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Everything posted by fran1959

  1. Way to go Amy, Brian you have talked about this many times, how fabulous of you to help her and encourage her.
  2. I have been eyeing the GG slim for awhile now. The new one comes fitted for 510, which I prefer. I haven't seen reviews or talk of GG on here, so I was just wondering if any of you had experience with it and if so, if you would recommend it. Thanks.
  3. I'm sorry you are having such problems with cartos. I don't know where you are buying them from, but the best ones I have found are the LR ones from electronixstix. He also has the regular ones and vaporkings are good also, LR's. I fill mine with the tip method like you are pouring a beer, I use Ms. T's juice a lot and it is thick, so I don't think that is the problem. Fill it up tipping it a bit, let it sit for a few and then add some more drops to it. I also refill when it starts to taste like it needs it or not as much vapor. I also have more than one going at a time, usually have two set ups all the time so I can change flavors. Don't give up, just relax with it. I don't do well on DD either, can't seem to get it right, too much or not enough juice. Good luck!!!
  4. welcome, I think you will like your 510, if you decide to upgrade to an ego, the cartomizers or cartridges will work with the ego that you have for the 510. I hear they have a 510 tank coming out at the end of the month.
  5. I have ordered from KBV and am very happy with his juices. Taste is such a subjective thing, that is why someone can rave about one vendor's juice and others don't like it. Ms. T's juice is also very good, but shipping is on the slow side. I agree you should always shake juice and oftentimes if you let it sit for a bit it will taste much better.
  6. Ms. T's sells a blend, she doesn't tell you the ratio, but it is more VG but you can taste her flavors, Kissbassvapor juices are real good and they let you pick your flavors. Finding the one you love takes a while. I think you should order small bottles from several vendors until you find your fav.
  7. The Boge ones are silver threaded and people seem to like them more, it should say when you order what kind they are.
  8. The best kr808 cartomizers I have found are from bloodplanet, not sure how the price compares.
  9. Glad to see another Floridian on here. I have the tank and the LR tank from TW and I love them. Dripping seems like too much work for me. I have not had bad service from TW, bt they do not ship as quick as VT does, even though we are both in Florida, but I have not had bad products from them either. I have never tried their juice. I only order from them if it is a sale or can get coupon code, I think they are a little higher on their prices than some. After you find out if you like the tank, I would stock up when you have a coupon code or a sale or something, as everyone has said, attys can be good for a week or two or shorter or longer, so you want to make sure you have backups. Good luck
  10. Brian, yes, it taste like strong nic I guess, but the flavors don't seem to be coming through, sorry, I guess that was confusing.
  11. I am new to juice mixing and ordered kit from DIY, got a bunch of different flavors and 36 mg. pg nic, I also have some VG, because I like the mix. I have made a few small batches now, tried mixing different flavors, thought maybe I was being too ambitious, so tried just one flavor. Using juice calculator, I mixed 30% flavor and some VG to get it to 18 mg. The problem is all of the juice taste very strong and I can only taste a little flavor. could I have gotten bad batch of nic juice? I really like ms. T's juice and I understand she uses more VG than PG, could this be the problem? I still want TH though. Any suggestions from you guys who know way more about this than me would be very much apppreciated.
  12. Kitsune, I didn't order the t-battery, I have plenty of batteries, but did get the tank and I love it. I am waiting on the LR tank to arrive, I hate waiting on the mail
  13. Aytumn, yes it is, I don't taste much so if it isn't strong I wouldn't be able to taste it. I love coffee and have tried lots of different coffee flavors and the espresso is the best to me. Everybody is different with what they like.
  14. I am a big fan of Ms. T's juice. my favorites are espresso, chocolate brownie and pomegrante. I don't think I have ever had juice that wasn't good from her.
  15. I saw a video on the tanks and they said to twist several times after you first put it in the atti, I have done this and my tank is performing very well. I take it off the atti at night and use a q-tip to get any condensation from the atti, but that is all. When you are using cartos, check them often and you can keep adding drops so they never get real dry. Good luck.
  16. Definitely give Jeff a call, he is usually very responsive and will make it right I am sure. Not sure of the return policy on atties, but every single time I have had something only work for a short time, the vendor has replaced it or made it right. Good luck and let us know.
  17. I mostly vape Ms. T's juice, and it is a blend,not sure what the ratio is. when I order and can pick I choose 80/20 pg/vg, I would imagine all VG would be too thick.
  18. I am also using EgoT and have been wiping it down after filling it, no problems with leaks at all so far. I love this thing.
  19. I saw a video somewhere where when you initially push in cart to twist several times and it helps with the flow, that's what I did with mine. Did you try blowing out the atomizer, maybe it's clogged up. Sorry you don't like yours. I had read some were a hard draw, but mine isn't,I got mine from wordup.
  20. If it isn't working properly, have you contacted the vendor where you bought it? Most are very good about making things right, it's worth a shot anyway. Good luck.
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