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Maptec last won the day on July 3 2012

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  1. Personally I would. I got the 2 pack from Vapage. One of them last only a week and a half BUT, my second one has lasted for almost a month now. Pretty steady use at 3.7v. As Kitsune said, you will get the ones that pop in a day but sometimes, you get the one that will last months.
  2. Thanks guys
  3. It is probably assigning the same token to both your PC and you phone. I will see if I can find anyway to fix that. For now though, there is a mobile site at http://www.coffeeandavape.com/index.php?do=/mobile/
  4. You were correct. CSRF was set to "high" which is a know problem on the Iphones and anyone using google toolbar. This has been adjusted. Thank you both for bringing this to my attention. And thank you Chris. I am still working on the ad campaign section so I will let you know when it is up
  5. Thats odd. May have beena random glitch. I have verified you so you should be able to log in.
  6. Just sent the verification email again. This is a first so I will keep an eye out.
  7. Site is live again
  8. Im thinking it will be back up today. Just making a few more changes and we should be good.
  9. It seems the script used to set up this site had a fatal security flaw. I do not feel comfortable leaving it up as it was very easy to break and extract passwords. I am working with a new script now that will make things a bit more secure as well as have a very familiar feel. Guess this is what happens when you go with a lesser developed script. If you had already registered and using this site you will lose this activity and will need to re-register as the current accounts will not be able to be migrated. I apoligize for this and will be back up as soon as possible
  10. What started a just a fun past time project turned into something more. I have put up a new social networking site dedicated.to E-cig users. After seeing news that facebook is potentially removing pages associated with E-Cigarettes I figured it would be a good time to finish and open the site. It boasts a Facebook style News Feed, Embedded Video and Photo Uploading. User made Groups, the Ability to add links to numerous sites, live blogs, and the ability to schedule and organize Events and Meets while chatting with their friends on the site. I am in no way trying to take people from Vapor talk. In fact I have even talked with Chris and got his blessing to link back to Vapor Talk and to post this msg. If you are interested in helping me build this just swing by, register and lets get this started. Coffee And A Vape
  11. For personal taste the 2 best I have ran across is the LR atty from Altsmoke and the AMG Universal from Vapage. I will say the Altsmoke LR are better if left bridged.
  12. Nothing your doing wrong. I had the same issue The source of this can be a few things. 1. Side Effects of quitting smoking. When you quit smoking the pH in your mouth is thrown off balance. 2. Intolerance. Some people get this with high PG liquid. Switching to a 50/50 mix or 100% VG will normally resolve this issue. 3. Juice in mouth. If you are getting juice in your mouth they can develop into sores. This is what was happening to me when I started dripping. I found out I was putting too many drops on my atty and it was pooping into my mouth. Not happy when it happens. More often than not they will go away after a week or 2 but sometimes changes are needed.
  13. A new study into the effects of electronic cigarette by a World Health Organisation (WHO) expert found that passive vaping leaves NO effect on the blood of non-vapers. Not only that, it left no effect on smokers who actually used e-cigarettes. In contrast,the study reported that both active and passive smoking lead to an increase in the number of white blood cell, lymphocyte, and granulocyte counts in blood. The author, Andreas Flouris, is a former expert researcher for the World Health Organisation. Source: Flouris, A.D., et al. Acute effects of electronic and tobacco cigarette smoking on complete blood count. Food Chem. Tox- icol. (2012), http://dx.doi.org/10...fct.2012.07.025 Highlights We evaluated acute active and passive e-cigarette and tobacco cigarette smoking. We assessed effects on complete blood count in 15 smokers and 15 never-smokers. Control and active/passive tobacco and electronic cigarette sessions were used. We observed no effects of e-cigarettes on complete blood count. Tobacco cigarettes increased white blood cell, lymphocyte, and granulocyte counts. Good step in the right direction
  14. I was under the impression that they were proprietary threads like Vapage has. Companies do this so you have to keep ordering from them.
  15. I know not everyone goes to the forums specific to their device and this may even apply to others as well. I have seen a few people asking for a way to read the numbers on the twist better and I wanted to share my method. This was also posted in a thread in the ego forums. What I did was color the sides of the base with a black sharpie. I let it dry and wiped off the excess. The chrome spots wiped right off and the black stayed on the letters. Here is the results. While this is not a perfect solution, It does help to see where your at
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