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Everything posted by Jdog

  1. so this morning i got this new atty - cisco Aero bridgeless atty (1.5ohm) first off, Im going to say that I am in flavor country! this is nothing compared to the smoktek attys i had used before, and even better i think than the vision brand attys. i think NOW i now what everyone is talking about... i must say, at first look - it doesn't look much different than the smoktek atty and this cause me to be skeptical at first. (it also had some factory juice in it which kinda meh-ed me) but so far i have just been wow-ed i've been vaping a home blend sour peach/grape/hint of apple 24mg and it is soo sooo good! i am still getting used to DD so i vaped it dry twice now but i fixed it right quick with a drop of juice. and the taste is completely fine. I was worried that since its a more expensive atty it would be less forgiving, but it's awesome so far! apparently i can clean it out and re-use it a few times, so i guess we will see how that goes when the time comes... anyways, this is getting long - i just thought i would share with everyone! cheerio! picture: http://imgur.com/Gk9kG
  2. i remember this stuff from highschool, we used to wipe our cigs in them to make them easier to smoke.... but i was under the impression they had stopped making it. glad to know that it makes good e-juice! maybe it's time to take a trip down memory lane...
  3. Oh, awesome! i didn't even consider that they could be something else, but i guess that it would make sense... *dances* I'm so excited! just got a pyrex tank in the mail today...it looks big on the mini provari... looks like i will be ordering a mini DiD first - I want it for my superT
  4. hahahah! @uma okay! I just ordered an aero bridgeless atty from avidvaper....and i have an AVA coming....I'm excited. getting into the DD game....
  5. I too would be weary of ordering overseas...i've definitely heard of customs seizing packages. Once this happens there is basically nothing you can do
  6. hahahaha! this is the 2nd time these people have been the butt of some joke that i have read. it's so outrageous, i can't believe that they can stay in business.....
  7. ah! can't wait till Aug for new DiDs to be in....playing the waiting game till then...I'm excited...
  8. @Uma thanks for looking it up for me. I ended up going to the site and watching a few reviews. They look awesome, I really want one. Looking to order one soon! any marked difference between the mini and the regular? other than size obvi
  9. High vg blends definitely helped me with this (I dont like throat hit much at all) as well as smaller hits and holding it in my mouth as opposed to inhaling directly to the lungs. Comparatively, I guess I puff my e-cig more in the way people use cigars than like smoking a regular cig.
  10. I totally agree with mcquinn, it's more about finding the right liquid, than the right vape. At least for me anyways...and especially when first starting out. Some places have deals on sampler packs of eliquid which might be good for starting. When I first started out, I got the tobacco blends from dfw vapor,they are pretty well known, and their juice is good quality. Pretty good place to start off IMO http://www.dfwvapor.com/e-liquid-flavors.html?cat=8
  11. I have the one from flavor art, I have been trying it drop by drop in leftover eliquids I have to try and compare, but I haven't been able to place it. Thanks mike!
  12. I only have ever used the dcts from madvapes and I have gotten the replacement ones from them as well. I have never had any problems with either. Note that I use them as is (I don't widen the holes or anything), and I get the v2 cartos with multiple punches I usually fill the fresh carto before putting it in the tank, from both ends. Then put on the tank and fill it. A lot of people have recommended to me that i switch to the vision clearomizers, they use a wick instead of a carto to draw from the tank. http://www.discountvapers.com/ce4-1/
  13. So, I have been looking at flavors, and supposedly this is supposed to "round out" the flavor. Does anyone know what it really does? How it effects the overall flavor? Most of the recipes I have read included it in tobacco flavors, but it doesn't really have a leafy taste... Help?
  14. So in my last hardware order I got some vision brand attys (debridged kind) and I finally got around to trying one over the weekend. It was my first encounter with attys so I was a little nervous. These come dry (no factory pg) so i was kind of afraid I was going to burn the first one out, so I ended up overfilling it a bit. made a little mess. after a few wet first hits i got to the good level of liquid and I must say the flavor is quite amazing! I always heard about the flavor difference between attys and cartos but i didn't know it was so noticeable. I'm currently vaping a mix of snickerdoodle and vanilla custard 80/20 vgpg and i couldn't believe how rich the flavors were. kind of a pain driiping though...switched back to shorty carto for the week... Does anyone have any tips for the 'first fill' on an atty like this? also, do you like these? are there any better ones i should look at? I am considering attys for lazy weekend days when I don't mind dripping, just for the flavor aspect.
  15. I have seen on 'youtube' a person rig what looks like an eGo to a water bong using some silicone tubing to attach the cartridge to the 'acceptor piece' of the water pipe I don't know if I can find the video but I'll re-post if i do... It was interesting. Fun I imagine, but I don't think I would buy a water pipe to try it
  16. @Kgo permanent USB passthrough = genius!!! i have one, never thought i would use it. but i finally ended up plugging it into my alarm clock and now it's my bed-side buddy!
  17. you may want to try the V2 replacement cartos for tank. they have 3 pre-punched holes. I find that they allow better liquid flow (i have to use this kind because i use high VG blends) Also, i wouldn't be afraid to overfill your carto the first time you use it so it doesn't burn out.
  18. @rixter it's awesome, I really dont have anything to complain about. Earlier I mentioned that the mouth tip would pop out pretty easily for no reason. I swapped it out for the fatter replacement ones that came with it and it hasnt' fallen out since. Zero heat transfer on those shorty cartos. I have used both 1.8 and 2.0 ohm cartos since i got it and i didn't experience any heat whatsoever. The mouth feel on this tip is incredible! It's so smooth and soft, and the shape is really nice also. Compared to other mouth tips (i have those acrylic ones (pawn, alien, knuckle), stainless (whistle, vase, pawn), and rubber) it does a better job of cooling the vapor before it hits your mouth IMHO. you can def see the condensation on the inside. Overall it was a bit $ but worth having in my collection!!
  19. Those DiD attys looks pretty awesome..... @uma do you know what the diameter is on the bottom of those attys ?
  20. Here she is! finally.... I'm still loving this tip despite it falling out every so often... meh
  21. Actually they are pyrex! Not as breakable but I totally get your point. i have heard of a lot of people using the ming vase. i have one but i dont like it. it's super heavy and i always hit it against my teeth. o_O
  22. you can, but i wouldnt' do it unless you are in pinch. without the flange you really run the risk of leaking everywhere. unless you have a fix for this as well?? also, you can get replacement dct inner cart (with flange and punched) by themselves. buying in bulk always saves a bit
  23. it depends i guess on how 'complicated' you want your set up to be. my first one was ai roughstack ( they come in mini and maxi size: 1 batty or 2) - it's VV in the sense that what ever kind of batty you put in will determine the voltage. i liked it cause it's super simple (just 1 button on the top) and it's unbreakable, really. <a href="http://www.madvapes.com/Maxi-Roughstack-5-Volt-Kit_p_3464.html">maxi kit for >$70</a> <a href="http://gentlemansvapes.com/products/detonator-starter-kit">mini for <$60</a>
  24. I also use LR cartos, usually the short 1.8 The glass tip works great for heat transfer never hearad of a ceramic one, but that sounds interesting
  25. Yeah, apparently i got the v1 which has a short insert part, the v2 doesn't have that problem, the inset is a lot longer. Definitely had the mouth tip pop off on me a few times yesterday....
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