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Everything posted by vapinmamma

  1. I have several bottles of MLB Dekang. Does anyone know how to spruce it up a bit with diy flavors? Let's say you have a 11mg Marlbro. What flavors would go good with it to make it delicious?
  2. try2vape.com will allow you to try their device if you just pay shipping. I know many people who have done this. It's run by a nurse who helps her patients quit smoking.
  3. Please everyone, reply to this absurd article. This is from the BIG PHARMA!!! http://copd.about.com/b/2012/01/18/e-cigarettes-may-not-be-better-than-the-real-thing-afterall.htm#comment-201244
  4. I just wanted to pass on to anyone, if you live in the denison or sherman texas area, you can stop by and try my type of ecig for free and try different flavors. There is a nurse who has started helping people in the community with quitting smoking. I am so excited that the medical community is finally getting it. Here are the locations for free sampling: 321 N Austin Denison Tx (at the Exxon) 709 E Jones st Sherman Tx Also at Head and Toe Salon in Pottsboro (not sure of address) They have the cheapest prices I've seen around town and she works with people with support. It's awesome! I am so glad to see this happening :-)
  5. I recommend the conqueror ecig kit. I have tried them all and this one is the best IMO.
  6. When I was first looking into vaping someone told me to stay away from anything that resembles an analog because the hit won't satisfy. They were right! Plus if you try something that doesn't feel like a real cig you might break the habit sooner!
  7. This is great news...thanks for much for sharing!
  8. I wanted either dekang or hengsen 36mg and they told me that it's not safe so they only go up to 26mg. Can anyone tell me what you think of this? Thanks!
  9. Do you have to have a larger battery with the DCT or does a 650mg work fine?
  10. Thank you so much for posting this. Great news!!!
  11. I love it!!! I wish the FDA saw this...but then again they probably wouldn't care!
  12. I never thought I'd get used to it. It was the tank I received and some MLB that did the trick. Don't give up. Soon the analogs will taste like ashtrays just don't give up!
  13. Mine were those little white cheapo ecigs that look like cigarettes. No throat hit!
  14. I never have dripping with my clearo but I had a friend who wasn't screwing the tip on all the way and had dripping.
  15. I was so excited. I was watching our little news channel and one of our doctors came on TV talking about smoking cessation. He put a plug in for E-cigs and encouraged his patients to try it if they are struggling to quit...woo whoooo!!!! I love it!
  16. That's what I hated about my ego-c. I felt like I had to be a rocket scientist just to use the darn thing. I had to watch a new youtube video everynight to see how to dry it, clean it...heck I felt like I had another kid in the house to take care of LOL. I feel your pain!
  17. haha almost wet my pants laughing
  18. You'll love it! I was on another forum having all of these issues with my ego c leaking, atomizer wick problems, etc. I was ready to go back to analogs, then someone said to me "you gotta try the conqueror" I guess it's another name for what you ordered too and I love it. You will need a blunt needle though to fill your tank. Make sure you get one.
  19. yikes...I've never thought of this nor had any problems with mine.
  20. Thanks I saw your other post about using a clearomizer. I was using the ego c and loved the vape but hated the process, too much work. I love my clearomizer. I now keep 2 extras with me at all times.
  21. I am so glad to have found you all. I love vaping!
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