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Everything posted by mse12

  1. I personally would not recommend vaportekusa to anyone. But that's just me. Finding a one stop shop is almost a pipe dream unless you don't care about prices.
  2. Well I bought him a 1300mah vision spinner and the vapeonly bcc mini. I also picked him up a 10 pack 3ml sampler from tvr. Let's hope he will make an attempt to stick with it. Only time will tell.
  3. Yes, thank you! Me too. I love the guy but he's just stubborn as a mule. I really think the doc scared him this last time so maybe he'll truly give it a go. I gave him a blu starter kit forever ago and he used it until the cartos ran out and never touched it again...I guess you can't deny the simplicity of buying a pack and lighting up. Doesn't get much easier, or deadly.
  4. I simply can't use the spinners due to cutoff time. My wife has a purple one that works great but it just doesn't fit my style of vaping I guess. Just a word to the wise my mechanical mod won't cutoff unless my coil pops or battery destructs....hehe so far I've not had either of those happen! lol
  5. So I've been vaping for quite awhile. I personally use a mechanical mod with an rda as my daily driver. My father-in-law has been smoking the stinkies for a little over 30 years and his last report from the doc said his COPD is getting worse. We've attempted to convert him many times to ecigs but he is hardwired old school and doesn't have the desire or patience for any "crack-pipe" as he calls them. Well that was until the bad report he received about a week ago. I want to provide his initial setup for him. I plan on getting a couple vision spinners but I don't know what is good these days as far as clearos etc. I know he won't have the patience for cartos just yet so that'll wait. I literally think he needs the most simple fill and go possible that will give him a decent vape. The last clearo I used personally was a Kanger T3 and I was not impressed. I've used vivi's with varying levels of success. My wife loves the iclear30 but I don't think he'll go for the size of it or the swivel tip. So basically I'm looking for something that will be used on an ego style battery that is super simple to fill and works decently. I know that's probably asking a lot but lets see what suggestions you guys have. Thanks in advance and I admit I feel kinda silly asking this considering I'm far from being new. I just haven't used a simple setup in over a year...lol. Thanks! Happy vaping! -mse12
  6. Try vaping and drinking a monster energy drink when you get up...make sure you're not far from the porcelain throne.
  7. The condom method is simply the most straightforward way to fill a carto. I take both condoms off, remove the top plug. Fill the larger condom about 85% full. I insert the threaded end into the condom full of juice. I hold my finger over the top and push down all the way. I usually let this sit for about 3-5 minutes. I take the condom off and fill about halfway. I flip the carto over and insert the top into the condom. I let it sit again for a few min. I pull it off, blow out the center, wipe it down and there ya go. Should take less than 10 minutes, probably 5 if you're in a hurry. Never fails.
  8. Welcome. At least you only paid $70. I bought my first kit back in 2010 and paid in the $120 range...that was two batteries, the pcc, and like 10 prefilled cartos...
  9. Long battery life depends on you. If you chain vape long life is much different than the causal user. I use a bombshell stinger which takes a 3k-4k mah battery. That lasts me about two days. If I use a kick it last roughly one day. I see tons of ppl talk about ego style batteries lasting all day so obviously everyone vapes differently. Good luck.
  10. Welcome to VT!
  11. Welcome to VT!
  12. Welcome.
  13. Welcome aboard!
  14. Welcome to VT!
  15. Taste is so subjective it's hard to really say any juice is definitively good or bad. Just my 2c.
  16. only when I do the Harlem shake...but no seriously, it probably shakes the whole house when I do. Hahaha, I'm an idiot, please don't judge. I've been awake for too many hours in a row.
  17. Typically one...two if I'm feeling adventurous.
  18. gingers ry4, tvr ry4, my own menthol, my own blueberry (mixed with said menthol)....yep.
  19. Quitting is for suckers...lol I may loose interest but not with the job I currently have.
  20. Congrats. We just had another in March. Good luck with the pregnancy. We'll keep you up to date with all the latest and greatest!
  21. Nobody here is qualified to give medical advice. My point of view is that even if there are unseen side effects, I'm sure it would be no worse than almost two packs a day. That does not mean they are safe but considering the alternative I'll take my chances.
  22. mse12


    Long time no see. Life has been a little chaotic these last few months. Between work and a new baby I've been going 10 different directions at all times. I've posted very few times since mid Feb. I apologize and hope to be back to the normal now...maybe. Anyway, I picked up the RSST about a month and a half ago. Works well, looks great. I'm not a fan of the spring. I've been loving it overall though. To me it looks a lot better than my aga-t2. It also isn't as heavy which is a plus. Definitely get it Uma. You should easily enjoy it. I'm still on my first coil. I don't even remember the ohms it's been so long lol. 10watts on my stinger works like a champ. Glad to be back! Happy vaping. Oh btw, hit my one year on Mar 15...lol pretty wild.
  23. Are you getting just a nic base or like a whole premixed ready to add flavor deal? I buy my nic base in full pg at 100mg/ml. I then cut it down to about 6mg in my final mix which is typically 50/50 pg/vg.
  24. I still think you are all looking at this wrong...lol I may have to but a super cheap pack of the nasties to see how many fit...lol:lol:
  25. I wish I could say the same...I got all excited to hear these could potentially be better than the vivi nova's...nope. Lol I used mine for about 3 days before it tasted like burnt death. No good, vivi's suck so I'm not entirely sure why I wasted the $13 to try these.
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