Just had to let you guys know how impressed i was with ordering from the VT store. Fast, very fast. and this juice is awesome. Got the Dulcis and Midnight. Dulcis is my fav but both are great.
Good Morning!
I will needing some more juice soon and have a few questions.
What is Diethelene Glycol?
I am asuming this is not good so will continue wtih questions.
Does the VT juice have this in it? What about the juice at true smoker?
I have only see one store that post that their juice does not contain the above. Is it normally standard in all juice or should I just purchase from the stores that advertise here?
There is still a the menthol taste. I blew the atty out and it is not as strong but still. Started using apple flavor. I think i would really like the apple flavor if it weren't for the apple dipped in vicks taste i am getting. lol. I think i will buy a new atty tomorrow and just keep this one for menthols.
That flavor can be nice from time to time.
The chocolate idea sounds like a good one. who sells the best chocolate flavor? What about pineapple, i saw a review on this flavor but can't find it at the stores i have visited.
a few hours ago I tried the menthol flavor and now it will not go away. Yuck. What can I do to get rid of it? It tastes like Vick's vapor rub.