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Everything posted by Heavy

  1. These are the ones that I use and they work GREAT!!!!!!!!! http://www.litecigusa.net/EgO_Vision_LR_transparent_Clear_o_mizer_p/egovisionlrclearomizer.htm
  2. Hello and welcome
  3. Has anyone used their xl cartos? I used to buy these and loved them, but unfortunately I can't get them now. http://ikenvape.com/ikv-mega-kr-808-cartomizer-std/ Are the ones from SI similar?
  4. Heavy

    Hi All

  5. Great news about the surgery!!!!!!!!!
  6. I buy these two and mix about 75% RY4 and 25% Amaretto........excellent flavor. http://www.mtbakervapor.com/amaretto-e-juice-baker-vapor-15ml/ http://www.mtbakervapor.com/ry4-e-juice-baker-vapor-15ml/
  7. I use these, same thing as the ones linked above (vaporking) but they fit the Echo 808 threaded batteries. I like them a lot!!!! http://www.smoktek.com/Vision-808-EchoVGO-Transparent-Clearomizer-25-Ohm_p_285.html
  8. Why not just use the "condom method" to fill? (google it)
  9. Congrats!!!!!!!
  10. Funny stuff bamsbbq!! :-)
  11. As far as 808's I find litecigusa has very good prices too.
  12. I agree with danpio about the batteries, juice, cartos, attys, tanks, all can be tried and replaced easily, but a good battery is a must.
  13. Since Blu mentioned Bobas I'm on my first bottle of it ever and it seems to me that it makes me have mucus kinda like the ciggys used to. Could it be because it is 100% VG? Every other juice I have used has been a 70/30 or 80/20 mix. The bobas tastes EXCELLENT to me but I don't know if its worth the extra phlegm.
  14. yeah, alot of people have. that forum sucks. (sorry I can't quote from this comp) I agree 100% about it sucking. Lotsa knowledgeable people, many, many members, most are very nice, but the admins are ***hol@s!!!!
  15. I hear ya, and agree with you, but I have yet to find a 1300 mAh battery in a manual configuration. You forgot about the IGO. whatever that is:)
  16. At that price I may have to get one too. Speaking of other forums, I got banned from a large ecig forum over something really stupid, but that's another story.
  17. On the smokeless image page they only have a 900 mAh available, again, too expensive.
  18. I have the same thing, not by Smokeless Image though, cheaper price. (I find SI prices outrageous) http://www.smoktek.c...nual_p_162.html But I still prefer the Echo 1300 mAh battery http://www.smoktek.c...ttery_p_77.html They last longer between charges.
  19. I wish I knew what they meant. The only one I figured out was LT.........Lavatube.............OK I know what a REO is and APV is advanced personal vaporizer????????
  20. I havent had any bad luck with the autos, of course I've only been vaping for about three months, so maybe time will tell. The Echo 1300 mah battery is very nice, but it's not made in a manual - yet. Hopefully it will be. I like it more than my eGo 900 mah manual battery - 808 threads - just because of length of time between charges.
  21. I just filled my only other clearomizer (echomizer) with cinnamon roll from Mtbakervapor (awesome flavor). I have read that the cinnamon flavors will crack them, but I'm giving it a shot. I will report on any cracking issues.
  22. Where did you see a LavaTube for $55? Is it the whole kit, or just the tube?
  23. I have both: Echo auto 1300 mAh and eGo 900 mAh (808 threads)manual and I like them both. I also have some of the "stick" style 808's as backups.
  24. Edit: I almost forgot....The Cure......Disintegration is one of my favorite all time albums.
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