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About butterflym

  • Birthday 10/03/1968

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butterflym's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thank you for your quick response and assistance ❤
  2. Thank you but how long should a 510 cartomizers supposed to last and what do you think about getting the longer ones?
  3. Uh, I'm a newbie....duh Alright, I got a box of 5 Boge 510 cartomizers for my ego cig. I read my tushy off and watched countless video tutorials on how to fill it properly. It worked...yeah! Here's my issue....they seem to burn out very quickly. I top off what seems way too often (every 15-20 minutes), and it is confusing. I do vape quite a lot and when I say a lot, I mean all day, which brings me to my other issue. I seem to be going through juice at a rediculous rate. I can go through 40 ml in about 10 days, is that too much? Am I doing something wrong and if so, what is it? Help please ❤
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