funny and scary at the same time. p.s. now that I think about it...this is a strange topic
  21. While I know that this ruling is sort of a victory in our favor, I'm still wondering how they can be regulated as a tobacco product when there is not tobacco in them? Personally I think they should just leave us the hell alone.
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