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Everything posted by JustVape

  1. Well that's the government for, they love to protect people and make life hard for everyone. Probably some shipping clerk heard a loud bang in a box and got scared.We always need more rules that govern more rules. gag!
  2. I would say if you have a bunch of flavors laying around and you combine them to make a Franken mix and you don't care what its going to taste like.
  3. OK just to set this up. I was giving my daughter her bath and forgot my E-Power was is my front shirt pocket and while bending down to pick her up it fell into the bath tub. I quickly grabbed it and took it apart to find out the battery, and switch was completely dry.The treading on the tube and on the cone and carto was so tight no water got in. I had to throw the carto away because who wants to vape bath water, even the button was sealed I could not blow any water out of any part of it. Anyone have any simalar stories?
  4. Quitting analogs is this hardest thing ever and anyone who accomplishes this should pat their self on the back. I am going to talk about something a bit different. Most people when switching to vaping after being a heavy smoker for a long time will go through reoccurring periods of what heroine addicts experience being DOPE SICK. First it's not your fault and sometimes this can take along time to overcome. The BTC(big tobacco companies) have betrayed everyone for years.When they decided to manipulate tobacco and load them up with tons of highly addicting chemicals other than the natural nicotine your brain actually changes overtime.The more you smoke the more your brain changes. The more your brain changes the harder it is for you to quit.This is part of their business model and this is where the betrayal takes place. After so many years of this you will actually crave these chemicals and you don't even know it. Part of vaping is leaving the other bad stuff behind and you become dope sick and go through heavy withdrawals. So it doesn't matter what kind of low resistance carto you use or what kind of voltage you have. it is going to be mostly physiological and it is different for everyone. It took months before I wasn't tempted by analogs because even the smell to me was a trigger. Seeing people smoking was a trigger, Drinking was a trigger, Coffee was a trigger, Work was a trigger. You see what I mean? Anyway the point is hang in there try more high powered equipment if you like but remember it isn't your fault and you have to go through a period of rewiring you brain to accept vaping more and analogs less. Good luck.
  5. They said it was to protect their self from explosions!
  6. Wow this is sad. I hope Ignition properly defends it's self as well as Puresmoke. I hope every one new to vaping takes a good look at what can happen when you don't buy PCB(Protected Circuit Batteries) They're protected for a reason. I have tried to make them explode and have never been able to as long as they're protected you have a 99% chance of safety, I'll give the other 1% to stupid people. Another thing stacking batteries without built in safety measures is idiotic. If you never did well in electronics class back in high school or you don't do proper research on the proper way to build mods you deserve what you get. Most tube mods as pretty as they look are just a simple 510 connector with one wire going to the positive inner post of you connector and straight to the switch with the other end going straight to the battery This is a direct connection device with the ground being the tube it's self, no cut off, no circuit protection and no short protection. It's simple if your battery isn't protected you have no fuse and when a short happens the electricity will attack the weakest point which is the battery. My best mod is a big copper bomb made with 3/4inch pipe and it works perfectly and i would put it against Puresmokes $100 mods anytime.
  7. It may be a fact but that doesn't anyone has to support them.
  8. I don't know if anyone caught this but it is good to know. You can no longer ship lithium Ion batteries internationally story here
  9. No way this is never good news. BTC have poisoned people and have committed down right crimes against people. The government does nothing about it while spending trillions of taxpayers money on worthless things like "war on terror" and "war on drugs" and "war on poverty" while BTC continue to kill people with no problem at all. The funny thing is there are more starving people than ever and more hungry people than ever and more terrorist than ever.Good job G-men.
  10. Sorry I hope this isn't considered spam but I did not noticed that this same topic was posted a few threads back. apologies
  11. Lorillard CEO talks about acquisition of Blu. This is troubling because in my opinion tobacco companies have betrayed everyone for over 50 years. If they would have never started adding super addictive and cancer causing agents in secret they could have saved a lot of lives. I know every smoker has chosen to smoke at their own risk but we never chose to ingest 4000 plus chemicals that were added in secret while they claimed their recipes were proprietary. If BIG TOBACCO did nothing wrong they would have never had to settle a multi-billion dollar suit to the 50 states in the late 90's. They betrayed everyone for profits and now they are starting to move in on the ecig industry because they can't stand to see small local mom and pop shops cut in on what they feel is their territory. If a BIG TOBACCO company acquires a line of ecigs don't support them in any way. I do not trust them to not use the same tricks on eliquid by modifying it's simple recipe. Please share your thoughts and post any BTC that buys a line of ecigs.
  12. I don't know about the Vision clearo cause I haven't tested them yet but I would suggest the Ego DCT as an alt. They work great and have been redesigned to fit ego threading for seamless look.
  13. I would suggest if you are worried about vape snatching by the TSA to go ahead and pay the extra money and try to ship your high dollar mods to your destination before hand. Many hotels will accept your shipment and hold it to you arrive or place it in your room if you have a reservation. Just imagine getting there and your vape kit is waiting ready for you!
  14. I wouldn't worry about the size or drawing attention in public after all it is a good thing. If you have a chance to talk to people about vaping and explain that it is not only harmless but has helped you quit cigarettes which is harmful most people say cool and either want to no more or just walk away. Anything that can separate us from smokers and put us in a good light is great for desensitizing the public. I think the big mods and big battery devices are cool and make a statement that you are not going to be a pawn of big tobacco!
  15. Wow That sucks GlockMATT! The TSA is the most incompetent unwanted police force ever! They wouldn't know bomb from a colostomy bag if you hit'em with it.
  16. I smell a lawsuit being prepared! This is ridiculous and nonsensical. I have tried to make batteries explode, I have peeled the wrappers, snapped them in half(cheap disposable ones). My brother in law peeled his 14650 and was surprised when the cells looked like watch batteries stacked up. I even took apart a cheapo and hooked the wires up to a 300amp jump box and guess what nothing happened it just melted down lol. I think the salt lamp just got tired of living with her.
  17. Wow your pretty lucky, I'm sure you have heard of the story of the Florida man who stacked 2 batteries that were unprotected and he shattered his teeth and blew off part of his tongue OUCH ! Luckily LI batteries have a quick if not instant discharge rate which means they will cool down as soon as you depress the button.
  18. marketwatch.com story There are too many auto battery kits that belong in petrol stations.what do you think?
  19. There is nothing wrong with the tank it's self seeing how they are just plastic tubes with plastic or metal caps. What brand cartos did you buy? I have been informed that smoktech DCT cartos are made to be used with Smoktech batteries and mods, However this is mostly untrue but they have told me that for example Boge batteries and other non Smoktech products can have a differents size inner positive port connection(the center pin on your 510 connector).preventing the carto from making contact.
  20. The first ecig i ever got was a T-Rex that turned out to be a knock off from a crap company and the stupid thing broke in one day and I gave away 65.00 and almost quit vaping before I ever started.
  21. Welcome....I am in the same boat, have been vaping for over a year and now also a new vendor. This site has so much information and very friendly people so far-I'm pleased.
  22. Welcome! I recommend starting off with something like an Ego Kit or something called the Bolt or E-Power-they are all 510 mods-and they take good sized batteries. These are of more quality and they are really affordable too. Remember, there is always some trial and error when choosing which personal vaporizer will be right for you, hang in there-it is totally worth it as I'm sure you know.
  23. I am a big fan of Smoktech products myself. Their E-Powers are top-rated and their Bolts get great reviews too. They are soo much better than Joyetech, More quality for the price.
  24. Resistance is not tricky at all it only pertains to the voltage of your batteries. 3.7 volt can use 1.5 -1.7 ohm resistance for cartos 4.5 -6 volt use 3.0ohm cartos. Best results. I hope it makes sense. Just don't use a 1.5-1.7 on 6 volt you will burn them out instantly.
  25. Hey welcome! Im new too and there is a lot of useful info here. Vape like you mean it!
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