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Jdog last won the day on October 9 2012

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    vape knit bike thecity coffee treats

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  1. I have 1 glass tip (not a trippy tip, i think it's from theecig but it's been so long) and it's probably my favorite, but I never bring it out with me (I broke one prior) and it's got a really long neck so it only really fits in my drip atties. I mainly like it because it's soft, and doesn't heat up. For everyday use I've recently gotten back into the stainless ones (satin finish, just the regular rounded style) cause they fit well and look spiffy in my clearo tanks. Ceramic mings are also super nice, I think they are a little smaller than stainless mings (at least from what I remember) and the glaze finish makes them really smooth. Also, on these ones, no little lip bits if I forget chapstick! (sorry if tmi :P ) That being said, it's been a while since I've taken the time to post here. I feel guilty in a weird way... is it too late for me to be on here? I can't sleep ... I'll just go lurk over there
  2. I'm just going to say I was not expecting the content based on the title, it kind of threw me off the rails. On that note, I have got juice from VCV before, I like that they produce enormous clouds of vapor and surprisingly flavorful for all VG juice. The one flavor that really did it for me was their Mewlew's Magic Blend. Usually I'm pretty vanilla when it comes to e-juice but my SO loves chocolate vapes and I saw a thread on it somewhere and got it; I was impressed, & now it's his favorite.
  3. I now own 2 400mah, and my SO has a couple of those 1300mah and I must say that for a simple VV device I couldn't be happier. I've been using them with my mini DiD, mini/ vivi Nova, cisco attys, regular cartos and they work great with everything! I also love that now I can be mini VV
  4. I just got one of these!! definitely not that great for thicker juice. my 80vg/20 wouldn't wick fast enough, but i added a few drops of pg straight into the nano and it fixed it right up! they're actually pretty cute. Great I would imagine if you wanted to switch flavors for just a short while
  5. whoah....puuuurple!
  6. it took me 3 days to get mine to work... but once you get it, you got it! what a lady you are uma! explaining RBAs to everyone
  7. Hey guys! So I was sick over the week with a cold (I don't think I got enough sleep after Thanksgiving - damn hordes of relatives how I hate/love thee) and I figured I would get a start on my xmas shopping. A friend I saw back at 'old home' over the holidays showed interest in getting into vaping, so I've actually been looking at starters and stuff (it's been so long since i've looked into them for myself) friend really likes vaping on high volt (I let him borrow my twist and he wasn't happy till he cranked it all the way up) so that was the main thing I was looking for since I can get everything else once I get the vape. I found this eGo V6 on sale for $30 http://velvetcloudvapor.com/collections/e-liquid-blends/products/monkey-business and I figured if I get a few 5 packs of cartos, a DCT, and some juice he should be pretty set, and I could get him set up for >$50 on the other hand, I could get him a couple Twists, some clearos and juice after thinking it out, I figured that all things otherwise equal, the first choice would be better simply because of the form factor. he's kind of a big man. But I'm still not sure... any thoughts?
  8. is it just candycane? or candycane ____?
  9. I dont know if i have PG allergies but i've found that pg juices give me bad headaches. I switched to VG juices and it went away. some vendors put distilled water to thin out the vg to make it easier to vape (for these kinds I have a mini DiD and a vivi nova that i mainly use) for those really thick juices i usually drip on a bridgeless atty (my faves for $ and longevity have been the HH and the aero from http://www.avidvaper.com/) ave and mtbakervapor are popular vendors that have VG juices. I can't attest to ave since i cant be bothered to buy from someone that makes me signup just to look mbv has good standard flavors and good prices, they also have a custom juice option which is nice. I find their juices to be good but not amazing (not bashing not bashing) I recently discovered Velvet cloud vapor, they are a smaller company - don't have a huge selection but what they do have is really good, and they've been gaining some following on reddit. also, i like their website http://www.velvetcloudvapor.com
  10. oops, just saw that last post... never mind me !
  11. gee! Thanks Uma!! That's basically what I wanted, someone that has had experience with both. I think I understand why the phoenix style clones are more popular. I wondered why; and the smaller holes would definitely be a pretty good reason. also good to know that the duds are bigger... I was going to try to get a pyrex tank for mine, but i didn't want to have to wait for international shipping. I think i'll just have to make a big order ;P
  12. that is AMAZING !! awesome work Mark!
  13. @uma hey lady!! i hope you're well have you used clones before? I love my DiD to death but the last couple times i've brought it out of the house on multi day trips i've managed to mess up my coil, and had to wait till i get home to fix it. thought about trying out a dud for emergencies, but still hesitant... really i just want to get another DiD but gots to save up moolah Jim's got such good stuff out, I want it all!!
  14. i hope everyone had a great thanksgiving!!
  15. could you post a picture? I might be interested....
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