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Everything posted by vapinmamma

  1. Yes. I have one. It's awesome! The best lowest price is at corevape. They are the real deal from joyetech and the lowest insane price you will see$65.99 (a little more to buy it now but still cheapest you will find)
  2. I have a friend who tried my ego mini nivi vova and stardust ce4 clearomizer and she coughs as soon as it hits her lips. she's tried 11mg and even 6mg and coughs no matter what. She's tried not inhaling for a few seconds, vg base, more pg, and she coughs no matter what. She only smokes 6-8 cigs a day. Should we try 3mg nic? Which juice is best for soothing throat with little irritation. Thanks y'all!
  3. I would appreciate it..thanks!
  4. do you still use dekang? I am looking for a vendor who sells all VG ry4 dekang. Do you know of any. also, do you have a good DIY recipe with ry4 all VG?
  5. I shipped it out to you today. I hope it's better for you then me!
  6. I have some that look like this too http://vaporjoe.blogspot.com/2012/10/did-clone-rebuildable-1999.html
  7. yes. we ordered half that were already put together and half that have the complete kit with steel mesh and coil wires that you assemble.
  8. It looks like this one which I guess is a clone, but still willing to let someone try it if they want! http://www.ljesmokes.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=1414
  9. I am a newbie...sorry for offending! I thought it was called the DID atomizer genesis, but maybe it's the mini DID clone. I was not told it was a clone. The vendor just told me it was DID atomizer of high quality, huge vapor, no leak, no cracks. It's too big for my ego battery and I just don't like the heaviness of it. I let a friend try it. He loved it, but he's older and he can't see the screws. We both dropped them a few times. So, if it's a clone, he was blown away by the huge vapor too! I just think it's a difficult design. Anyhow, if someone on here wants to try it for free, and I even pay shipping, I will do it for one person. If you like it, you can tell your experience with it and see if it's worth the price or not. If not, and nobody wants them, I will ask for a refund.
  10. Thanks for trying, again, this one too does not allow the base nic to be mixed. I guess I am looking for a calculator for premixed juices.
  11. I couldn't download the breaktru and the other one didn't give a base mix of nic. Thanks for trying tho. appreciate it.
  12. Actually, we all like the mini nova the best. The DID are heavy, def a guy thing.
  13. I think you should go for it. Me and my co-workers have converted so many cig smokers to ecig users.
  14. Should say DID Genesis Atomizer :-)
  15. Anyone want them? I bought them in bulk to share with employees who were tired of the cracked ce4's but when we got them, they are too big and compliated for us girls. We all pitched in to buy them in bulk. we had 30 and tried 5 of them. The others are all packaged and sealed brand new. They give a huge hit, too much for us girls, and they are more for the guys IMO. Very high quality beast! If anyone uses them, let me know. I paid $11.00/pc Thanks!
  16. Okay, let's pretend that the strawberry isnt there and I have an unflavored nicotine base of 11mg 10pg/90vg and I want to add 3 flavors all of which I know the percentage I want of each. Is there a calculator that can help me with this?
  17. Hi Y'all I have a strawberry based nicotine bottle 120ml 90vg/10pg 11mg I now want to add 3 flavors to this base flavored mix. Does anyone know the formula for this or has a calculator that can help with flavored nicotine bases? In other words. I have this nicotine flavored base that is okay all by itself, but I want to add 3 more flavors. I don't see any calculators out there for this type of need. Anyone know how I can do this to get correct percents of other flavors I want added? Not good at math LOL Thank you for hellping a noob!
  18. I have a friend who is sensitive to PG and looking for dekang ry4 in VG. Has anyone tried this? Is it good?
  19. I read an article that one of the doctor's supporting negatives on ecigs has a connection with Chantix pharmaceuticals...just saying...it's all about the greed!
  20. So thankful you made it. Thanks for sharing. More people die from Aspirin overdose or Tylenol and they don't duct tape the bottles, so although I would say be super careful, anything that has potential to kill should be stored properly.
  21. I second that for Wizard Labs. Best service and prices and flavors are great!
  22. I agree. His name is John. I just ordered from him. New to DIY. He spent about an hour on the phone with me. I will gladly give him my business!
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