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Everything posted by stubear62

  1. Well, I hope eerything turns out for the best as the Dr's know what they r doing. Even though we don't always agree. Good to hear she is fine and welcome her to the vaping world for me/us. Try to take a charger with ya to the Hospital room and charge the batts there, no? Keep us updated and as always, you both are in my prayers. GOD BLESS!!
  2. You looked better upside dowm, man. LOL I thought you where trying to tell us that you "flipped" for the VP-PT. Very nice Buford, very nice.
  3. WOW! All I can say is this info is outstanding! I didn't know that the percentages were that high for these questions. I know I have tried to quit a few times without success and finally did with the e-cig like most of these people. If the FDA ever gets their heads out of their asses and really studied things/reports like this they will know that its safe and WORKS to get people off analogs! Oh, wait... Thats right, their pockets are lined with big tobacco's money.
  4. This is an excellant find jm. Very informative and there is a lot to read.
  5. We're all glad to see you here. Welcome to the VT Forum and cograts on your purchases. Any questions you need help with, please do not hesitate to ask us. We would be happy to help in any way we can!
  6. You all have t check this out. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1925421 its great!
  7. Keenan, My best wishes for your wife. I know it can be hard but you looked on the bright side cause no one cared what you were doing. Maybe it was that there was no tobacco smell. Maybe they didn't know what to say. either way, VAPE on. Again, best wishes for your wife!
  8. The 3 LEDS are as follows The 3rd one is for the PCC it will be red when the PCC is on the cable that plugs into the USB and is to remind the user that the PCC is being charged. When it turns green, the PCC is fully charged and now can be carried with user. This LED light will go out when the mini USB plug is detached from USB and PCC, The 2nd LED light (middle) will be red if batt is inserted inside the PCC which will indicate that the PCC has insuficient power to charge the battery. The 1st (top) LED is red, this means that the battery placed into the PCC is being charged and when it goes out, the battery inside the case is fully charged. This LED light will blink as the batt is charging.
  9. What can I tell ya? Entenmanns is the best pumpkin pie in NY from a commercial company. I love that and sorry to say, its not the same here in SC from them. I don't know why, must be the water here.. LOL
  10. Green, Please send my CONDOLANCES to your friend. I know what its like to lose a family member. I will say a prayer tonight for his Dad and him and family.
  11. WTG Hurricane! I had gotten back from my therapist for my legs and the intern there is going to buy a 510. I was there vaping and she was very interested and even tried the VT Grape Soda I had. She loved the flavor, btw. One vapor at a time, I say.
  12. I didn't have that problem with this one. I really liked this and am saving the rest, I had half of the bottle already, for xmas.
  13. I find that on some flavors that I vape do leave a slight flavor behind. I usually put in 2 drops of plain VG and it will take off the taste. I do this 3 times a day. Also, after three days I am cleaning the atty. But b4 you put in the VG I blow any excess out onto a napkin. Hope this helps. Thanks Jeff. The COREL software didn't help. Figures the MicroSoft did.
  14. This is the review of Eggnog from Wordup-ecig.com in VG @36mg strength. Hope its good. I recommend this for the Holidays!
  15. This is a review of Wordupecig.com Pumpkin Pie. This is very good!
  16. Sweet! Works good Jeff!
  17. And anyways, PG is good for more flavor not vapor. You want to use the VG for more vapor and less flavor. Mix 50/50, PG/VG and get both worlds. If ya want PG, beat place to go is either Vet or Animal Feed Store.
  18. I heard they play Poker for the Spade and VT juice. Why do you think Chris has the store now?
  19. Funny, I thought he couldn't do it because of what the FDA said and the flight attendant wouldn't allow him to. The Government working HARD for us again.....NOT! Oops, nice trip! Glad you had a good time as we all (even though we can't afford to) need a vacation from our rutine days from work and home.
  20. Looks cool, but a bit much, no? I know he makes a lot of diff mods for himself, but... Now if he thought up something where you only have one threaded connector and can use all atty's on it without adaptors.. That would be asskicking.
  21. Chris, I don't see you doing the sales pitch here. Just stating a fact and you guys are the first ones to dedicate a unit (The Spade) for the 510 atty. Thats great! Hope you guys come up with more!
  22. OMG! You are sooooo lucky, man. Could have burned the whole building down if no one caught it. Glad that nobody got hurt and that you weren't fired. Safety is a virtue.
  23. Very good review there Snarky. The only thing you didn't mention was how to change the bottle. Unless I missed something, how would you? Where can ya get it? How much would that be?Will it work with all juice's? VG, PG, 50/50, Gourmet? Six months on the same atty is GREAT!
  24. What kind of liquid are you using? Are they just carts or bottle juice?
  25. Hey VapinCT, Just remember the 510 is a bit tricky. You do have to charge the batts for 8hrs when u 1st get them. And the chargers are funky too. When I had my 510 batts I was charging them for 3hrs min. They were always good for at least 2 to 4 hrs b4 having to charge. I had my first charger go green with in 45 minutes and the batt would only last for about 1/2 to one hr. I had to have the charger replaced and worked fine. Hope this helps.
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