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Everything posted by jcuson

  1. I had been using kanger t3 clearomizers happily for about a year, but since they've changed over to the t3s with the small replacement head I've been having all sorts of trouble with draw and with vapor production, generally with the darker juices I use, although they are by no means all that dark. Has anyone else had similar problems? Failing a reasonable resolution, I'd be happy to find a reasonable replacement, and would appreciate any suggestions.
  2. Anyone have any experience with this supplier https://www.priceangels.com/PA-EGO-Series-t628.html or the products they sell? Prices seem attractive.
  3. Anybody out there have experience with ce4+ clearomizers? I bought a few a while ago and started using them yesterday. The first worked beautifully for several hours, then simply stopped producing vapor, and the second stopped after just a few minutes of use. When they work, they're absolutely great, with great vapor and much less drain on the battery ,,, I just can't seem to keep them working.
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