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Everything posted by danpio1217

  1. danpio1217


    Lemme know how the cable goes Uma! I saw that about the Mesh store, probably a good idea to split up their vape stuff from the other stuff. I ordered several sheets of their mesh so i'm set for quite awhile lol
  2. danpio1217


    Haven't tried one of these yet but i'm sure i'll pick one up at some point. My AGA-T has been sufficing quite well as my evening vape, and my 2nd wick/3rd coil setup has been lasting me for quite awhile now.
  3. The price for these is through the roof, too bad i really would've liked to add it to my collection for a nice stealth vape. $50-60 per battery, $7 per carto. Starter kit is like $100 and i don't even think it comes with 2 batteries. what a joke.
  4. I've found the Protank to be pretty similar to the other Kanger products i've tried, which is 1 or 2 decent vapes then dry dry scratchy scratchy hits. They also do not fair well at all over 7 watts, which IMO is where most seasoned vapers vape. Removing the top wick worked great, throat hit and flavor immediately skyrocketed, and wicking issues disappeared, however it seems to be leaking badly every so often, seemingly when my tank gets low on juice. Any suggestions/thoughts? I'm 95% sure i only removed one wick, but i could be wrong. Guess i'll just have to swap heads and try again. I need to spend more time with these but once that top wick is removed it's really performing impressively.
  5. You're not alone the billet box has a lot of non-box modders doing a double take. It's a pricey device, but when i compare it to other custom mods, or some of the new DNA20 box mods out there, it's an absolute steal, and i love the design of the tank being inside the box. Once he opens shop extra tanks will available as well, and eventually a rebuildable tank option. This puppy is gonna be my go-to out and about/at work device. Is it June yet?!?!?
  6. you will F-ing LOVE this. It's called the Billet Box. I was lucky enough to get in on the 2nd round of pre-orders and i will have mine by mid June. http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/modder-accessories-supplier-forum/357383-billet-box.html Can't wait. HUGE tank system designed into body of the device. It's compact and stealth, yet plenty of power and juice capacity to last. This will likely be my work device. And she's soooo purty. This is my first "high end" custom mod, so excited. If you like box mods, i highly suggest you check them out. He should be opening full-scale production on them in June-ish. Keep an eye on this thread for more info. He's also got a rebuildable tank option in the works, and he's mentioned making a vivi nova head compatible version.
  7. danpio1217

    New to RBA's?

    Awesome, will have to try that out on my next wick. Suprisingly tho, my 2nd wick and coil has been holding up beautifully. With a bit of tilting it's been able to wick up every last drop of juice in the tank and i've had nary a dry hit. Hope i still remember how to rebuild it by the time it finally craps out on me
  8. danpio1217

    New to RBA's?

    Interesting tip Rixter, do you leave the paperclip during oxidation and priming with juice as well?
  9. Haha glad to hear it. Glad we both made it. I'm sure we'll be tipping our hats to each other again another year from now.
  10. Thanks all, doubt i'd have made it this far without gool 'ol vapor talk
  11. A Vivi Nova tank or a CE4 style clearomizer should treat you pretty well. It will work with your existing ego batteries. A dry burn is just any time you fire a attomizer with no eliquid in it. This generally a VERY BAD idea as if the wicking material burns it will taste terrible and there's really no way to get rid of that taste. Usually, the only time people suggest you dry burn is if you're cleaning out your clearomizer with water, dry burning can evaporate the water as sorta of faster dry method. I just squeeze a paper towel over the wick and let any leftover water work it's way out as i vape it.
  12. danpio1217

    New to RBA's?

    Thanks much Uma
  13. As the subject states, which do you prefer and why? After having spent some time with the iClear recently i gotta say i prefer the Vivi Nova vape experience, however the iClear seems a bit more durable. The rubber cap on my vivi nova heads always seems to get compromised and i end up getting some leaking out of the top when set sideways. All in all tho i still prefer the Vivi Nova, not getting a great vape out of the iClear's. How bout you? Ready....go!
  14. The benefit of using VW over VV is you can set it and forget it. In variable voltage if you have a 2.2 ohm carto, you have to set the voltage to where you like it. Then, say you put a 2.8 ohm Vivi Nova on, you have to adjust the voltage to get that same vape experience. Variable Wattage lets you find the wattage setting you like, then when you put a different device on it, it will automatically adjust the voltage to provide the same vape experience. So whether you have a 2.2ohm carto, a 2.8 vivi nova, a 3.0 carto, or a 1.5 dual coil, the vape experience will be relatively the same. In short: Variable voltage: adjust voltage everytime you chance your atty Variable wattage: set it and forget it
  15. As my signature block indicates, today is my one year vaperversary!! Thank you vapor talk and all its members for providing the support, information, and resources to keep me off analogs. Vaping truly is a wonderful thing, and i look forward to watching it grow in the future. Rixter, i know you switched around the same time i did, so a belated happy vaperversary to you too!
  16. danpio1217

    New to RBA's?

    My 2nd wick and coil on the AGA-T is much much better. I really just took my time wrapping the wick and made sure it didn't get bent or messed up too much. I also cut it down the center to fan it out a bit on the end that sits in the juice. Where my first wick had no visible center hole, this one has a clear round center vein for the juice to travel through. Also instead of putting just a bit of juice on it to burn off after oxidation, i put as much as possible without it dripping off. I could visually see the difference in how quickly it absorbed it after the first burn. With everything all setup im happily vaping away on another 1.7 ohm coil. Still want to get the wick hole drilled out but for now its workin well. Thanks for all your help Uma!! You're a rockstar
  17. danpio1217

    New to RBA's?

    I've really been enjoying my IGO-L. It was a bit frustrating at first but once you find the right combination and postioning of the wicks it really shines. I think the key is keeping the wicks nice and short, but still have them dipping into the 'pool' of juice at the bottom, and keeping the coil as close to the posts as possible without them touching. I've been using 2 wicks, with about 4 wraps
  18. danpio1217

    New to RBA's?

    Cool, this is definitely gonna help my 2nd wick. I think i'll use the syringe needle method you suggested in order to ensure I have a good center hole. So many good suggestions here, I'm confident the vape will only get better. Once i vape thru my tank of Cinnamon Danish Swirl i think i'll go ahead and build wick & coil #2. I'll keep you posted
  19. danpio1217

    New to RBA's?

    As always thanks for all the tips and info! I think you hit the nail on the head on a few spots. I think my wick is too tight in the wick hole, even tho it's a small wick and even tho i trimmed it even smaller, that wick hole is very small and the wick was sitting pretty tight in it. Being my first wick, i think it was a bit bent from my needle nose plyers when i oxidized it and seasoned it. The way I rolled it, i think the center was a bit "smooshed" I'll try out some of your tips & tricks on the next one. Quick question: I see a lot of genny's where the wick is sort of pulled toward the center post to minimize the amount of wire spanning from the top coil to the center post. Is that a good idea? I tried that, but i feel like it might have contributed to my wire being wrapped too tight. Any thoughts? Thanks again!
  20. danpio1217

    New to RBA's?

    Thanks for the vid Uma, some interesting stuff in there. Might try it out eventually but i'll stick with one material at a time for now I got my AGA yesterday, gave it a nice long soak in vodka, rinsed it out and let it dry, then had my first go at building a wick and coil. I had a pretty difficult time rolling the wick down to a size that I could fit into the wick hole, so i'm gonna see if i can get my brother to drill that out for me. And it was a pretty small peice of mesh, plus i had to trim the edge to get it to fit, so it was def. a thin wick. After following all the steps for the wick i put everything together, did 4 wraps (i found it suprisingly easy to mount the wires, that was the part i was worried about ) and started testing my coils. I had a hell of a time getting them all to fire, but after 20-30 minutes of playing with them, i finally got all 4 to glow nicely. The coil came out to 1.7 ohms, i was using 32 guage kanthal. Filled 'er up, added some drops directly on the coil and started vaping. First couple hits were pretty nice, but it didn't take long until i got a pretty dry hit. I'm thinking my newb experience along with an extremely thin wick are slowing the wicking. I'll keep playing around with it and see if it starts to pick up at all, but i might just try another wick, although im not sure what all i would change. All in all tho, my 1st try took about an hour and most importantly, it worked lol
  21. danpio1217

    New to RBA's?

    LOL thank you! Practicing on the IGO-L has made me feel much more confident on wrapping and mounting the coil, which all along has seemed like the most intimidating part. From here all i *think* all i need to worry about is building the perfect wick. Whether infuriated or ecstatic, i'm sure you'll be hearing from me on this topic again soon
  22. danpio1217

    New to RBA's?

    I got the 400. Then i thought to myself. Wait a second.... am i really going to be able to stand having all the materials to build a genesis attomizer... but not have a genesis attomizer? The answer is no. Just bought an AGA-T2 lmao. Maybe i'll ask for a DID for my birthday in July
  23. danpio1217

    New to RBA's?

    Thank you SO MUCH! You did answer all my questions. I already bought a 100ft. roll of kanthal A1 32 off ebay bought it just this morning. Also bought a butane crem-bru-le (or however you spell that) torch yesterday. I figured i should go ahead and get a nice sized sheet of the mesh because i want to play around with using both the mesh and kanthal in my IGO-L until i finally decide and pull the trigger on a genny. That way i'll be all stocked up for it's arrival. I'll grab the same one you got, i trust your decision making lol. The website you provided seems to be by far the most bang for the buck. So far i'm using nichrome and silicka in my IGO-L, and it's working pretty well, but it gunks up fast and starts to perform pretty poorly. I'd like to play around with the different materials a bit and see if that changes it. Thanks so much again and i'll keep an eye out for the video!
  24. Don't think there's a clear-cut benefit, some people just like the flavor/draw of one over the other. Personally i like clearos better for bakery and some sweeter tobacco flavors, and carto tanks better for fruity & non-sweet tobacco flavors. Landion i usually go with 50/50 or 75PG/25VG either will give a good TH and vapor.
  25. danpio1217

    New to RBA's?

    Also... checked out the site for mesh you posted. Do you get 30 or 25 micron, and A3 or A4 type. Ugh my head is starting to spin lol
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