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    bc canada
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    video games,
    writing rap songs

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  1. i found out my order DID get seized. and i did some research it does seem true that Canada has not allowed e-cigs at this moment they didn't test it yet so i kicked analogs off completely pretty much, and finally i'm adjusted perfectly and i have to start smoking analogs again wow i don't like this one bit, well i do have like 6-7 days of e-cig juice left, i'm keeping my stuff in hopes that Canada approves e-cigs one day. this really sucks, especially because i feel scammed by the www.healthcabin.net people because they never told me this till my second purchase and they did let me know before my second purchase that it might get seized. but if that's at all true, what in the world did they not say that earlier? before my huge first e-cig kit+juice+extra battery and atomizer purchase, that was a big order ah wow. well i guess it doesn't hurt me as much i'm used to this kind of thing hehe just lettin ya know and venting some frustration haha take care
  2. thanks guys, and i don't think e cigs are illegal in canada i hope not! that would suck ahha, but yea i'll check that out
  3. hi guys, i realized for some reason if i order JUST e-juice from my previous supplier (www.healthcabin.net) my customs will most likely seize it i don't quit understand but that's what she said, so anyone know of a good price supplier that can ship to me (vancouver, Canada) without any problems? ty
  4. oh wow i knew i forgot to say something i wanted to say, please don't feel bad about the second hand smoke! it was not your intention and not what you wanted, it was not your fault
  5. WOW God. i feel like way less depressed now, i had an analog and it worked cool thanks for the support again
  6. i feel sorry for that guy but.. omg i can't help but laughing "mama, ma.. ma" oh wow, am i a bad person? haha
  7. yea i just had an analog and it seemed to do the trick it made me feel better heh, i actually enjoyed the analog more than before e-cigs but probably because everything is nicer when you don't do it as much i enjoy e-cigs sooo much more though! if i enjoyed that last analog ranked as a 1, e-cigs is 10 hehe so yea i think a couple analogs a day will help the depression i'm also planning to get as much sleep as possible lately, and who knows maybe when i get my PS3 on friday it will make the world of a difference, i'm killing myself waiting for it haha it's worth it, waiting on my moms holiday discount, she works at wal-mart double discount!
  8. thanks guys, good news is... i woke up (just now) feeling wonderful, depression at a very Low (even less than usual, before the e-cig switch) we'll see if it gets as bad as last night, if it does i might try an analog and see how that will help it
  9. scanning through each page for a glimps of the conversation in the thread till the end and i notice we're talking about monkeys now hahaha
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghk0twrrPi4
  11. haha, what in God's name is that? honestly i have no clue hahaha
  12. So sorry to hear this. i have lost 2 cats in my life, first when i was really young only about 10-12 years old. he was an outdoor cat and well, i guess.. well yea left and never came back one day my second cat we said we wouldn't let her go outside but she just wouldn't give up, sometimes she would run really fast outside when someone opened the door a crack, she left and never came back, this happened like 3 years ago, i'm 22 now and i actually cried when it happened i don't want to remind you of what's going on or anything the reason i said all this is because i know how it feels and it breaks my heart take care
  13. haha wow thanks guys, i will definitely check that post out vapor lounge? wow good idea! after this i will head on over there i must add, this is one of the friendliest forums i've ever come across, no trolls or anything! yea i've been actually listening to music (well i always am listening to music) and browsing the net, talking on here and on the PS3 forums. yea the depression is nothing severe, i don't think i need to talk to the doctor about it but i'll bring it up, especially if it stays this way. i'm thinking, if tomorrow i feel the same way, or worse i'll have an analog, and see how that goes; if it helps then great, cause then i can slowly cut it down till i won't feel depressed anymore. but Speakeasy, since you are a nurse do you suggest i try an analog tomorrow if this increased depression stays or gets worse? or do you think it's better for the long run if i don't? i can imagine if i smoke 1-3 analogs a day it might keep me depressed longer? i don't crave an analog, i dislike them now (haha!) yea i would ask my doctor but it's 1:35am here haha yea
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