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    subtlebanter reacted to nana in How Long Should I Vape?   
    In two months I will be celebrating my 3rd anniversary of being smoke free - after smoking analogs for 34 years. I have no desire to quit vaping, but if anything happened that I had to quit (see above mentioned government stuff), I could do it. No way I would ever go back to analogs either. Vaping makes me happy and everyone around here wants me to stay happy (something I don't understand ), so I plan to keep vaping. But...I could see myself quitting, too. I've gone for hours without even thinking about vaping and I never did that with analogs. I'm also known to vape a lot. If I'm sitting in front of the computer or the TV, I chain vape. I think the least I should do is vape for the same number of years I smoked. Seems like the fair thing to do. I've got 31 years to go. I'll decide then.
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