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Everything posted by TommyG

  1. You know, I thought it was going to be unwieldy and crazy, but once I got over the fact that it's not pretty I kind of started loving it. I don't have large hands and use one hand to vape with it. It measures 7 5/8" X 4 7/8" X 1 3/4", made out of one of those X-acto kit's wooden boxes.
  2. Lol, I think I'm done playing around with mine, it's pretty much sitting where I want it to be, maybe not looks wise but I've come to terms with that. I've throught about making a nicer version of this, but my first attempt has a strange smell to it from the wood finishing. Maybe I'll give it another shot sometime, and paint it instead.
  3. Very cool, I mentioned it above I know, but I keep looking at all these cool VV mods like the Provari, Buzz Pro, Lavatube, the list goes on. I see a lot of them that arn't worth the money, and a handful that are, but the ones that are have a hefty price tag. I built a VV box mod, and have a Maxi Roughstack, and don't normally see a super difference in performance unless I'm reaching the high end of a carto's tolerance. So I keep talking myself out of all these VV mods, that and I don't use any IMR batteries, so if I did get something nice I'd have a battery or two, and a charger that were only good for one mod.
  4. New to these forums, not to vaping, just wanting to say hello. I've been vaping for about 4ish months, have settled in at 3.7 volts with a 1.5 dcc...I keep wanting to get a nice VV mod, but always stop myself with the big why? Currently own a Silver Bullet, Omega, Maxi Roughstack V2, and Madvapes VV box. I sometimes enjoy modding, and have built a 16350 pipe mod, ego pipe mod, and the fail box (my little claim to fame lol). I've recently been dabbling with DIY juice, really enjoying it (sorry suppliers), and it's looking more and more like I might be stricktly DIY in no time at all. Anyway, hello everyone.
  5. I had this up on ECF, but there recent problems have me looking around for a new forum to lurk on...so here I am, sharing my favorite creation, The Fail Box. Born from frustaration with plastic box mods, crappy soldering irons, and cramp spaces. This is really the first major upgraded version of the fail box. Little late where I am, probably put this all together better tomorrow lol. Uses two 18650 batteries in parallel for about 6000 mAH, holds ten cartomizers with drip tips (obviously lol), and the lower left side can also fit spare batteries or 10 ml bottles for extra juice.
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