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Everything posted by fran1959

  1. Sharon, the Leo has its own atomizer, more like the 801, it is pretty; isn't it?
  2. Thanks for the reviews, I have ordered from them twice now and really like their candy bar and maple joose. I tried to order the monkey bread, but they were out, I received my shipping notiification and like five mins. later was notified they had monkey bread, so that is for next time. Their juice is very good.
  3. New atomizers come with primer in them, you need to blow it out using a napkin or paper towel to get it out of there. I never clean my atties with water, some folks do, but mine never work right after that. If you do get them wet, you have to wait for at least 24 hours to let them dry out. If you are having a problem with both of the atties, I would contact the people you bought them from and tell them what is going on.
  4. Welcome to the forum, it seems like you got your questions answered.
  5. I Am Having Trouble Controlling My Spending Too, It Sounds Like I Am In Good Company
  6. I personally like the LR cartos from electronixstic, they are the boge silver bottom ones, best I have used so far. For atties, I would buy Joye. Hope this helps
  7. Unfortunately I have never read anything good about greencigs. 510 is almost the size of a cig, but the batteries don't last that long. If you decide to go that route make sure you buy a few extra batteries and a PCC, so you can charge them while on the go. KR808 may be another option if you want something small, the batteries last longer
  8. I would definitely contact vendor about this. YOu can vape without the cone, it is a much easier draw, shoot them an email or call them. Let us know how it comes out. If you order cartomizers, electronixstic are awesome, you can go with LR if you want to, it is a warmer vape than the regulars, but either will work on the riva.
  9. Great, something else for me to want, thanks, guys
  10. Vaporkings is a great vendor. If I had something that only lasted a day, I would contact the people I got it from and give them a chance to correct it, but still buy some from someone else
  11. I would definitely contact them, most of the vendors are very good about replacing things that are not working. You may want to pick up some cartomizers, they hold more juice and are much easier to deal with than cartridges.
  12. I have tried the starbucks coffee and it is good, but I am a coffee gal.
  13. Thanks, BirdDog, the size is really important to me, it looks like a nice fit. Bottom button, I have a GG, the small one and I am getting used to bottom button. I haven't done 6 volts yet, so we will see, but I did buy batteries for 5 and 6. Thanks
  14. I am so excited, am getting a Megadolon from eletronixstic. You can use this at 3.7, 5 or 6 volts. I have a question about atomizers for the higher volts, it has probably been posted before, but hopefully someone won't mind repeating it. I am using cartos and fluxomizers, which I love, using 2.6 on my ego, but what should I get for the 5 and 6 volt option? Any help would be appreciated.
  15. lisa, if you tip it just a bit like you are pouring a beer, you won't get juice down the middle, that will just run out the other end. Did you get it going?
  16. Sharon, they are sold with the hair accessories, they are plastic rubber bands and come with various sizes in one container. I was going to buy some bands from a place that were expensive in my opinion, these work perfect and you get tons of them in one package.
  17. Walmart has rubber bands that come all different colors in a pack and they have different sizes in them. I put same color around atti or carto and then bottle, keeps everything so you know what is in it.
  18. welcome to VT and vaping, Barberb49, VT is an awesome store. There is so much to learn in the beginning and many helpful people here to answer any questions you have, it is like a family. Let us know how you are doing
  19. Vaporkings has them, atti 10 and tanks 5. The only other places I have seen them are in kits, so you get batteries too. I have been wanting to try them, but waiting for reviews. Wordup has them too, but it is in a kit.
  20. Sharon, congrats on your new toy. Sorry can't really help you with the resistance thing other than to say, my understanding is you use LR atties and cartos on 3.7 to simulate higher volt vaping, so if you are vaping higher volt you don't use LR on them. But there are many people on here with way more smarts on this stuff than me. Whoo-hoo for you and your new mod
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