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    My wife and family, vaping, making money..

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. HAH! I'd like to see your 'write up' on yourself... That's like giving yourself a pink slip.... lmao Anyways, thanks for the correction Bro. k
  2. Oh, He is no doubt an upright man of good moral character... /G LOL. He knows what I mean...
  3. No prob Chris, I just wasn't in tune with the concept... Anyways, I ordered 3 30ml Dulcis juices and got hit with $5.99 shipping today... I decided to eat the cost since it is my favorite vape
  4. Oh, ok... Thought it was supposed to be basically an all inclusive type of thing... Well did Chris stop free shipping?
  5. So, I always get my liquid from VT and have enjoyed the free shipping for many years.... Anyways, I get my normal VT juice in my cart and decide that I want to try a flavor from a different vendor and I toss that one in the cart as well and go to check out. Well, for some reason, I'm getting hit with tax (never had that happen before) and after that, I have 2 shipping charges of $5.99, one for each vendor! $12 total? No bueno at all.... Is there nothing that can be done to mitigate these costs? I gotta tell you, I was excited when The Marketplace was getting put together but now, it seems as if it will hamper sales since I, for one, am not going to pay two seperate shipping costs when I 'm checking out in the same transaction and they're going to the same address.
  6. Well, I didn't want to make it too obvious but you know what I meant... LOL Well, I'm glad to help a brother out. I was watching one of your vids and saw the ring but wasn't sure if I was seeing straight... then I went and stalked your Facebook page and right there on the Tux was the golden lapel pin...
  7. It's a fraternal brotherhood
  8. Wow, I didn't know you were a brother of the mysteries as I am!
  9. Well hell yes really! I wouldn't fib about that... LOL
  10. The ones I got from the VT Store allow the top to come off with ease. It is just made of soft rubber and you won't mess anything up. Hell, after the first time of filling them up, I can now use my fingernail to get the tip off to fill...
  11. Well, if you have the funds, I would just buy a plug in unit... the VPPT would do it for sure... definitely reliable and makes those atty's sweat! LOL
  12. What atty do you use normally?
  13. So what you are saying is that you don't want to see pictures of me doing it, you'd rather see video? LOL
  14. That dude can blow some rings! I'm going to try the part where he says to make your mouth tight like a dogs "ace"! LMAO P.S. ACE is the other word for donkey. I can't believe it edited my word.. LOL
  15. Just a warning to everyone, a FFF (Friendly Fun Fact), if you guys keep on complimenting Chris and the VT Store, you are going to have to grease his head so he can get through the door! LOL Superior Service Indeed!
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