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Everything posted by fran1959

  1. I have read some elaborate ways to clean cartos, to me, they are meant to be disposable and when they are done, I throw them out. Every time I tried cleaning the, it never worked after that. Once you get that burnt taste, it's a gonner in my opinion
  2. Good for you, we want to hear all about it when you get it
  3. Chocolate and maple and bacon, wow, sounds like a science experiment gone bad
  4. I would hope no one would judge how much I vape or do anything else for that matter that is not hurting them or me....
  5. Welcome Kyle, I have never owned a blu cig, but have also never heard of anyone that was happy with one either. The 510 is a small model, definitely available in black, but the battery life is not so great, there is a mega 510 or a 520 that is longer, but again battery life is not great. Most people here recommend Ego because it is versatile and has a great battery life. There are several vendors that cell 0 nic juice and I have seen clove juice, so if that is the flavor you want, you should be able to find it.
  6. Hurrycane, we almost all did that, it is a journey remember
  7. Nice review, thanks... something else to go on wish list
  8. Back-ups, back-ups, back-ups.....
  9. I have only bought one and it is still going, got mine from Digitialciggz, came with drip tip, hope this helps.
  10. I have been using the fluxomizers with great success, just got some clearomizers, the large ones, they are okay, but I think you have to be careful with them when removing or filling, they do come apart, but the flavor is great on them. I have heard good and lots of not good about the CE2's, glad they are working for you.
  11. Very glad you are happy. Most of us started with sticks and I still keep and use mine mostly for taking out
  12. Thanks, bit the bullet and am ordering one, pink of course, I can't wait Will this ever stop????
  13. I am a Ms. t fan, I know you have to wait for her juice, but every time I try something else I still keep going back to her site. What I do is since it takes so long, after I find something I like I order 2 bottles of it at once. For some reason, that is the juice I can taste most. Also VT juice is very good, have you tried them? Another good thing about Ms. T is she will make any mg. you want, for me 18 isn;t enough 24 is too strong, so I order 21 now and it's just right.
  14. Emily, I agree with the ego,I think you will be happy with it. The battery will certainly last way longer than your current pv. Since it has a 510 connection, you can use the atomizers, LR or reg or cartomizers, LR or reg. The LR ones will give more of a feeling of higher volt vaping, the vapor is warmer. I suggest you get one of each and see what you like, buy a tank, cartos and atomizer and see which one you prefer. Hope this helps
  15. Ericka, electronixstic, 7.25 for LR, they are the ones I use. Too bad I don't have coupon code yet for May.
  16. Nana, how do I get ahold of one of those? I sent an email to oldgoatsmods to get info and got my mail returned Not that I need something new, but I do want it.....
  17. Welcome, there is so much to learn in the beginning, but a lot of good advice from very nice people here. If you are not happy with your greensmoke, send it back and get something better, Ego or 510. You will have so many more options and it will be cheaper in the long run too. As with anything new, there is a learning curve, but you will soon find what works for you. Nice to have you here.
  18. Beans, fabulous for you, we want to hear all about it.
  19. Glad to hear you are doing okay. There are lots of new members, the more the merrier
  20. Sorry you don't like the 510 T. Everyone is different about what to use, I like cartos and lately I have been using fluxomizers from Gotvapes, there is no filler inside and you need a syringe to fill them up, but the flavor of the juice is the best I have found. They come in various resistances, so if you are using a reg. 510 battery, you can't use the LR atties on them. Maybe it is the juice that you aren't enjoying.
  21. I agree, I got my Don to do higher volts and mostly I use it at 3.7, it is nice fit in the hand and last a long time, LR carto and I am happy
  22. Love the pink. Are they going to refund juice? Never heard of that. If the PG bothers your throat, you can always add some straight VG to it and see if that helps. you can buy it at Wal-Mart.
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