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Everything posted by Rixter

  1. After trying Mad Murdock's Radiator Pluid for the first time, I realized that all of the other juices I've ever tried pale in comparison to the amount of pure flavor that Pluid produces. You don't have to wonder if your device is working properly when you hit the button and take a pull of that stuff! The level of flavor is so far above and beyond anything I've ever tried before that I started wondering what else I've been missing out on. I started this thread to get some suggestions on other strong-flavored juices that others might have come across, no matter what that flavor might be (within reason...no jalapeño or turkey sandwich with mustard please!). It has to be really flavorful, and I prefer only to hear about juices that I don't have to click the "Add 4X Flavor Shot" to get something I can really taste. I recently got a tip on Grenada by Next Level Vapors. It's another anise-based flavor, but Grenada is anise coupled with fruit, and although I'll probably get some to try out, I think one anise-based flavor (Pluid) at a time is sufficient for me at the moment. Thanks in advance for anything you can share that might help me (and others) find the "WOW!!!" factor that seems to be missing in so many juices on the market today. Difficulty: No DIY, please.
  2. One guy makes it...not a huge company, so it basically boils down to the law of supply & demand...when something good is rare, people will spend more to get it. He can make the same money (or more) making small batches as he can making it by the tanker-truck load.
  3. It's a anise-flavored e-liquid that's so flavorful that it'll make most other e-liquids taste like water by comparison, and it's extremely hard to come by. In fact, it's got so much flavor that I find myself re-evaluating all of my previous e-juice choices in favor of something stronger (flavor, not nic levels).
  4. Just got home from work and took me a big ol' pull of Pluid. Yup...still black jellybeans. I don't taste anything else in there but black jellybeans, which is just fine by me 'cause I love black jellybeans. I let the missus taste it without any hint of what to expect. She immediately said, "Ewwww, black jellybeans!" I let my son taste it without any hint of what to expect. He immediately said, "Mmmmm, black jellybeans!" I'll shake my bottle daily and wait on some kiwi ('cause I love kiwi, too), but in the meantime, it's black jellybeans. BTW - This stuff numbs my tongue, too. Anybody else?
  5. Yeah, there's no middle ground there...you either love 'em or hate 'em. I don't suppose I've ever heard anybody say, "Hmmm...black jellybeans...I sort of enjoy those."
  6. My bottle Mad Murdock's Radiator Pluid from vapingwatch.com arrived today.
  7. This stuff is black jellybeans all the way, and I love me some black jellybeans, too.
  8. One of those people, eh? Well, you'd hate Pluid because each pull is like chewing up a mouthful of black jellybeans.
  9. I just had my first taste of Mad Murdock's Radiator Pluid, and it tastes exactly like... ...black jellybeans...all day long!
  10. I have the long barrel 510 and it's about the same length as a Boge carto, so you won't need an extension to use your eGo drip shields.
  11. You don't really have to remove the drip tip to add juice. That's why it's called a drip tip...you drip your juice right through it into your atty. However, if the hole in it is small, just blow lightly across it after you drip to make sure your juice doesn't hang up inside the tip just waiting to surprise you with a mouthful on your first pull. Add about 3-4 drops when the vapor drops off. You'll also notice a slightly burnt taste when it's time to reload, but with practice, you'll know when to add more juice before it gets nasty. You should get 5-6 good pulls for every 3-4 drops you add. Atties are great for trying out flavors, but top-shelf atties are hard to put down even when you're done "testing". Good luck.
  12. The way the button "feels" is about the only concern I have with this one. You're right about being stuck with an uncomfortable mod. I'm not worried about the atty section though, 'cause as I said earlier, I don't see how you can mess that up (unless it leaks like an RSST). You know me...I'll probably get one regardless, and besides, how will you know if you want one if I stop "trailblazing"? In fact, that's how I'll justify buying another rig...I'm doin' it for Uma!
  13. You know, I've been doin' a lot of thinkin' about this one, and I've come to the conclusion that with the simplistic design of Genesis rebuildables, it's really kinda hard to screw it up. I mean, you have a positive post with insulators, a threaded hole & screw for the negative connection, and a wick hole...how hard can it be? As for the power section of a hybrid, there's no circuitry, so as long as the switch completes the loop, you're good. Even wick hole placement doesn't matter much to me since I started connecting my leads in reverse (we'll call that "", since nobody's laid claim to that technique yet ). My AGT has a top lead so long that The Flying Wallendas recently called me with hopes to set up a pay-per-view tightrope act to cross it without a net, but I've yet to have a hot spot, so even that's not an issue any more. I think I may have to get me one of these el-cheapos because I can't really see how they could mess it up. But then again, I did buy a Yugo when they first came out, too, sooooooo...
  14. When you oxidize the stainless steel wick by torching it, it eliminates its conductivity.
  15. Eleven that see daily use, and the missus has a couple, and some more that are loaned out, and the pile of cig-sized batts in a bowl on the night stand...too damn many! I have a problem, don't I?
  16. I have three side-firing mech mods. Two of them are Kamry KTS+ and the third is a SmokTech Natural. All three have locking rings. I will say that I don't have any side-firing mech mods where the button is at the upper part of the mod (thumb rather than pinky), so I don't really know about those.
  17. 'Cause you got your finger on the pulse of the vaping world. lol
  18. Mine do...they have reverse threaded rings that back out to keep the button from getting depressed.
  19. I love 'em all! Cartomizers, atomizers, carto tanks, RBAs, clearomizers, glassomizers...you name it and I vape it! If it gives me problems, I just figure out why and correct it! In fact, if I could figure out how to get paid for vaping, I'd do it for a living!
  20. I've tried all sorts of tank cartos, but I like the Boge F16 tank cartos best. They're single coil LR dual laser punched cartos so you don't have to worry about doubling your power to get a good vape like you do with dual coil tank cartos.
  21. Trust me...you'll know! lol Seriously, vapor production will drop off followed by a gradually increasing bad taste. Other than those signs, you'll have to manually check your levels by looking inside the tank, just like with the solid aluminum Nova tanks, DID RBAs, etc. The upside is that if you drop it, it won't shatter like Pyrex.
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