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Everything posted by Oddler

  1. is it possible for the atty to take more than 24 hours to dry..?if i assemble the cig and i here cracking does that mean its still wet..?i really hope i didnt f*kk sh*t up..
  2. ive had my rio for about 2 weeks now..and idk if im just paranoid but i think its starting to taste bad..been tryin a lot of different flavors and stuff..but anyway..wen do i need to clean it..and would rubbing alcohol work..?
  3. i have a rio..im told its a 801..so im thinking about ordering a manual battery and was just wondering if itll fit in the charger i already have..and also wat is a passthrough for..?
  4. thanks..just wanted to kno how much mulla ive been saving
  5. the one that says "ive been off analog for xx days and saved $xx.xx"..?
  6. do manual batteries fit in automatic battery chargers..?
  7. haha..thanks guys..another thing..when im using my automatic battery..i gotta take a couple hits before i even get vapor..is there a reason that it does that..?im assuming its just because i have an automatic battery
  8. ok..so i have a rio..is this compatible with 801s..?if so wheres the best place to buy a manual battery..? and thanks for welcoming me
  9. ok..so i have a rio penstyle from vapornine.com and i heard everyone saying stuff about dripping..ive tried it several times but i never got a real result..maybe im doing it wrong..?
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