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    Baton Rouge, LA

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  1. Actually they say their batteries are regulated at 4.5 v! That's a high voltage for a stick. I've heard very good things about them.
  2. Well I ended up just buying 2 volt x2's and some pheonix bottom coil clearomizers. I just wanted to stay in the 808 family and 2 twists weren't really in the budget. I can deal with 3.6v regulated and change out resistance easily. My v2 I feel starts out too high of a voltage anyway, so I should be good. I prefer my vape to stay consistant more than anything else. I was really after a longer battery life and I'll save the twist or iTaste for gift time or something like that.
  3. And it's not just a matter of buying a $30 battery vs the $70 iTaste kit. With the twist I'd have to buy a charger, carto's to use with it and adapters to use my 808 stuff with it.
  4. Did you get one with the tank kit or the clearomizer kit? I just wish I had enough to get the iTaste kit and a second battery. The twist seems to be much more durable.
  5. So the twist is that much better?
  6. Did I read that you got yours for 20 bucks somewhere? Could you tell me where?
  7. Yeah. I just hate the idea of having only one battery that I use for personal time. Though it probably would never be a problem, I just don't like the idea. Not to mention the reputation of joye is supurb and I'm not sure about innokin's.
  8. I'm looking into getting either the twist 650 mah or the iTaste. The way I've configured things I'd spend about the same for the iTaste with one battery or the twist with 2 batteries. I won't be using these when I go to work, I'll still be using my 808 sticks there. Just too easy to mess up in my line of work. I'll end up spending a little more for the egos, but that's with 2 batteries. What advice could you give?
  9. Typically anything that ends with mizer has the atomizer built in. Typically.
  10. Here's my thing. You say you have 75-100 ml coming in and spent 100 bucks and that it is costly. I consider 1 ml of e juice to be about equal to a pack of cigs. So you just paid 100 bucks for 75-100 packs of smokes. That's cheap as hell compared to analogs.
  11. I stealth vape unless I know the people well. Just easier than the 1000 questions I'll get otherwise.
  12. As far as starting out, v2 has been great. I've tried juices from other vendors and the Sahara and vanilla can't be replicated elsewhere. I plan on getting some bigger batts, but I like their juice. The first thing I bought was an njoy and it was horrible. Medicine taste and almost gave up on vapeing. Then a friend had an extra victory package from the groupon deal they did. I tried it and some blu cigs before I invested in the v2 kit. Still love the v2. Just want a battery that last as long as the cart.
  13. I'm just looking for regulated so I can have consistency. Also want something that can handle dual coil carts.
  14. I think the one from smokeless image is the one I'm going to go with. Thanks all for your help.
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