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Everything posted by fran1959

  1. I used to order from Ms. T's quite a bit, the wait was way longer than anywhere else but eventually you would get your juice. If you google her, you will find out she has ripped off plenty of people unfortunately. The only way to hope to get your money back is to get it from your credit card company or bank if you used debit card. I have ordered from lots of other places and never had an issue with any others, sorry for your bad luck with her. Vaportalk store service is awesome. Good luck
  2. Welcome, glad to have you join us
  3. I have been using my volts for a few months now and absolutely love them, for such a little device, I enjoy it as much if not more than my ego and my 510's before that. Maybe it is that you need a new battery, I use the manual batteries, I have a couple autos but I just prefer the button. Let us know. Also their customer service is top notch, if you have a problem with anything, shoot them an email and they will make it right.
  4. Ms. T's juice is more VG than PG, she doesn't specify percentages in her blend, but it is more Vg. She has some really good flavors. if you go on her website, there is a link at the top for current coupon codes.
  5. Congrats to you
  6. Stalking the mailman, now you are really one of us
  7. Welcome, it is easy to feel overwhelmed, there are a lot of choices. Most of us recommend an Ego, you can get a starter kit that includes two batteries, so you charge one while using the other, the battery life is very good. In addition to that you will need some cartomizers or cartridges and some juice. It would probably be smart to start with 12 - 18 mg. for your first choice to see how you do with that. There are a lot of vendors on our list and they are trustworthy sites. You can also search for discount codes on the internet so you might get a few bucks off. Hope this helps.
  8. You could get some juice and some cartos and fill your own. It really isn't hard at all. the juice comes in bottles with droppers on them and you tip the carto like you are pouring a beer and drip a few drops, turn it a little then do the same till it is filled up, it will look like a slushy. That way, you have way more choices in your juice and your strength. Glad you are more relaxed today.
  9. Welcome, I know this all sounds daunting, but really is not. Get yourself an Ego or a stick smaller ecig, 510, 808 and some cartomizers to fill up. If you don't want to do that buy some filled ones and some extra liquid and add some liquid, a few drops when they start to run out. You can start with prefilled and when you are comfortable with that, explore something else. It is like anything else, baby steps and you will be on your way. Very sorry to hear about your health troubles. Take care and let us know what you get and how you are doing.
  10. Cartridges are hard to deal with. You can direct drip or use a cartomizer, but with a cartridge you have to use a filler and it is way more filling up and messing with. In my opinion, I would stay away from the blu for sure.
  11. I agree the juice part is really the most difficult to figure out. You never know what you are going to like and other people's opinions and likes of juice may not be your own. If you find a place that has sampler sizes, you can try some out and see if you like it. A lot of people like Boba's Bounty, it is a tobacco juice. You might be surprised to find that you like fruit flavors or coffee flavors or sweet ones in addition to the tobacco ones.
  12. Welcome, I would recommend you start out with an Ego, it has a battery life longer than most stick styles. If you order a starter kit, you will get two batteries, when they are fully charged should get you through your day. You also need some juice and possibly some cartomizers, they can be used when you are out and about or some of us use them all the time instead of an atomizer. I don't know if there are any stores in your area that you can shop in, maybe someone who lives in your area can tell you that. As far as how long your kit will last, the batteries should last you a good while, you have to replace atomizers and/or cartomizers and obviously juice. There is a list of vendors on the forum and also a fabulous newbie section that should help you a lot too. I hope this helps a little bit
  13. Congratulations to you, Mark
  14. Welcome to VT. Since you are looking for a small pv, I would suggest a volt from smokelessimage. A lot of us use the Ego, but it is a little bigger than an analog, the battery last longer. The volt has a PCC you can buy to charge it on the go and they sell blank cartos or prefilled ones. The prefilled ones never taste as good as when you fill your own and it is not a hassle at all to do that. There is a newbie section on the forum that will show you how to do that, watch some videos. The juice is not messy and should not leak out of the carto. After filled, you do have to top off every hour or so depending on how much you vape. You could prefill a few, but a small case that fits your PCC and a bottle of juice is really all you need for out and about. There is also a 510 that is small but the battery life is not as good. Most people get about 1 to 2 hours on it, so you need to have several batteries. I get about 4 to 5 hours on the volt when I use it, so you still need more than one battery, you charge one while you vape the other. Hope this helps a little.
  15. Nana, CONGRATULATIONS on your fabulous anniversary!!!! So proud of you
  16. Welcome, nice to have you join us
  17. Welcome and congrats.
  18. Welcome to VT, glad to have you join us
  19. Hi , Fred, I think I can help you with some of your questions. FIrst off, congrats on wanting to make the switch. There is a lot to learn, but it isn't that difficult once you get the hang of it, just a learning curve. I would recommend that you get yourself an Ego kit. There are a lot of vendors on our list, Vapor talk has a store that has very fast shipping, whether you go with them or someone else, try to make sure you get a genuine Ego, not a knock-off. I would also recommend buying your own atomisers or cartomisers rather than the pre-filled ones, the juice you buy is better and it is cheaper to do it that way. Youtube has lots of videos on ecigs, you can learn a lot. Also look in the noobie section here on the forum for tons of info. Hope this helps. Welcome
  20. Welcome, Dee, glad to have you join us
  21. It's a great juice and I am not into tobacco flavors, but I like it a lot
  22. Vaportalk has very good juices, Ms. T's is one of my favorites, Kissbassvapor is good, sweet-vapes is another vendor that has great juice. Hope this helps.
  23. Welcome to Vt, glad you joined us. There are so many flavors out there and so many good vendors. It would be helpful if you want recommendations to know what flavors you think you might like.
  24. Welcome, Bob
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