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Everything posted by stubear62

  1. Hey all, Just wanted to let you know I have a contest starting on Monday, January the 4th, 2010. Watch for the video on it @ TheStubear on youtube. This will be a scrambled word game and there will be 3 winners and if enough people get these right, I might have 5 winners in all. Remember to check out my video on the contest on youtube @ TheStubear62 and good luck!!
  2. Congrats and good luck on your new adventure LordVapor!
  3. Hey Wright, My wife started on the 808 on xmas day and hasn't touched an analog since. That to me is very good as she ragged me for doing this. I got her almost all the cartomisers fron V4L and there isn't one she doesn't like. She love's them all. Even the empty ones I filled with Chris' liquid. The grape soda and the tobacco and dulcis. We both like the colada very much, but what surprised me was she took my tobacco from Chris and won't give it back. Now I had to buy more, and she smoked menthol for over 30yrs. She won't touch the menthol I got her though. hahaha..Damn woman...
  4. go to your profile and paste into your signature box area.
  5. She is buying me the spade but I will lay the $ out Thursday and she will give it back the following week. The chuck was way too akward for her and she has coporal tunnel and she held it for 30seconds and almost dropped the lil chuck. I have too many Dr bills piling up due to my back and disability. I am down to only 3 bills now, damn back. If I can get my wife switched, anyone should be able to get thiers switched. My wife is so skeptical.... If I can get her to do anything that normally I cannot, then I have done something so right, it scares me.
  6. Yes she does and I have shown her the forum and VT Store. I get my Spade because of that.. hehehe. Maybe I will get the entire collection if I can and give her the menthol and colada. I have a third left on the colada its so damn good. She took most of it and the tobacco is all gone. She took the whole bottle! I need more. LOL
  7. As of 12/25/2009 @ 8:30am, my wife was switched over to vaping and has NOT touched an analog since. It took me 2 1/2 months to get it done, but I have succeeded and she is in love with her KR808D-1 and will NEVER look back @ analogs again. Now she is trying to get her fellow workers to switch. Its working too. I want to thank Vapor 4 Life for thier cartomisers and Health Cabin for thier low prices (saved me $75) which bought me liquid for myself and her. Oh, also thanks to Christopher for the Dulcis and Grape Soda and Tobacco which she took from me and likes very, very much. Now I need to get more. sheesh.
  8. Yes, Green. That is a bit deep for the wallet. But I am saving for the Spade and nothing against the GG products, but even @ $144, its too tight for me. Yes, they are built very well and Imeo is a great guy, but right now, I would need to wait. Hopefully by my B'day I can afford one if they are still around. I thought I was going to stop by xmas, but not happening with the personal things going on in my life right now. "I shall overcome the whispers of the dark, evil, analogs calling for me in the night."
  9. stubear62


    Hey Brian, I too have gotten my wife the KR808D-1, but the batts are from Health Cabin and the cartomisers are all from V4L. She has no problem at all. The first batt lasted her 5 hrs and she was on her first carto. I got her 12 diff flavors and mad another 16 empty carto's using Christopher's Liquid. She is happy with it and even though she cough's, thats only cause of her smoking menthol analogs then going to the non-menthol carto's. Lots of vapor but not like the 510 or anything else. Yes, its a learning curve and is much diff than the 510. You need to go even slower with the carto's from V4L when inhaling. Try the empty ones and fill them yourself. Let sit for 6 hrs then try one out. Or just do one and try it, if it works better, its the way to go. V4L has good carto's and my wife is VERY happy with the flavors I got 4 her.
  10. That was VERY nice keenan. TY! MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your Family too!
  11. Just want to wish everyone here a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May you all get the gifts you asked for from Santa and please be SAFE and WELL! Will see everyone here next year!
  12. This has a nice taste and I highly recommend this for all. Its in VG and is from www.wordupecig.com . Jeffery sent this to me for the Review.
  13. This is Cherry in VG and is 18mg. Not much in smell or taste but a lot of vapor. This is from www.wordupecig.com.
  14. Hey guys and gals! Check out the eCigar from Jeffery @www.wordupecig.com. Not bad if I say so myselk. Very nice flavor.
  15. I got mine comming too. Hmmm, I wonder if it will be here thursday or Sat?
  16. Very nice T-Tips. Gotta get one of each.
  17. I had passed this up everytime I got some Liquid from the VT Store. Well, I recieved this and I am just BLOWN away with the flavor. I now believe that ALL the Liquid in the VT Store are with-in a catagory of their own!
  18. To me, in MHO, has a MUCH better flavor than the RY4 and NO after taste at all. Ver smooth, Highly recommended!
  19. This is a review on the Midnight from Vapor Talk Store. This has a very unique flavor!
  20. They didn't let you know? Thats not right. I only knew cause I went to see if I maybe won, then saw your name and was floored to see you win it. Congrats and best of luck with it. I am waiting on mine to get delivered since I pre-ordered mine. I too will do a review. I know Green won one also, (that lucky brat. LOL) and I am sure he will do a review. I cannot believe the luck from this forum, two winners. WOW! Good job guys!!!
  21. Nice find jm. Also congrats on the eGo you brat. LOL Anyways, its a nice gift to yourself on winning the eGo. Put it to good use bro!
  22. I didn't know where to put this exactly, but here is some GREAT news for one of our OWN forum members,,, CONGRATULATIONS TO JMHESTER FOR WINNING AN eGo FROM Janty! Way to go JM!! Congrats Bro!!!!!!!!!! Let us ALL know how you like your early Christmas gift from Janty!!!!
  23. I will say this, I have spent in the last 2 weeks, a total of $1,274.05 Thats just in the last 2 weeks. Since I started in the end of Sept, beginning of Oct I have spent $2,365.39 I don't think I am done yet either.
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