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yeroc1982 last won the day on June 13 2013

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  1. I bought a sx mini m class the other day. Got a spool of nickel wire also to make TC coils. So far I love this unit. Any pointers, hints, tricks to get the best vape outta this?
  2. I think it's called a UgoOs UT2, with android marking on it. But yeah you just stream everything. I'm not even using a good Internet connection(dsl) and I love it! High Def stuff buffers on occasion but not bad at all. For the money iv saved, it's perfect. There is actually too much stuff to pick from, between movies new and old as well as tv shows.
  3. Iv been using a android tv box for past few years, haven't paid a bill for years. You get whatever channels you want, any season and any episode of any tv show. Ppv are all free like ufc etc. All you need is Internet connection.
  4. Picked up a Goblin rta, so far I love it!
  5. All the juices are amazing, but hard to get. My other favorite is Strawberry Astronaut, it's strawberry and apricot. All the juices are very light in color also which I like.
  6. Anyone hear of balut? It's a partially grown duck embryo. Crack it open and slug it back. Delicacy in the Philippines. Iv seen my wife's uncle eat them.
  7. Picked up this box today. So far it's great, having double the battery is awesome! I thought it would be too big but it's really not much bigger than the ipv2. Gonna build some dual coils later and test it out more.
  8. JTJM's Shurb. Soo Gooooood!
  9. This stuff is amazing, I understand why it quickly sells out. If you can find it, try it if the flavors sound appealing to you! The Caramel Pear is actually 3mg, not 0mg.
  10. That's just what it's called
  11. Dumb and dumber to
  12. Cool thanks for the info, much appreciated!
  13. I have a couple juices at home that could use a slight sweetening up, but none of our local B&M'S carry diy supplies. Are there any sweeteners that you can buy from a Walmart or something? Thanks
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