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Everything posted by acseeley

  1. Just ordered at Altsmoke.com. $61 and change with the firstorder discount. If it isn't the best price, it has to be close.
  2. Just ordered a few boxes of Cartos from Vapor4life for the wife. Now pricing the eGo C to see where I can find the best deal. I appreciate all your help... If anyone knows the best place to buy and catches me in the next few hours, I would love to hear it.
  3. Maybe I just got a bad batch of several boxes, but their regular Lecig D1 cartos were disgusting. They have a different fiber fill than the Vapriot and it tasted like plastic to me. Tried topping off with a bit of juice, but no luck. I'm just ready to find a dependable supplier with decent cartos to buy prefilled and refill a few times that isn't going to change things 6 months down the road.
  4. Yeah I know all about refilling the kr808's and I need to keep my wife off the analogs so I have to find a kr808 to transition seamlessly to for her, she won't do the tank type because she says it is too big and looks like a cigar. She doesn't know anything about Ecigs but how to smoke what I put in front of her, so I gotta keep mamma happy with what she knows. I believe Bloog and Volt cartos are the kr808 style, correct? Basically need to find the best tasting ones for the price that I can refill a few times before they are shot. Any suggestions on that style? For me, I took a look at the Joye Ego and it looks nice, not too big and bulky. I would love to get rid of the fiber fill (which I tend to overfill, though I have gotten better) and just fill up a tank and go. You say that you are using cartomizers, Is that a convinience thing or a taste thing? Does anyone else have any suggestions similar to the Joye eGo? I am mostly concerned with size, it doesn't have to be the same type and performance and will take any suggestions you got! Thanks for the tip on the box mods. That looks like something I could use at home, but my vanity would prevent me from taking it out at work/bars/parties. Hell, I fix Xray equipment for a living, I am tempted to disassemble an old battery and find an interesting enclosure to do my own box mod just for grins.
  5. Morning all. New here at the forum and need some advice. My wife & I have been vaping on Lecig D1's for the better part of a year now but they recently discontinued the D1 Vapriot Carto which, well it pissed me off and I am taking my business elsewhere. First question. I am considering upgrading to one of the larger battery style setups that look kinda like the Lecig Pigcig but I am lost in options. I would prefer one I can maintain/clean/fill myself easier than the fiber fill cartos so, from what I have been reading I need to go the atomizer direction (or is there something to be said for cartos still?) . What are your top 2 suggestions for a reliable, not too much dicking around setup? Second question. I already have a PCC and 3 working batteries for the D1 and my wife won't smoke a cigar looking big battery. I have been looking at Bloog & Volt for direct replacements that will work out of the box with my existing Cartos/batteries. I believe all advice goes toward manual over the automatic style, but are there any other brands I should consider? I appreciate the help. Aaron
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