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Everything posted by nana

  1. That is wonderful!! Cherish these moments. Thanks for sharing the moment with us!!
  2. Well? I'm anxious to see these things in action, but wasn't on here last night to see anything. How is it?
  3. That's just not right.
  4. ROFLMAO - Thanks for the laugh, Mark. What a great way to start my day!!
  5. And here I thought I had become immune to the pixie dust....
  6. I have some drip tips and just love them. They really improved vaping for me. But, they aren't the best to use when driving. I've never tried the LR cartos (only regular ones, which I don't care for at all), but I have thought about it. Where do you all get the Boge LR cartos?
  7. No more toying with the idea of an eGo PT for me. Nope. I'm done thinking about it. I just placed an order for one at the VT Store. Now I'll find out if you all are right.
  8. I have some LR 306s and really like them. I use the drip tip and don't seem to have any problems with them. I don't think I could use them with the carts. Just not my thing.
  9. Welcome to Vapor Talk. Sounds like everyone has you covered on your question. Let us know if you work it out.
  10. I haven't used my VP/PT since I got my SB PT. I still have it, but haven't used it. I am however toying with the idea of the eGo PT.
  11. LOL - Glad you're liking it kitsune!
  12. What a great gift you got for him!! A variety of juices would probably be a big bonus for him - even if most of them are tobacco flavors. A lot of the fun of vaping is trying different flavors. My advice would be to tell him to take long, slow drags...to fill his mouth with vapor before inhaling. Also, tell him not to give up if he feels like it isn't working. The best thing to do is to give it a chance. Even if he still smokes for awhile, every cigarette he doesn't have is a good thing. If every time he wants a cigarette he'll vape first, he might cut down on a lot of the cigarettes. If after vaping for awhile he still wants a cigarette, he can have one. That alone might help him not be anxious about it. If he just relaxes and gives the eGo a try, he'll soon be vaping more than he is smoking without working too hard at it and would probably completely replace the cigarettes with the eGo. He doesn't have to push himself at all. And he might even find (like I did) that he loves vaping more than smoking and he'll make the switch quickly. But he needs to know that he doesn't have to. I smoked for 34 years and didn't have any problems whatsoever switching over...some people have taken longer. But from what I've seen, most people do eventually make the switch. There are quite a few of us here that have smoked for more than 20 years, so he would be in good company if he'd join the forum. We'll give him all the encouragement he could ever ask for. Let him know that we all wish him the best of luck and would love to have him here.
  13. Congratulations!!! Glad you've joined the one year club! And it's good to hear from you again, too.
  14. I feel the same way snubber. Merry Christmas to everyone!!
  15. I'm trying some "very cherry" flavoring I got from TW. I think...it might remind me of...hmmm...cherry....cough syrup.
  16. Hang in there Sherry. It will all come together, I'm sure of that. I agree with the others in that I think you do need the higher nic. Hopefully you'll be able to get your hands on some very soon. Good luck and let us know how you're doing. We'll sure help you in any way we can.
  17. So...maybe I'm not so curious after all. LOL
  18. Never heard of it. Before now. What exactly does it mean? Cause I'm very curious.
  19. I like your alarm system!!
  20. Wow! Just wow! Hawaii. Vaping. Beach. No snow. Wow! Just wow! I can see how you might have to "force" yourself to visit there every couple of months.
  21. Uma, may the force by with you. And if that doesn't work...a person can never have enough backups...<big sigh>
  22. Plain old cotton candy. It's good mixed with other stuff, but is kinda nice alone, too.
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