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Everything posted by stubear62

  1. You know, it really wasn't that hard. I too am scared as hell to be in front of people. Ever since school, I would get so bad that I couldn't speak, I would start to sweat and quiver and stumble on what I needed to talk about. I was in a fast food restuarant and there weren't too many people @ the time. When I talked into the mic it was like talking into headphones while playing a video game. Trust me, if there were a lot of people I probably wouldn't have done it. Then again, when I was younger, I cared what others would think of me, now I just don't give a damn. I must of learned that from the service.
  2. That is GREAT! You can succeed and we are all here if you might fall. Best of luck and keep on vaping!!
  3. Jeff, Like I said b4 I was live. I even thought about and asked for my own records cause my wife would NEVER believe me. Nothing doing. It was live and no recording is being done. Live @ McD's it's VT Forum!! LOL
  4. The eGo's are not out for testing yet. They are to be released for review purposes by the beginning of the week to the end of the week. Yes, they should last for at least 4 to 8 hrs depending how much you vape. I have one on preorder and it is suppose to ship tomorrow or the 15th I belieive. I will use it for a week after my intial review of it and then do a follow up review.
  5. Thanks all. I really went there to talk to the DJ as I had found out he has cancer and to get a free t-shirt. Then I was going to leave but we got to talking and the next thing is I was live on the Radio talking about e-cigs. I will tell you that it felt great to talk about it and I wasn't even shy. I feel so good about that.
  6. Did you try www.specialtybottle.com/default.asp or you can go to www.usplastic.com/catalog/default.asp
  7. Well, I had a very adventurous day today. I had to go to the PO and mail a pkg to a fellow member here, as I was getting out of my car I heard the DJ from a station here that they were at McD's which is just down the raod. I went there to talk to him and I got to be on the Radio (I didn't even ask to be) So the DJ asked me questions about the e-cig and people inside McD's were very interested to know more. I got to give / get FREE RADIO advertising for the VT Forum and the VT Store. I had also mentioned the VP's Spade and Christopher and how he had started VTF with Sean. I had talked about a few supplirs from here, like Arno from Awesomevapor.com and Jeff from Wordup-ecig.com and Mark from Innovapor. Hell, I even mentioned Chris and Ashley that they are going to be parents soon of a Baby girl! It was so great to be able to do that. I even talked to the intern there with the DJ as he was writing down all the sites, the 510, and anything else to do with him starting. I had customers in there asking to. Felt like I was on the Radio for like 10 minutes when in fact it was only 3 or so minutes. Now thats what I call FREE RADIO Advertising to get the word out about this forum, store and e-cigs. Hell, I didn't get out of the McD's until1pm and I got there @ 11:40am. Didn't even eat anything either, I was so busy talking about the e-cigs. I hope it works out for us, as I know I was heard by thousands! What a great day this has been so far!!!
  8. WTG keenan! My hats off to you bud!
  9. @ Chris, I will say that yes, when they die, chuck them in the garbage, but I had just 1 510 until I bought more and that 1 atty is still going strong. I clean them in boiling water every 3 days. Works like new every time. I understand everyone is diff as for how they use their atty's and I am no diff. I just use care when cleaning and all. I still have that 1 (even after the crap that happened to me) and its still like new. (except for the black which is scraping off due to me using tweezers). Plus for the $ you have to dish out on them, if you can make them last as long as you can, do it. Just MHO here.
  10. Hi fatalis. No mega battery fits in the PCC. I have heard that they are suppose to make one for the mega battery, but its what I heard. I don't know the truth in it. As for the 510, many sites sell 510's. If you are talking about a "spacific" 510, which is it? Did you look on the TW site?
  11. Hi Chris, Just a note to let you know I love the Midnight and I will be placing a new order tomorrow for MORE liquid and maybe the Spade. I just ordered the eGo. I will review it after I get it. Keep up the good work on the juice and you better start to get new flavors which I'm sure will be very good too. Just can't wait. It Christmas time in SC for the next 2 weeks (all for meeeeeeeeeeee!!!!) LOL
  12. No problem Steve. Just remember, try to get it the way you like it. ie the amount of liquid in the cart. I do 5 to 10 drops depending on the mixture. Yes it might mean I have to refill a bit more, but I don't get juice in the mouth and the flavor and vapor is just awesome for me.
  13. I have the PTB in all my carts. I have just recieved new carts yesterday and replaced the filler with the PTB. All you have to do is wash in warm water and pat dry. They also do not hold any flavors like the filler does with certain liquids. I have one cart that is my very first PTB and it still is going strong. Ialso had to throw one out due to I let it get too dry and burned it very slightly (yes, nylon melts if too dry). I have tried all the other mods and this is my mod I always use. I don't use anything else. Guess you can say I have it down pat.
  14. Anyone ever order the e-dobity and get it from Sticker to it web site? I ordered 3 like 3+ weeks ago and its still processing. Was told it will ship (yesterday) but hasn't yet. Anyone have problems from this merchant?
  15. Very nice setup Chris. Cn, TY for the warning as I had this in view and was about to do a warning.LOL I got beat to it.. But, yes, not only a phishing to lead to another web site but my antivirus detected a worm too. Hmmm, trying to get addy's from my email huh? Well BANG! Your dead worm! LOL
  16. I did. I got my very first 510 (and only) from Terri there. She knows me very well as I talk to her regulary. If you do order from there, in the comments section, tell her Stu said Hi. Very good CS there.
  17. Yes, PLEASE do NOT use any chemicals as you use the atty to HEAT up a liquid and INHALE it. NOT a good idea for the cleaner, JUST use hot water.
  18. I never heard of him. Also 105mg is high and should NOT be sold to people unless they know what they are doing and can take the neccesary protocol in using it.
  19. Not only did you set the salesman straight, but got 2 e-cigs too. Bwahahahaha, way to go!
  20. Glad to hear everything and everyone is alright. Material things can be replaced, NOT humans. Sure it was a bit dramatic for all, and not to worry, we understand the use of an analog. But remember, we are here for you and again, glad no one was hurt!
  21. Hi Axiom, I think the Blu is a good e-cig to start with. BUT -I do not think it will be the way to go as they are still 4 to 6 weeks out on delivery. Thats right, I s4 to 6 weeks. A long time to spend your hard earned money and when you would get them. I believe you would be better off to go to one of the suppliers on this Forum and ask Questions First. Try Arno, I know him and he will let you know the best way to go and his prices are good. His web site is www.awesomevapor.com. He is honest and fair, or you can try www.wordup-ecig.com and talk to Jeff, same for him, honest and fair prices. I don't want you to spend $ and have to wait. I am NOT knocking Blu, Just the time between the $ spent and when you get them might not give you the proper idea of vaping. By the way, Hi and welcome to the VT Forum! So, b4 you buy from Blu, check these two out.
  22. ROFLMFFAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am just crying from laughing so hard !!!
  23. I'm still laughing my arse off.
  24. Brian, I just put in the video section a video on how to clean the cart on the 510 after you get juice in the mouth. Just as I didn't know about it either, I found out by accident. Check it out when it gets published. (its an old one and out of sync, sry.)
  25. Okay, this I did so everyone will know how to clean the 510 cart after getting juice in the mouth.
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