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    Indianapolis, IN

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  1. Again, thank you all for the encouragement. I definitely am.thankful for the analogs I've avoided, sad to say of course, I have a nearly full pack of them sitting on my desk alongside my vape gear.. I'll be honest, I told myself when I bought this latest pack I'djust finish them off and put my best efforts into vaping from then on but I told myself the same thing a lot of times. I'll definitely take all advice and know I have some work to do to get there but will stay resilient. I'm awaiting the day I can only vape and be utterly content with that alone!
  2. @ danpio1217, 1st, thank you for the encouragement/advice. I do end up going out and getting a pack of cigarettes which I end up saving for when I'm with friends, drinking any kind of alcohol, or both. I will go through the pack in about four days this way. And come to think of it, getting a juice that tastes much closer to cigs/cigars sounds like a very good idea considering I'm using vaping things like caramel or raspberry. Thank you all for the comments. You're right, I probably want badly to quit but am simply not determined enough to do so. I remember occasions where a fight with my girlfriend or something else negative led to buying another pack..
  3. I've noticed so many users on here claim that they've been analog free for however many days, months or years. I wish to have a similar claim to make, but I have returned to analogs so many times since starting to vape regularly... Especially around my analog smoking friends. I can't put my finger on what it is that still draws me back. If anyone has struggled with this and overcome it, what did you do differently? Or, what gave you the ultimate motivation to stick to vaping in the end? I would absolutely love to only vape... Everything about it is better, health-wise and even psychologically, it is more pleasing, I can be more energetic, etc. So why do you think I break down and get a pack every now and then? I get the same urge to go buy a pack that I did before I vaped whenever I was out of cigs. Thanks for any and all tips/comments.
  4. I usually enjoy one for about a month and a half at a time, usually when I crack open a new one I notice a slight improvement in just about everything.
  5. Hello and welcome Haaris!
  6. Hey mse12, also regarding your statement about ego vision clearos working perfect in all regards - I should mention that I agree except if you're an idiot like me and blow into them while holding the button just to see vapor go out the airholes, you're bound to get leaking. It's very easy to clean up, though. I'm enjoying them quite a bit!
  7. I'm with jeffb, I get up in the morning and drink coffee after a nice big breakfast, then I enjoy a nice long vape until the coffee is gone. It's a wonderful buzz.
  8. Agreed, the guy goes on and on, even the hosts of the show seem to be bored out of their minds. For each main point he makes, it takes about 20 minutes to get across...
  9. Welcome to the forums, I haven't tried a whole lot of flavors, I'm currently using Ry-4 and a few different fruit flavors.. The shop I go to just got in coffee and red bull flavors and I'm excited to give those a try asap
  10. Indeed a very informative video. I believe I was most enlightened to see the comparison of level of nicotine in blood between smokers and vapers.
  11. Congratulations, I'm still battling analogs from time to time myself but i hope to kick them altogether as soon as possible! Welcome aboard
  12. Hello and welcome, congrats on kicking analogs!
  13. A lot of times I keep the same habits as I did when smoking analogs.. going outdoors (unless I'm at home), not in restaurants, stores, theaters, etc. During the hours I work it's a little harder, so I tend to stealth vape at my desk. I hold it in my lungs longer so the vapor is less impressive when it escapes.
  14. Very impressive, I still hope I never have a similar story to share!
  15. Welcome
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