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Everything posted by nana

  1. It worked!! Thanks Uma!!
  2. If this works...sorry for the poor quality of the pic.
  3. Brian does have good juice at a great price, but not sample sizes. Although...to me, 10ml is a sample size.
  4. I remember you. Welcome back. I've been using any eGo (along with some other stuff) for 3 years now. I still love it. You really can't go wrong with it and it's a great starter. Good luck!!
  5. Mostly on the couch watching tv. Or at the computer. Or (in nice weather) outside in the yard.
  6. I switch around several times a day. Mostly I just use my handy dandy little eGo and drip, but I use the others, too.
  7. Welcome to the best forum on the web! Okay, I have to admit, this is the first and only forum I have ever joined also, but I've read a couple so I know this is the best.
  8. nana


    Welcome to Vapor Talk. I've been vaping (and smoke free) for 3 years, too.
  9. Welcome!!
  10. Welcome! Yes, you will get good information from this forum. Feel free to ask any and all questions you might have.
  11. LOL - Great story!! Thanks for sharing it. Yep, that's how it goes in the beginning. Actually, it can go that way even after 3 years of vaping.
  12. I'm another one that has to see that cloud of vapor to feel satisfied. It never made much sense to me, but I quit trying to figure it out. I just vape on. I easily go through 6ml per day. Usually more. I've even gone through 12ml in a day. I vape almost non-stop most days, but it depends on what I'm doing. I can be busy doing something and notice that I haven't picked up my PV in 3 hours and I'm not craving it either. Seems strange, but then I probably always have been a bit strange. I know that when I smoked, I could not have made it over an hour without a smoke or I would have been pulling my hair out. I know because I tried it when I'd try to quit smoking. I just couldn't do it until I started vaping. Absolutely less nic!!! The nic level doesn't have much to do with my vaping anymore. I vape a lot of 0mg and some 6mg. The coffee flavor I LOVE doesn't come that low, so I get it in 11mg. I don't vape a lot of it because I use it as my "desert" or my "treat". I don't know if it's age or vaping, but I don't seem to get nearly as stressed as I used to. I wonder if it has to do with not having to worry about when or where I can get my next smoke. Maybe because I can vape anytime, anywhere I want to, it keeps me a lot calmer.
  13. I think I'd blame it on the flu or something - not vaping. I don't blame vaping for anything. LOL Seriously, I hope you're feeling better by now. p.s. by dropping the mg, you can vape more.
  14. Welcome to VT and the wonderful world of vaping. I, too, loved smoking (for 34 years) - until I started vaping. Found out I didn't really love smoking, but I sure do LOVE vaping.
  15. Welcome!!
  16. Uma, you sure know how to make a person feel good!! My "list" is under my smoke free banner. But, I'll put it here....Mark's Mod, eGo, Provape 1, OG juice box mods, Ali'i, Reo Grand, and two Lava Tubes (large & small). I'll gather my stuff together and see if I can get a pic, then I'll try (notice I said "try") to post one. I just don't have much any more. My list of what I've had in the past is much, much, much longer. LOL
  17. Oh no!!!! I think I need to go check this out. Oh no!!!
  18. Uma!!! It's all my fault? LOL Okay, I'll admit to the backups for you backups backups thing. I've been a stickler for that almost from the very beginning. But...I'm glad I am. I don't have nearly as many mods as you do though. You've long since surpassed me in that area - plus you now know everything there is to know about every device out there. You are the QUEEN of vaping!!!! I never did figure out how to add pictures to posts, so I'll have to let my "list" tell you what I have instead of showing you.
  19. Welcome. You most certainly found the place to get all the help you need. Lots of friendly folks here.
  20. Lurkers are welcome. Joining in is more fun.
  21. Welcome and good luck!!
  22. Same here. I vape more than I smoked. But...to be honest...I might have smoked more if it hadn't been so expensive. Just sayin'. LOL
  23. I smoked for 34 years - went straight from smoking to vaping. It's been a wonderful 3 years & 3 months of being smoke free for me. For the first few months I liked the smell of smoke, but any more I don't. Congratulations on quitting smoking on your own!! That's something I never could do. Good luck with your new ecig!!
  24. Great post!! Congrats Snubber!!
  25. Congratulations!!!!
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