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About Crusylicious

  • Birthday 12/18/1983

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  • Location
    Newnan, Georgia

Crusylicious's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I kept expecting to see my dad in there, lmao.
  2. Yeah, lets do this! My pants are off and I'm ready to go! lol
  3. They always cancel the best shows. Dead like me Heroes Unknown Persons Sons of Tuscon Legend of the Seeker Merlin etc... The list goes on and on.
  4. Well thank you Kitsune, and I love the username btw I have nothing to offer in the PIF thread right now, but when I do I hope to contribute alot there.
  5. Since it blinks I'm not quite sure what is wrong, but I do know that when some li-ion batteries -completely- die they wont take a charge anymore.
  6. Alot of people have vaped without hassle in airplanes, but if you do get asked to put it away, -DON'T- fight it, just put it away.
  7. Here is my story. My fiance left me recently after being together for 5 years. I currently live in a small poolhouse with my best friend and I have no job (trying to get one, but as we all know, times are tough). I am lucky enough to have won a vmod xl 2.0, but not a full kit. So I am desperate to get some 18650 batteries, a charger, and possibly just a little e-juice. In 2-3 weeks I should be able to get help from my brother for some juice and cartos, but thats all he can do in the short term. For the moment, I still have 1 working flugo battery and enough juice for around a week, but I don't trust the battery to last long as it already gets pretty weak pretty quick. I don't expect help, but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask.
  8. I see tanks are a bit pricier than normal cartomizers, so I was wondering how long tanks last?
  9. Hey all, I live in Newnan. Never been to any kind of vape meet yet.
  10. Hello, just joined here today and wanted to say hi. I currently smoke analogs and vape on a flugo. I had stopped smoking for 2 1/2 days, but then my second battery broke, so currently struggling to either get a replacement or a nice ego kit. Favorite juices so far are: Butter rum, clove, spearmint, vanilla, and menthol.
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