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  1. I'm strictly a menthol women.. When I smoked reg cig's I didn't ever wish it tasted like coffee or chocolate and considering I replaced cigs with vaping I just can't get used to flavored liquids. Maybe once my "need to smoke" is gone I'll venture out but for now I'm sticking with the menthol so I don't go back to those nasty cig's. I did do a little testing today after posting. I used the Nova for the first part of the day then the later part of the day I used what I believe to be the dukang (sp) both were listed at 16 mgs but after using the second oil I felt much better. I can't say that I was up running a marathon but I didn't feel like I was going to go into a coma. The interesting part is I'm ADHD and been on Ritalin since 2007 but I find that since I started vaping I don't need my medication for the "hyper part". I also notice that my husband and I both suffer from hot flashes since we started vaping. I'm sure there's an answer to all of this somewhere, I just have to find it!! Thanks again for all of your help and I'll be sure to update what I find with the new liquid.
  2. Thanks! I just placed my first order with them. I followed your advise on the nic and lowered it to 6mg, since my husband loves to constantly vape and I bought 2 bottles one all pg and the other mostly vg to see if it was the pg or vg that may be causing us the issue.
  3. Thanks jeffb! Is there a company that you can recommend for our E juice? We are both menthol smokers and we aren't having much luck at this point and also do you have a recommendation on pg vs vg?
  4. My husband and I really need some help. We both started vaping back in November and it was love at first vape, we never picked up a cig again. In the begining we noticed that we were tired more than usual but the local retailer told us that this is normal when you quit smoking. After a few weeks we both started feeling much better and all seemed well for months but as time has gone by we are both tired all the time. It's gotten so bad that my husband comes home from work and as soon as he sits down, he's asleep and I have days where I physically feel like I don't have the energy to move and all I want to do is sleep all day. When we started vaping we were told that we were getting the dukang (sp) juice, then a few months later we were told we were still getting the same juice it was just in a different bottle but yet there was nothing written on the box or bottle other then the nic mg's and menthol and truth be told we really enjoyed the "new" stuff now months later we are told that he can no longer get that liquid and he really wasn't even sure what it was and he wants us to buy his new line made by a local vendor, we tried it and we both suffered from severe headaches and coughing fits so at this point my husband went online and bought a bottle of halo and I found a local smoke shop that carries Nova. The Nova 16 mg is amazing taste wise and I love it but by the time I got to bottle number 3 I can't stay awake and he's having the same exact issue. It's gotten so bad that he's decided to no longer vape and I worry that he'll go back to smoking again. At this point I have done more research then I care to, as for the Nova from what I can find, which isn't much, they are based out of California but it's not clear if they make their own juice and if it's pg or vg. I'm at a loss and could really use some help because at this point I'm worried that I too may go back to smoking because I feel terrible. Thanks in advance for any and all help!
  5. I'm new to this group and I see this topic is old but I had to reply because when I stared vaping in Nov. and quit cig's cold turkey I didn't have a period for 3 months. I thought for sure I was pregnant and spent a fortune on pregnancy tests only to find they were all negative. Needless to say I was so concerned that I went to my retailer for my vaping supplies and spoke to the wife she said she didn't have any changes in her cycle but she thought it may be due to no longer smoking cigs. Needless to say my periods came back but my husband and I both still suffer from hot flashes and we notice it's always shortly after vaping.
  6. There may actually be something to this~ When I was a smoker, I was always sick. I'm happy to report that since I started vaping back in November, I've not had one cold
  7. I know this is an old thread but I had to share my personal experience. I started smoking menthol cigs at the age of 15 by the time I was in my 30's I kept getting chest colds that turned into pneumonia. Needless to say they did MRI's and found 3 spots on my lungs and I was told that due to the location I would need an open lung biopsy to determine if said spots were cancer however because the spots were small they decided to "watch" them for 1 year, if there was no change in the size then it was safe to assume that they weren't cancer and I should be scanned every few years. What they didn't mention or pay attention to was the fact that I was constantly coughing up clear small balls of something that felt like rubber. I have been vaping since November and I still use menthol but these strange little balls are gone. Oddly I used to always say I was coughing up fiberglass from menthol cigs.
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