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Everything posted by yeroc1982

  1. I have given up on this thing and the company I got it from, they never get back to me or accept payments so I'm done. Iv already wasted 100$, not interested in wasting more. If anyone is interested in 2 ego c 650mah batteries with USB charger and a few extras, let me know, its going to be sold. Not even 1 week old. Have box. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2 Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  2. I have given up on this thing and the company I got it from, they never get back to me or accept payments so I'm done. Iv already wasted 100$, not interested in wasting more. If anyone is interested in 2 ego c 650mah batteries with USB charger and a few extras, let me know, its going to be sold. Not even 1 week old. Have box. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  3. Yeah, I order all my stuff from this Canadian website so I know it will get here. Yup I hope im happy with the stardust. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  4. C.O.V? Anyway I ordered a couple of those stardust clearomizers from cdnvapor and told them I have been having issues, hopefully they will throw something in extra with my order. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  5. Yeah the battery is awesome, lasted me 2 full work days before dying, and I smoke half pack of cigs a day so it does get used. I was looking at the stardust but then I goggled it and found some ppl having leaking issues also so I didn't continue looking. I buy all my stuff from cdnvapor website because its Canadian. Think they would give me a refund? Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  6. Been leaking since I got it. Tried all the other tanks and a few attys but same thing happens. I even tried drilling the hole for the tank about the same size as the atty spike but it was a fail. These are the hard cap tanks. Anyone know what works and will not leak any fluid? I'm ready to buy any aftermarket tank. Inches away from lighting up an analog! Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  7. I order all my stuff from this website, http://www.cdnvapor.ca/category_s/20.htm Can anyone take a look and tell me what tank unit i can buy that will work and not leak? Id like to order all my stuff from one place but if need be, if this place dosent have it, i will buy somewhere else.
  8. T2 it is then! I don't have patience to fix brand new stuff. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  9. I lost a whole tank of fluid today cuz of this leak Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  10. OK thanks. I see my tank seems to seep abit of fluid around where the atomizer spike goes, like in the black cover, this normal? Will the t2 do this?
  11. Can someone reccomend me a web site to buy from? I'd buy from cdnvapor again but they only do emoney transfer, 10$ shipping and if I change my current order, I'll have to re send a new etransfers and and cancel the other one with a 3$ charge. Credit card would be easier. I think I'm going to go with the kanger t2. What ohm should I go with for my ego c?
  12. Cam someone point me in the right direction? I buy from cdnvapor website and they have a bunch of different tanks etc, not sure what to buy.
  13. Yes I have the standard ego c battery. So a clearomizer its same thing as Vivi Nova, just another brand? Maybe its cheaper to buy?
  14. What are some good things about the Nova mini?
  15. I have an ego c starter kit and wanted to buy a Vivi Nova mini, will this work together with my 650mah ego c battery?
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